Dyrroth couldn't stop crying because of what happened to his sister. He seems to regret everything he did. Miya, on the other hand, is treating the wounds that the Lightborns received in the fight.
Miya: It's terrible, when everything was supposed to be alright then they separated from his sister again, poor Dyrroth. I hope nothing bad happened to Princess Silvanna.
Tigreal: Don't worry, because I'm sure Princess Silvanna is fine. The chasm he had sensed led to the bottom of the Barren Lands.
Miya: Barren Lands? Isn't that where the likes of Alice and Balmond live. Maybe what happened to Princess Silvanna...
Tigreal: Maybe yes and maybe no. If Princess Silvanna had fallen into the Askati Forest, she might still be alive. But... if Princess Silvanna had fallen to any place in the Barren Lands other than the Askati Forest, she might be gone by now.
Princess Silvanna wakes up in an unfamiliar house. She saw a woman cooking food. The woman introduced herself to Princess Silvanna. The girl's name is Pharsa. Pharsa narrated everything that happened why she was in Pharsa's home. Pharsa and her lover Verri found Silvanna by the river, wounded and unconscious. That's why Pharsa asked Verri to help carry Princess Silvanna to their home. Pharsa treated Princess Silvanna's wounds. When Princess Silvanna woke up, Princess Silvanna had no memory of what had happened. The only thing she remembers is that she fell off the cliff. Princess Silvanna thanked Pharsa for her kindness. Princess Silvanna also asked where she was and what place she had landed. Pharsa said that she was in the Askati Forest Village of the Barren Lands. Princess Silvanna was very shock when she heard about the Barren Lands. But Pharsa said not to be afraid, because they are not like the other inhabitants of the Barren Lands. The people who live here in the Barren Lands are indeed demons and monsters, but the people of Askati Forest are different from them. In just a few moments, Pharsa's boyfriend arrived and introduced himself to Princess Silvanna. Princess Silvanna also introduced herself to the two of them and said she came from Moniyan. But Pharsa and Verri knew about Princess Silvanna because they knew she was a Princess of the Moniyan Empire. Princess Silvanna, Pharsa and Verri shared a meal.
Pharsa also tells Princess Silvanna that Pharsa and Verri are getting married next Sunday and Pharsa invites Princess Silvanna to attend. Princess Silvanna agreed to attend. Pharsa and Verri thanked Princess Silvanna for her consent.
Alucard: Hey Miya, can you treat my growing muscles?... Yeah...
Miya: U-uhmm, sure.
Alucard: Wow, your hands are so soft.
Alucard suddenly grabbed Miya's hand.
Alucard: It's so soft it feels like I'm holding soft pillows~~~
Fanny: You look too rough!
Alucard: Arrrrr....
Tigreal: Let him go Alucard, that's just how ugly people are.
Tigreal: AHH! Ouch!
Fanny: It's good that you look like a monkey!
Miya: Hehehe that's enough, don't fight anymore, your wounds might get worse.
Pharsa, Verri and Princess Silvanna search for a place in the Askati Forest where Pharsa and Verri will get married. When they found, Verri took large logs and made them into poles. Pharsa and Princess Silvanna took flowers and plants to decorate the trees. Verri also made chairs for wedding attendees. Finally finished, everything is ready. There are flowers and plants and colorful birds and butterflies fluttering around. Princess Silvanna is happy with Pharsa and Verri's wedding. The wedding is about to take place.
To be continued...