
It's been a week now and there's been no sign of Ashilynn. The group has flown over all of Egypt, Africa, Russia, China, and the UK in hopes of finding her but to no avail.

After searching for a week with no luck they all settle in to try and sleep. Though this too has been illusive for those close to the prophesied woman.

A black crow lands on the ship's railing and squawks twice alerting Gabriel that something is here. He takes the steps 3 at a time and makes it upstairs in record time.

The crow drops a sealed envelope on the ground and takes off. Gabriel picks it up and opens it in haste. The look of terror in his eyes as he reads the wedding invitation turns to rage when he sees the date listed. Friday, this Friday! Those sick bastards. That's her mom's birthday too. She's going to be devastated if we don't make it on time.