Chapter VIII

The claws continued to cut through the air painted with ice, slicing branches and trunks, but they had only managed to scratch the shoulder of the assassin, who soon felt the fatigue of a prolonged battle. He used his so-far limitless arsenal and charged with a battle hammer that took the Venvanther by surprise, causing it to lose one of the four pillars so essential for its transformations. The Hiloxarian mace, another legendary contraption from the myths of Mitras, was wielded due to the opponent's toughness. Minjard decided to invoke the weapon that had devastated several villages with tremors. The creature resumed its attack pattern, but this time the tremor caused by the Hiloxarian mace shook the miserable being from the earth's embrace, and in the air, it was brutally overwhelmed by a spinning barrage of mace blows, leaving the Venvanther on the brink of the Underworld. Minjard then tore off the remaining pillars to kill the creature.

--Well, well, I hadn't had such difficulties in a long time, I think I'm getting rusty. What do you think, eh?

I had been analyzing and realized that this damn thing was only seeking to acquire the Venvanther's pillars that had spatial properties for energy control. I said nothing and just started the climb to the summit.

--I must point out that you were of great help. I was sent for these pillars, but frankly, I had no idea what they were.

--Well, I shouldn't have told you, and I don't want to deal with you more than necessary.

--Haha, listen, that village wouldn't have survived. My men didn't kill them; they were bandits. They weren't under our protection. Initially, they did ask us to free them from these creatures, but we responded to that need too late.

--You let them die anyway.

--And where were you? As far as I know, you're the conspirator, the defender of goodness and justice. Wasn't it your duty to know this? Isn't it the duty of the good to find and eradicate evil? I'm not good, so I don't take that burden on my shoulders.

--Now who's talking like a brother?

--The way to the summit is long.

In some way, I felt he was right. Why do I act for the good in some situations, while in others, I just ignore it?

--I think someone good is someone who acts when they see evil, but I understand that I can't save everyone.

--You carry a lot of mediocrity, or is it that you're not good?

We kept climbing. The ground was infested with snow and mud, and I continued thinking, why did he bring me?

--Haha, we're almost there. I thought we would only see ashes thanks to your little friend.

I would have been interested in reflecting on my executioner's words, but then I saw Reden, the summit, magic and sorcery more alive than ever. The sun penetrated and reflected on the windows. The black and white marble gave it a celestial air. I felt that at some point in my life I had already seen it as beautiful as this. I lowered my gaze to the path and knew I was in another point in history. I was in a carriage observing the summit just as I was now.

--That will be your new home, son.

The woman with a melancholic voice embraced me, "You must be smart," she said, then brutally opened my mouth and forced me to swallow a silver collar. As if that wasn't enough, she kicked me out of the carriage, throwing me onto the grass of a past Ungan that had not yet been devastated. Meledya hadn't been born yet. It was a prosperous village.

I came to after this strange journey. Had I been drugged? Minjard and I were already at the main door. I saw Meledya doing chores and noticed her face of relief upon seeing me return. I headed to my room. A good place is the best dining room for serving thoughts, and I had a feast.

Minjard had deceived me. All he wanted was for Meledya and me to lose communication, and for her to set the plan in motion when desperation consumed her. That's why he followed us, and maybe he realized this, which is why he disappeared when we camped. But why allow Reden to be destroyed? He definitely had other plans, but he had been a loyal servant of the brotherhood for years. Why set a plan in motion now? The Orofista had begun to move all the powerful people in our region. He never talks about my conspiracy in the meetings he has with the circle, trying to gain some advantage, but his actions are so strange that I would never discover it until his plans presented themselves to me.

Or maybe he knows where the explosive charges are and would use a barrier to block the explosion's effects? Our plan had to change. Now, what was that memory? It was the most inexplicable thing, but I finally discovered something. At least I could see a face with blonde hair and lilac eyes. Maybe this face left me lying in the mud, but it was an answer. Someone knocked on the door.

--I discovered something. Kieran was the name of one of the main wizards of the Reformation century. He is described here as skilled in combat and completely despotic. The paragraph describing his death was erased.

--I see you like reading? And yes, I had an idea of who he was, but we still have nothing certain, because this wizard existed 500 years ago. It's impossible for him to still be among us.

--Don't you see? He must still be alive and must be here in Reden. Wizards are all strange and live for very long times. If this was one of the strongest, he must have found a way to stay alive.

--Anyway, it's a long road, and we have no time left. Did you get a uniform?

--Yes, but you must be the most undernourished man I know, because none of my brothers fit your frame. The slaves eat better than you.

--Haha, in my new condition as a soldier, they tell me the same. Frankly, I've never been much of an eater, but well, when do you deliver the mail?

--Tomorrow afternoon. You'll hide in the cart, and I'll drop you where you say, and pick you up 8 minutes later, so don't go crazy.

--Agreed. We need to improve the explosion plan. I think Minjard knows.

--I'll have reasons for you tomorrow. I have to go, they'll soon notice I'm not washing the clothes.

Okay, hey, I have something else where your reading skills might come in handy. Do you want to check it out for a while?

--Give it to me tomorrow. By the way, I'm glad you came back.

She closed the door, and I felt like I wanted her to stay longer. I think she's the first friend I've had, but I have a mission, and so does she. I activated the consciousness of the Melkar guarding the lambs.

--The descent was moved up a week. I'll see you at the rocky circle in 11 days." The Melkar still convulsed from using its vocal cords.

--Okay, as promised, spectral magic focuses on corruption. One of its main representatives on earth is Mitras.

--I thought Mitras was just a murdered king. Many associated him with a god.

--That's real, but his presence on earth is through the vortex. He's a kind of divinity in the spectral world. He communicates with his pawns to transport souls to the spectral world instead of them going to hell. In his days of glory, he managed to corrupt the Holy Arsenal of the Dansio Peacekeepers and killed them all. There are more high-ranking specters, but Mitras is the only one who manifests on earth. So far, that's all that's known. Oh, one more thing, the mortal sacrament is another of his main pacts. This is essentially a promise made with Mitras to give him a soul of great power. If the executioner doesn't fulfill the pact, Mitras will consume the executioner's soul as compensation.

Wow, that's useful, but how exactly? I don't know the conditions of the pact or if there is a time limit.

--Thank you. Wait for me to communicate. Until then, proceed with caution. There was a deployment of Tah soldiers in the forest.

--We'll keep that in mind.

What to do? I have so many pieces, so many truths that I don't even know why I started looking for them.

--Are you still there?

--Do you know anything about someone named Kieran?

--I'm still surprised at how much you don't know about your world.

--Just answer, please.

--He was one of the founders of Reden. He was buried at the summit. I really don't understand how you don't know this.

--Do you think he could still be alive? Or influence the earth?

--It's impossible. He was brutally murdered. All his limbs were separated from his body and burned, but you have a good point. Such a colossal power like that monster's doesn't vanish overnight.

--What do you mean?

--Well, his power must still be imbued in Reden, but do you have any other clues or something? Something more to help you deduce something else.

--I overheard a conversation. They said that Kieran has no influence over me.

--That's interesting. I'll find out more. Contact me tomorrow.

Damn it, everything is going to happen tomorrow.