Chapter 49: The News

Ethan often heard that elves didn't trust humans, and today he witnessed it firsthand. Honestly, the elves had good reasons for their distrust, given humanity's actions. Take this delicate beauty before him, for example. On her second day on the human continent, she was swindled out of all her possessions by some scoundrel. Ethan was disgusted, wondering how someone could stoop so low. Now, he had to deal with the consequences of that villain's actions.

"Damn all those con artists to hell! May their entire families…" Ethan silently cursed all the world's swindlers. After venting his frustration, he felt better and turned to address Aphrael's suspicions.

"Miss Aphrael, please don't be overly suspicious. Whether it's the coffee or the clothing, these are trivial things. You can take them without worry. Even if you don't wish to be friends, it's the same. I'm sorry for the deception you faced, but please believe that those con artists represent only a small part of humanity. Most humans are kind and honest."

Aphrael, half-convinced, said, "But my teacher's experience contradicts yours. She said nine out of ten humans are liars, and the tenth is just not born yet. She also mentioned that an average human lies 80,000 times in their lifetime."

Hearing this, Ethan couldn't help but wince, thinking, "Your teacher must be a genius to have such specific data. How do I counter this?"

"Alright, if you're still concerned, I won't force you. Just tell me the news you have as a trade."

Relieved, Aphrael patted her chest and began, "Before I share this information, I need to ask, were you associated with the group of humans slaughtered here recently?"

"You witnessed the massacre?" Ethan was shocked.

"Yes," Aphrael nodded. "Half a year ago, a group of humans came here to establish a settlement. Not long after, a knight slaughtered them. He was at least a Gold Rank 7. I also know…"

"What?" Ethan interrupted. "You said 'he,' not 'they.' Do you mean only one person came? Is that correct?"

"You're strange," Aphrael observed. "You're more concerned about the number of people than the Gold Rank 7 strength?"

"Of course, I care about his strength, but right now, I'm more concerned about the number of attackers. If it was just one person, we could be in danger now," Ethan explained urgently. He remembered asking the survivor, Robert, about the attack during their voyage. Robert had said a group of masked bandits attacked the settlement, at least fifteen in number. But Aphrael's account suggested otherwise. One of them had to be lying, and Ethan trusted Aphrael more, as she had no vested interest.

"Please tell me, was it really just one person?" Ethan pressed.

Aphrael, seeing Ethan's urgency, nodded. "Yes, it was one person. He and his horse stormed the settlement at midnight and killed everyone in five minutes. But he seemed to have intentionally let one person escape."

Hearing this, Ethan and Angelina both turned pale. Ethan looked at Angelina and asked, "Has Robert shown any strange behavior recently?"

"No," Angelina recalled. "But at the start, he insisted on storing firewood inside the ship instead of on the deck, saying it would be easier to access during snowstorms without going outside. I agreed as long as it was done safely."

Realization dawned on Ethan. He knew what Robert was up to. "Excuse me, Miss Aphrael, I need to handle something urgently, or we might end up sleeping outside tonight. Angelina, please entertain our guest. I'll be back shortly."

Ethan suppressed his anger, trying to remain calm as he left the room. With a casual wave, his Champion Blade flew from its sheath to his hand. The display wasn't meant for Robert but to impress Aphrael. True, Robert was no match for him, but showing strength could help build alliances.

Aphrael, witnessing the display, exclaimed, "A sword spirit? Are you a Grand Swordmaster?"

Ethan didn't respond and quickly left the room, a slight smile on his lips. His goal achieved, he hurried to find Robert.

Robert shared a room with the other two wilderness experts. Ethan didn't give them separate rooms due to a shortage of insulated blankets and safety concerns about the stove. When he reached the room, he found it empty but remembered it was mealtime and sensed their presence in the dining hall. Sword in hand, he rushed there.

In the dining hall, Robert was enjoying a delicious meal. Seeing him indulge while planning treachery enraged Ethan. Without a word, he slapped Robert hard, knocking him to the ground.

"What the…?" Robert started to curse but stopped when he saw Ethan. "Lord Ethan, what did I do wrong?"

Ethan didn't respond, ordering Tibbers and Andrelov to tie Robert up. Though confused, they obeyed, binding Robert tightly.

Ethan then pulled up a chair and sat before Robert. "Tell me, what's your connection to the person who attacked the settlement?"