Chapter 11: Hello There 

Chapter 11: Hello There 

[Update: Revival complete: Shisui Uchiha is now alive] 

Hours after the Party had ended, Malik makes his way to the basement, moving the halls and stairs around so one would interact with him. 

Walking through the door only he could see or enter he marches over to his healing pool. 

In the dim light of the hidden chamber, Malik stood, his heart pounding in his chest. The air was thick with anticipation and the faint scent of the mystical herbs gathering from the pool. In the center of the room and off to the side, a pool of luminescent dark water shimmered, casting an ethereal glow on the stone walls. This was his healing pool, a sacred place known only to him. 

Slowly, he extended his hands over the pool, his eyes closed in deep concentration. He was about to perform something that very few could do, and only with a forbidden jutsu(s), one that could bring back the dead. His mind was filled with the image of Shisui Uchiha, the legendary shinobi of the Uchiha clan. But this time, Shisui was not as the world remembered him. In Malik's mind, Shisui was a woman, her spiky hair cascading down to her shoulders, her eyes as dark as the night sky, turning a fierce red when her Sharingan was activated. 

As Malik began to chant, the water in the pool started to ripple and churn. A figure began to form, floating in the healing pool. It was Shisui, just as he had imagined her. Her body was ethereal, almost translucent in the glowing water. Her black hair floated around her like a dark halo, and her traditional Uchiha outfit clung to her form. She had large breasts that buldged out, pushing against the clothes. Older than she was in the original, the system offering to age her up, to the current year. "I would say she has the 4th largest rack, After Tsunade, Neji and Hinata." 

Malik could hardly believe his eyes. He had done it. He had brought Shisui Uchiha back to life. As he looked at her floating in the healing pool, he knew that he had changed the course of history. But for better or worse, only time would tell. 

Taking another closer look Malik noticed, "Why don't you have eyes, or rather why do you still not have them?" 

Deciding to heal her personally, Malik dropped his sleeping robe and stepped into the pool naked and made his way to her, touching her empty eye sockets he issued the command. 

[Plot Cure: Activated] 

Not noticing Shisui's chest start to rise he continued, white burning orbs appeared in her empty eyes glowing hot for a second then cooling. 

"Thier, you go all better", he said his hand on her face. 

Shisui's eyes flicked to Maliks, "Oh Shit . . ." he started to say before her hand was around his throat lifting him off the ground easily, gripping tight and starting to choke him. 

"Where am I . . . Who are you . . . Where's Danzō . . . Why do you have an erection!" She said like a raid fire. 

Shisui looked at the short fat kid with brown skin, she wondered if he was from the village Hidden in the Clouds only seeing people with that shade of skin from there. "Where are you from?" she asked while the boy with the erection as he tapped her arm rapidly. 

She let him go, and he dropped. 

Cough . . . Cough . .. cough, "first . . . off. . . it's called . . . a fear boner . . .I don't understand it either . . . well I mean you are an attractive woman," cough, cough, "I just hope you didn't awaken anything in me is all, also to answer your other questions." he said while kneeling into the water half immersed. 

Shisui's face didn't flinch from the complements. 

"This is my house, my basement to be precise, My name is Malik, I haven't decided on a middle or last name, in this world yet," he spoke while rubbing his neck, "I have no idea where Danzō, hell I haven't even meet the Hokage yet." 

Walking past him Shisui attempts to leave. 

"Wait . . .," Malik calls out. 

Malik took a deep breath, steeling himself for the conversation he was about to have. He approached the edge of the healing pool, his eyes never leaving the figure of Shisui Uchiha. She looked so peaceful, so serene, floating in the luminescent water. It was hard to believe that she had been gone for so many years. 


"Shisui," he began, his voice echoing slightly in the quiet chamber. "There's something you need to know. It's been... it's been many years since you've been alive." 


He paused, giving her a moment to process his words. Her dark eyes met his, a flicker of confusion passing through them. Malik continued, "A lot has changed since you were last with us. The world isn't the same as you remember it." 


He could see the questions forming in her eyes, the uncertainty, the fear. But there was also a spark of determination there, a will to understand and adapt. Malik knew then that no matter how much the world had changed, Shisui Uchiha would face it head-on, just as she always had. 

After hours of recounting the events that had transpired in her absence, Malik finally broached the subject he had been dreading. He looked at Shisui, her eyes reflecting the glow of the healing pool, and took a deep breath. 

"Shisui, there's something else you need to know," he said, his voice heavy with concern. "You're not safe out there. There's someone... someone who will be hunting for you." 

He saw her eyes narrow slightly, a spark of defiance lighting up her gaze. "Who?" she asked, her voice steady. 

"Don't be like that Shisui, it's Danzō Shimura he has only grown the power, both politically and ya know with ninja stuff," Malik replied while waving his hands. The name hung in the air between them like a dark cloud. "He's a dangerous man, Shisui. If he finds out you're alive, he won't stop until he's killed you, if you're lucky if you're not he'll want to capture you." 

He watched as she absorbed the information, her expression hardening. "And if he finds me...?" 

"He'll most likely find out who brought you back," Malik finished for her, his voice barely above a whisper. "And that would put us all in danger." 

The room fell silent, the only sound being the gentle lapping of the water in the healing pool. Shisui nodded, her gaze determined. "Then we won't let him find me," she said, her voice filled with resolve. 

Malik nodded, feeling a surge of relief. "We won't," he agreed. "We'll do everything we can to keep you safe, Shisui." 

Malik looked at Shisui, his gaze steady and sincere. "I have a plan," he began, his voice echoing in the quiet chamber. "And it's going to help both of us." 

He took a step closer to the healing pool, his reflection shimmering in the luminescent water. "Stay with me, work with me, be with me," he said, his words filled with conviction. "If we are together, I trust our relationship's strength." 

He paused, giving Shisui a moment to absorb his words. "If you want to be in public, then hide out in plain sight as my bodyguard," he suggested. "We can cover you up as much as you want. This will also allow you to move more freely." 


He could see the wheels turning in Shisui's mind, her eyes thoughtful as she considered his words. "But if you want to be more open," he continued, "act as my assistant, girlfriend, wife, or whatever you are comfortable with." 

His words hung in the air between them, a silent promise of protection and companionship. He could only hope that Shisui would agree to his plan. After all, their survival depended on it. 

Malik's gaze softened as he looked at Shisui, his words echoing in the quiet chamber. "Most people won't recognize you if they tried," he said, a hint of a smile playing on his lips. "If we put you in something that isn't shinobi garb, it's over." 

He paused, letting his words sink in. "Someone seeing you in a dress would be hard-pressed to identify a Uchiha clan member," he continued, his voice filled with conviction. "Especially if you don't use your Sharingan." 

His words hung in the air between them, a silent promise of a new life, a new identity. A life where Shisui could be free from the shackles of her past, free from the fear of being hunted. All she had to do was trust him, trust in their plan. And Malik hoped, more than anything, that she would. 

Shisui pulled out her tantō, the blade catching the faint glow of the healing pool. She turned it over in her hands, her eyes thoughtful as she looked at Malik. "I need some time," she said, her voice barely above a whisper. "I want to explore the village by myself until sunrise. I need to... make up my mind." 

Malik nodded, understanding flashing in his eyes. "Of course," he said, his voice gentle. "Take all the time you need, Shisui." 

But as she turned to leave, he reached out to stop her. "Wait," he said, a hint of concern in his voice. "Change your clothes first. It's safer that way." 

Shisui looked at him, then down at her traditional Uchiha outfit. She nodded, understanding the wisdom in his words. With one last look at Malik, she turned and walked away, her figure disappearing into the shadows of the chamber. 


Malik Lv 3: 



Lucky Pervert Lv.3 


Lucky Pervert: Along with increased luck it will also increase the frequency of these "lucky" accidents, the higher the skill level the better the accidents. (Percentage = 5xLevel) 


Pictures Lv.3 


Pictures: By taking a picture with permission, you increase the love and lust of someone by x10 of your level. You also now the general area their in. (Warning:Can do more harm than good) 


Sensual body Lv3 


Sensual body: Your pleasure and the pleasure of others that you touch are increased, you will also gain love and lust faster. (Can backfire depending on the person) 


Silver Toung Lv.3 

 Silver Toung: You have a supernatural ability to persuade or influence others through words. This could manifest in various ways, such as convincing others to follow your lead, calming tense situations, or even manipulating others to your will. 

Gender Swap Lv 3: 


Gender swap: You have the ability to change someone's gender, you can change the same amount of people as your level in a week. The world will bend and reality will warp to as if that character was always that gender. [ Warning: this skill can only be used once per person a year] 


Revive Lv 3: 


Revive: bring someone back from the dead, you can do this once every 11 months. [ Warning: be careful who you bring back] 


Plot Cure Lv3: 


Polt Cure: Not only can you heal others (healing skill depends on level), but you can also heal them of any plot-related illnesses. (you cannot heal someone who is dead) 

Hunters Mark Lv.3 

Hunters Mark: place a mark on a person, this will give you a detailed description of them, and their current location. Affection gain is increased but so is Affection loss. (You must see the person to use the skill. A number of marks equal the user's level (Warning: some characters may notice the mark on themselves, you have been warned.) 

Plot Armor Lv3: 

Plot Armor: ( You gain a little plot armor, an amount based on Fame, Wealth, who you know, and your level.) 

HIM: Lv3: 

You are him; you are so famous that people will recognize you, even if you wear a costume. You omit an ora the people will recognize, some will respect you for it, others will hate you for it. All fame and persuasion skills are increased by 10xThis skills level. Careful of all this attention isn't always a good thing.