Chapter 4: Quick Battle

As long as the opponent was within 15 meters, the Short Selling skill could be activated without the target feeling a thing, almost like a magical curse.

With the activation of Short Selling, a surge of warmth flowed through Ethan's body. He felt incredibly powerful, like a raging lion.

"Solis's strength is immense; 80% of his power is nearly double my own. Without the Short Selling skill, he would be a tough opponent," Ethan thought, a sly glint in his eyes.

Knowing he only had ten minutes, he needed to end the fight quickly. He wasted no time and, upon entering the arena, drew his sword and slashed at Solis's shoulder.

The strike was swift, but he controlled his strength, using only 30% of his power. In any duel or battle, Ethan's first few strikes were always probing attacks. Revealing his full strength right away could lead to a prolonged battle, which he wanted to avoid.

Despite his rough demeanor, Solis was cautious, using his sword to parry and stepping back, clearly probing Ethan's abilities.

Ethan, realizing Solis was testing him, continued to strike, each blow seeming to be a full-force attack but only using 30% of his power. He waited for Solis to let his guard down.

As expected, after several probing strikes, Solis concluded that Ethan, while quick, lacked strength and was already at his limit.

"Quick strikes, but too weak. This kid is no threat," Solis thought, starting his counterattack. He parried Ethan's blow forcefully, driving him back, then swiftly swung his sword multiple times, focusing on Ethan's left side.

Ethan, seeing that Solis had taken the bait, blocked and retreated. Thanks to his Sword Parry skill, even though it wasn't at max level for 100% success, against Solis's speed and strength, he could parry all attacks. They appeared evenly matched.

"This kid is surprisingly strong, managing to block Solis's heavy blows."

"His parry technique is excellent, redirecting some of the force. But only blocking won't win him the fight."

"He's losing ground. Look at his footing."

Ignoring the spectators' comments, Ethan maintained his strategy. Using only 30% of his power each time, his sword would be jolted by Solis's force, causing him to stumble.

All part of his plan.

He waited for the perfect moment to counterattack and end the fight with one strike.

When Solis delivered another heavy blow, Ethan parried it. Believing he had fooled Solis, he staggered back, leaving his center wide open.

Solis saw the opening and lunged forward, abandoning defense, aiming a horizontal slash at Ethan's head.

The strike was fast and deadly, one an ordinary person couldn't block.

But Ethan smiled, stopping his backward movement and putting his full strength into a rapid parry, spinning his sword around his wrist to dissipate the force.

This academy technique, sword spinning, quickly nullified the opponent's force and transitioned to an attack.

The sword spun in Ethan's hand and then flashed forward. Solis, unprepared for Ethan's strength, was knocked off balance and fell back, losing his footing.

As he tried to regain his balance, Ethan's sword was already at his throat.

The swift, unavoidable strike made Solis believe he was dead, but the blade halted at his neck.

Solis, grateful for Ethan's mercy and impressed by his control, dropped his sword with a clang.

"This is impossible. Solis lost?"

"He was faking his weakness. His strength is incredible!"

"What was that final move? It's amazing! I need to learn it!"

"I must learn that move too!"

"Skill and integrity go hand in hand."

"You've won, Ethan. You are our mentor!" Solis said, sincerely acknowledging Ethan's prowess.

Ethan smiled and sheathed his sword. "If you hadn't underestimated me, you wouldn't have lost so quickly."

"Thank you for the lesson. I won't underestimate anyone again."

The other gladiators, still in shock, crowded around Ethan.

"Am I qualified to be your swordsmanship mentor?" Ethan asked, smiling.

"Qualified? Absolutely!"

"Ethan, what was that last move? I want to learn it!"

"I'll stay up all night to learn that move!"

As the gladiators clamored, a round of applause came from behind them. They turned to see a middle-aged man in a white robe approaching, followed by a tall, hooded figure.

Everyone greeted the man with respect, "Lord Sarno!"

Ethan also greeted him politely, recognizing the person in charge had arrived.

Sarno approached Ethan. "Your name is Ethan, here to apply as a swordsmanship mentor?"

"Yes, Lord Sarno," Ethan replied courteously.

"I saw your duel. Very impressive! Your skills are outstanding. Honestly, I would love to hire you as a mentor. However, you're unfortunate. I've already hired someone else for the position."

Ethan felt as if struck by lightning. He thought he had secured the job, only to be disappointed.

"Well, at least the Short Selling skill wasn't wasted," he consoled himself. Though unwilling, he couldn't force the man to hire him.

"Sorry for the trouble. I'll leave now," Ethan said, forcing a smile and turning to go.

But Solis stepped forward, unwilling to let Ethan leave. Having acknowledged Ethan's skill and made a promise, he spoke up. "Lord Sarno, I'm not questioning your decision, but I need a mentor like Ethan. Without him, I might accidentally kill another one."

Sarno was annoyed at being questioned by a mere gladiator but restrained himself. He smiled, pulling the hooded man forward.

"This is the swordsmanship mentor I hired for you. Perhaps you've heard of him. Ten years ago, he was known as the Executioner."

The gladiators gasped.

"Executioner Andrick?"

"The undefeated record holder of 140 matches!"

"The legendary gladiator Andrick, the Executioner?"

Sarno, pleased with their reactions, continued, "Yes, Andrick. It took a lot to bring him back. Any objections?"

While all the gladiators had heard of Andrick, Solis wasn't impressed.

"A ten-year-old gladiator? How much strength does he have left?"

"Even if he's Andrick, so what? Can he still wield a sword? If he can't beat me, what's the point?"

Though stunned, the other gladiators understood Solis's point. Gladiators' careers were short, no matter how brilliant.

Andrick, unmoved by the challenge, calmly removed his hood, revealing a scarred, intimidating face.

He walked to the center of the arena, picked up Solis's dropped sword, and threw it back to him, gesturing for Solis to come forward.

"Is he going to fight Solis unarmed?"

"That's too arrogant!"

"It's hard to believe, but even after ten years, he's still so confident."

"Get him, Solis!"

Unable to tolerate the insult, Solis picked up the sword and charged at Andrick...