Chapter II

The hallways are immense a cold sweat slides over my curls they have changed the height of the stairs because I almost stumbled into my bedroom the lock dodged my attempts to insert the key they know and they are going to kill me Now it doesn't matter much if they know what's in my head or not because sending me with that beast reveals everything I shouldn't even bother to check my room for any rat heads or listening devices they might have planted the descent is in three weeks and they have already given me the key to the tower tomorrow the meetings with Miljard begin since our secret mission will depart days earlier the entire brotherhood congratulated me in the antechamber but devoid of any notion or reasoning they patted my back my ears swollen from listening to these vipers who if they saw me from behind on the balconies would not hesitate to throw me off the cliff "Good luck brother it's time to make the change" "Much wisdom and temperance for the paths of the wise...." At least that will be the consolation I take to my grave the consolation of not even exchanging air with them although I must say that I don't quite understand why announce to everyone that I will have a different mission Or maybe everyone knows that I will die and they were simply mocking me.

--Get up brother we have a busy week and many lines to draw I see you had deep thoughts since last night.

--Good morning sir I fell asleep in the rocking chair.

--What a view from your room but this chair is very close to the edge.

--Yes that's why I chose it as my abode.

--Ha maybe you tried to fly like your crows Be careful brother because we would bring you back from death.

I didn't understand the latter he is just toying with his prey maybe.

--I would never do such a thing one life alone does not cover the whole path a wizard must travel but if dying were the inauguration of a second life I would do it gladly I spoke as if my brain had flooded.

--Wow you are the first wizard I try to talk to and I already hate you do you all talk like this all the time

--We try to cover all points of our idea when communicating which is why... I am interrupted Minjard left my doorframe I waited 22 minutes until he returned.

--Sorry brother I had an urgency let's continue with our interesting chat we were discussing communication what were you saying

His lips exuded all the sarcasm all the hatred.

--Let's leave it for the afternoon meal.

--Oh I hope you weren't offended it's just that I had to coordinate my men's training you know the young will inherit the land we leave them and will sow in it our values and we must try to be an example a totem of righteousness don't you think

Now he is definitely mocking me with his lengthy reflections.

--I completely agree do you think we can handle our business

--Follow me.

As sharp as the stabs with which he must impale his prey.

We walked through the fellowship chamber crossed the gardens where Fran was planting the Atustenos a curious plant that when in contact with the sun encapsulates the energy in drops that it secretes into the ground it is like magical energy that can be drunk we passed the mahogany balconies where the valleys at the foot of the Reden summit can be seen and in front a tower of specters the brick was imbued with black and gray colors the curtain fabrics were fused with arachnid stitches the Guard tower had 7 floors and was the main building while the remaining 3 towers had 2 floors each the complex of murderers had a training yard and the towers had different assignments tower 2 held some prisoners and the entrance to the catacomb's basement the 3rd tower had the soldiers' quarters and finally the 4th tower contained a warehouse that housed some memories of the missions executed by Mitras' blades I sheltered in the first tower which is practically the operations center of this set of structures.

--Place your things there and read this document meetings about our mission happen 3 times a week you will have 3 of my men at your disposal their language is reduced to "Yes" and "No" I will see you tonight before the verout.

I would have liked to comment on the scant modesty of the room but no sooner had he finished his instructions than he left The instructions he gave me resemble a pact of silence and loyalty he instructed newcomers like me not to visit the catacombs or the abbey of magical objects they possessed.

My room has the dimensions for a life of slavery the only different thing is the balcony it may be the most beautiful in all of Reden it even seems of another architecture anyway I must work First I will place the control horseshoes they are the structure that allows me to control my creatures the crows the wolves mice and other instinctive animals they are easy to control the structural level of their mind and nerves does not consume much energy another aspect to consider is where to place the metal bindings I usually place it on the nape for this task crows are the perfect creatures with their sharp beaks they can create a perfect slot to place my bindings in numerical terms I think I have at least 150 creatures in the region and all are stored in this chest in reality this is my only work tool that and some logs about my important discoveries for certain missions also some trade routes that Reden sells to ship companies that visit other worlds.

I travel and I travel a lot and I don't have to pack I entrust my eyes to the crows and explore some landscapes since my childhood I have no memories of leaving here in this place I opened my eyes and I don't remember knowing anything else yet my life has never been here always above the sky above the heads of simple men I have guided their ships to shore I have carried the sick on my backs I have given my flesh to some hungry ones I have fed on bad men which has cost me control over some special creatures domestic dogs for example controlling beings with some complexity in their emotions becomes simple if your emotions are in tune with those of the creature I feel that while my brothers have the sky and the land in this place I have other friends other important people who have marked my life and yet have never touched me or seen me but whom I have watched and protected sometimes I feel such closeness as if they were old friends from my hometown as if we had played together as knights I feel I could tell them the latest news but they don't know me they only see my eyes through the reflection of what was once an animal after all I am these creatures if Minjard were to tear my legs off before killing me I wouldn't feel like I lost anything not the slightest pain since they only serve to drag me through these hallways.

I drowned in melancholic thoughts that came to guard me to the meeting.

--We will descend the southern gorge of the summit in three weeks it is necessary for Emsys to draw up a route it must pass through 4 points in the region and it is essential that no one has news that we are moving We will use brown disguises for 3 of our targets 2 high-ranking blades will handle them and for the 4th I will take care of it personally.

--What locations I intervened harshly.

-- The dark fortress of Angsiss the swamp of Landurn the village of Angera and the entire northern valley He replied with icy breath.

-- Sir what are the characteristics of our target.

-- I need the most skilled men for this not because of the resistance the target may put up but because of the importance that no one involves us in its execution.

I think everyone knows who they must kill and that information remains between Minjard and the executioner.

-- We will meet in the capital of the atirios 15 days after our objectives are completed they are large targets so the news will spread easily especially in such busy cities.

Maybe I am missing the flexibility of my brothers' tongue since this meeting lasted 10 minutes and I already know the whole plan.

-- You may leave except you.

No need to say a name everyone here knows who has a cross over their jugular.

-- Only you and I will know the objectives of each soldier the fourth prey is mine and you will come with me in its hunt.

-- And what the hell will I be useful for I said without any restraint or respect.

-- The fourth prey is mobile and you must already imagine what I am talking about the northern valley is tremendously vast and I need constant guidance you will not get dirty little wizard I will pile up the heads along the way.

-- That doesn't worry me what worries me is that my head will also be in that pile.

-- Fortunately the circle sent me an intelligent brother if you do your part there is no reason for that.

-- Then why did they send me here there are other wizards who master the binding who have more talent I broke down does knowing the fate that awaits us or rather the way it will come make this

-- Hahaha generally my victims don't have the privilege of asking me why But I don't know Emsys I just know that Reden doesn't want you anymore especially in the descent your presence would affect your brothers but yes you are going to die.

-- Just like that

-- It is in your hands to take as many as you can cry as much as you want jump from the balcony kill everyone in Reden but I will definitely kill you.

-- And why don't you do it right now After all anyone can prepare a route I said in despair.

-- Because you are a specialist in that and you would make my job much easier but I could kill you just like that.


-- Haha don't you see you are the luckiest living being of all unlike the rest death can reach them at any moment but you know who will be your executioner what other advantage do you want Nothing can kill you not a lightning bolt not a monster not even the circle only ME.