Chapter 54: Weathered Faces

Ethan had Little Yellow Feather patrol the territory, but as usual, there was nothing out of the ordinary, leaving him a bit disappointed. While others dreaded an attack, he eagerly awaited the enemy's arrival to test the [Duel Cage] and use the knight's death to boost his strength. The thought of how much power a level 7 golden knight could provide was exhilarating. Yet, without the enemy showing up, he felt powerless and frustrated. He couldn't resolve this looming threat or increase his strength, which weighed heavily on his mind.

Walking alone on the beach, Ethan admired the bright, sunny landscape after the snowfall and stretched lazily. Reflecting on his recent idleness, he realized he hadn't trained with his sword for days. He couldn't continue being so lax. Without sufficient strength to protect himself and his loved ones, the seemingly peaceful days would merely be the calm before the harsh winter storm. Saberi had mentioned that the coastal waters here would freeze over in the winter. Ethan estimated that if the nearby sea could freeze, the temperature must drop to at least minus twenty or thirty degrees Celsius. In such weather, an enemy attack that destroyed their ship would be disastrous.

"No, I need to think of something. I can't just wait around," Ethan muttered as he continued his stroll along the beach.

Just then, Angelina approached him. "Ethan!" she called out, hugging his arm happily. "What are you thinking about? I've called you several times!"

"What's up? Did something happen?" Ethan asked.

"Nothing major! It's just breakfast time, so I came to get my dear husband!" Angelina replied with a smile.

Ethan's mind suddenly lit up. "What did you say?"

Angelina, puzzled by his reaction, repeated softly, "I said it's breakfast time."

"No, not that part. The next part!"

"I came to get my dear husband for breakfast?" Angelina repeated, still confused.

Ethan realized something. "Yes, to invite. If he won't come to us, we can invite him here! Angelina, you're a genius!"

Angelina was bewildered. "What are you talking about?"

Ethan smiled. "Angelina, we've been here for a few days now. Normally, the best time to launch an attack would be right after we landed when we're least stable. But we haven't seen a single shadow. Why do you think that is?"

"That's easy!" Angelina laughed. "If he's being directed by someone, information transfer takes time. Even if he used carrier pigeons, it would take several days with all the delays. The fact that he hasn't shown up yet proves that the person directing him must be far away."

"Exactly!" Ethan gently tapped Angelina's nose. "Let's go eat!"

Angelina, unsatisfied with Ethan's partial explanation, protested. "You can't just leave me hanging like that. I won't be able to eat if you don't tell me."

"Don't worry. Let's eat first. You'll see what I mean soon enough." With that, Ethan took Angelina's hand and led her back to the ship for breakfast.

After breakfast, Ethan called Tibbers and instructed him to buy some tools from the fortress 50 miles away, emphasizing that he didn't need many—just a few saws. He also told him to ask around if anyone was willing to come to the territory for work, offering food, lodging, and silver coins.

Tibbers, confused, responded, "Lord Ethan, we already have plenty of saws. And even if we needed help, now isn't the time. It's winter, and no one can work. Bringing them here would just mean more mouths to feed."

Unable to fully explain his plan, Ethan simply said, "Just do as I say. If anyone is interested, choose carefully and pick the cheapest ones. Don't get too many—three to five should do. Most importantly, make sure everyone knows that the Lawson territory is hiring."

"Uh, okay," Tibbers replied, still puzzled.

"Don't just stand there. Get going while it's still early. Take your time; there's no rush to return. If you like, there's a tavern there. Have a couple of drinks on me. Do you have money?" Ethan asked.

"No," Tibbers admitted.

Ethan had Angelina give Tibbers a few gold coins, reminding him to take his time and prioritize safety. Though Tibbers didn't understand Ethan's plan, he was more than happy for a paid trip. Packing his bag, he set off cheerfully. The fortress was straightforward to find, as there was only one road leading to it. Tibbers' journey, however, took nearly ten hours, from daylight to nightfall, leaving him exhausted and hungry. The early winter darkness added to his fear as he trudged on for several hours before finally seeing the faint lights of the fortress, Baren Fortress.

Baren Fortress, a massive fortification between two peaks of the Anji Mountains, stood 80 meters high, over 40 meters long, and 14 meters wide at its base. This fortress, one of seventeen such behemoths in the human realm, was crucial in guarding against orcs. Baren Fortress housed nearly 3,000 soldiers and around 9,000 people in total, including soldiers' families and mercenaries. This population had turned the barracks at the base into a bustling town, ensuring nothing essential was lacking.

Cold and hungry, Tibbers headed straight to a tavern, ordered steak and rum, and felt revived after eating. A soldier sharing his table noticed the unfamiliar face and struck up a conversation. "Hey, old man! Where are you from? Haven't seen you around here."

Despite being only 50, Tibbers' weathered face made him look older. Being called "old man" by someone seemingly older annoyed him. "Brother, how old are you, calling me old man?"

The soldier laughed, "Oh, sorry! I'm Perry. I'm 30. I mistook you for a foreigner, my bad. Which camp are you from?"

Shocked, Tibbers thought, "30? Looking like that?" He glanced around and noticed most people here were as weathered as him. Could they all actually be young?