Chapter 33: Collaboration, Part 2

"Alright!" Saberi took a deep breath. "You've convinced me. It's time to talk about the share distribution. Sir Ethan, how much are you willing to invest, and what percentage of the profits are you expecting?"

Ethan thought for a moment before answering, "I can invest 600 gold coins initially, but the money is with Mr. Miloqi. I'll need your help to retrieve it."

"Mr. Miloqi, you say?" Saberi mused. "600 gold coins is a substantial amount. Although it's still far from enough to buy property in a prime location, if Sophia is willing to participate, securing the initial funds shouldn't be an issue. So, what percentage are you asking for?"

"Without knowing your exact investment in the coffee venture, I can't make an accurate estimate. But considering my 600 gold investment and, most importantly, the business plan," Ethan paused to think before continuing, "I want 35% of the coffee business and 20% of any other ventures."

"Wow!" Saberi's eyes widened in disbelief. "You're asking for a huge share for just investing 600 gold and doing nothing else in this massive business empire? You must understand, even though we are the main players, Sophia will also demand a significant portion. From what I know of her, she won't join in unless she controls at least 80% of the shares. So, I'll be putting in over 2,000 gold worth of goods and all the work, while you two benefit the most?"

Ethan knew that demanding such a large share for minimal involvement and a small investment seemed excessive. His bottom line was 30% for coffee and 10% for other ventures. If he couldn't secure those terms, he was willing to walk away and look for opportunities later when he had more leverage.

Confident that Sophia would compromise if he presented a compelling enough case, Ethan stood firm. "That's my offer. Pass it on to Sophia. As for your share, you'll have to negotiate that with her. This is a three-way collaboration. If Sophia doesn't agree, then we'll just focus on the coffee business, and the rest of the plan can be shelved. If we need more funds or manpower, we'll find them and allocate shares based on contributions."

"Of course, I wouldn't do something so foolish," Saberi grinned mischievously. "If I did, I'd wait for news of your demise first!"

Ethan laughed. "Don't worry. Once Sophia agrees, she'll ensure you get your fair share because she knows my share comes from her. I don't think she cares much about the money. The potential prestige in the plan will appeal to her. She needs you to lead this venture, and she'll reward you accordingly."

"That's true," Saberi acknowledged. "I hope your plan can convince her. But I'm still worried she might skip straight to the last page and start the so-called fashion plan."

"You can rest assured," Ethan smiled. "The hardest part is going from zero to one. Without my help to kickstart it, she won't be able to. Plus, she needs to see the bandwagon effect in action before moving forward."

"Alright then," Saberi stood and extended his hand. "Here's to a successful partnership."

Ethan stood and shook his hand. "To a successful partnership!"

"The biggest issue is your territory being so far away. The travel time will be significant," Saberi lamented. "I'm not sure when this plan can fully take off."

"Don't worry," Ethan reassured. "My absence will actually expedite the plan. You know as well as I do that the initial phase doesn't require my presence. As long as Sophia agrees, everything can proceed immediately. If my calculations are correct, we should start seeing profits by next autumn. By the following year, the rest of the plan should be rolling out. At that point, my involvement will be crucial, and I'll have a way to communicate quickly with you."

"Let's hope so."

The two continued talking late into the night, consuming countless cups of coffee. When they ran out of business matters to discuss and still couldn't sleep, they turned to the topic of Ethan's territory.

Through Saberi's explanation, Ethan learned that the three people accompanying him to his territory were elderly and frail, with an average age of 47. That's right, an average of 47 years old! Ethan almost fainted at the news. These weren't helpers; they were more like elderly dependents.

Initially, Ethan considered rejecting them, thinking they would only add to his burden. But after hearing about their backgrounds, he reconsidered. Each of the three had exceptional wilderness survival skills—knowledge that younger individuals lacked. Though they couldn't handle intense physical labor, they could offer valuable guidance. Each had unique expertise, such as herbalism, making them indispensable.

One of them was only 40 years old, still relatively robust, and had previously stayed in that territory. He was the sole survivor of a past attack. His survival was due to his exceptional wilderness skills, making him an ideal guide.

As for supplies, besides enough food for the winter, they had brought various dried vegetables—carrots, mushrooms, cabbage, and more. Anything that could be preserved was included.

Saberi implied that as long as Ethan could secure the territory, a steady supply of goods would follow. But Ethan felt anxious. The territory was barren. Despite the supplies, he had no clear idea of how to quickly establish shelter and store these supplies. Without solving these two problems, they would either freeze or starve before any enemy even showed up.

"Ugh," Ethan sighed deeply, marking the end of their conversation.