Meeting Place

They arrrive at a boat dock off the coast of Maine. They plan to head to Egypt or thereabouts. Not long after Ash and her father arrive Michael and the boys follow suit. Although not quite as gracefully as Daniel did a somersault on the ground after landing and bumped his head on the dock poles. There was a cruise ship splayed out in the water in front of them. 2 stories with the name Ultimania on the side. Alluding that it was a rock themed cruise ship. It may be a good disguise, Ashilynn thinks.

They board one by one and greet the captain. Yet another ally Angel in the War. His name is Calvin and he has dark hair, dark brown eyes, about 6 foot five, with muscles bulging from his shirt. Gabriel greets him with a handshake and then off to their rooms they go. 1 by one Gabriel opens doors flooded with ornate furnishings and offers them up to each of his Family and friends. Jace chooses a black red style room with a golden chandelier in the dining room and Black hanging canopy bed.