The Talk

"Jace sweetie… We need to talk."

Those words no man or woman ever wants to hear. His heart races and his palms become sweaty. He looks down at the floor and then back up at her. Collecting his thoughts as he does so.

"So talk." He knows it's foolish to say. She could break him right now. He loves her. as strange as that may sound. But she needs to talk so he will listen.

"I guess I will start from the beginning so please bear with me? I am going to drop a huge bomb on you all at once. Don't talk, just listen. You can ask questions once I'm done. "

He nods. The lump in his throat gets bigger as he does so.

What if she is already married? What if she has a child already? What if it's both of those. No! Don't think like that. Listen.

Ashilynn takes a deep breath and stands up. She starts pacing and after a moment, she starts the story with a far away gaze