Chapter 31: Trust issues

Chapter 31: Trust issues

In the quiet of his room, Malik closes his eyes and focuses his thoughts. He reaches out with his mind, calling upon the Goddess of Love. "Goddess," he begins, his voice a mere whisper in the silence, "I seek your guidance."

He takes a deep breath, gathering his thoughts before continuing. "I ask for a skill, a gift from you, that would allow me to know if someone is in love with me. But it should also have the ability to remove all effects of my love."

He waits, hoping that his request will be heard. He knows that love is a complex emotion, one that can bring both joy and pain. But he also knows that understanding love, and being able to control its effects, can be a powerful tool.

Whether the Goddess of Love grants his request or not, Malik is prepared to accept her decision. He knows that love is not something to be taken lightly, and he respects the power it holds. But he also knows that with the right understanding and control, love can be a force for good.

In response to Malik's heartfelt request, the Goddess of Love, a benevolent deity who cherishes love and connection, sends a warm, comforting sensation through him. Her voice, soft and kind, resonates in his mind.

"Malik," she begins, her tone gentle yet firm, "your request has been heard. Your desire to understand and navigate the complexities of love is admirable."

She continues, "I will grant you the skill you seek. You will be able to sense when someone harbors feelings of love for you. Use this knowledge with kindness and respect, for love is a delicate emotion."

Addressing his second request, she adds, "As for removing the effects of your love, remember that love, once given, leaves a lasting impact. However, I understand your intentions and will grant you this ability as well. Use it wisely and only when necessary. It will not work on people who generally love you so be warrened, it will however remove all lust effect."

Finally, she imparts a piece of wisdom, "Remember, Malik, love is not just about being loved. It's also about giving love, understanding others, and fostering connections. I hope that with these abilities, you will not only receive love but also spread love to those around you."

"Ok, but seriously what is with the change in attitude with her," Malik says to his empty room.

{She's scared that you will betray her}

Malik sets up, recognizing the same voice from before, the one from his dreams, the one that whispers in his ears, the one that . . .

{Gives you the power to control others} (Gained +10 Sin)

{Now, sleep you have a lot of work ahead of you}


"Heart's Echo".

Effects of Heart's Echo Lv5:

Love Detection: This aspect of the skill allows Malik to sense when someone harbors feelings of love for him. It's like an echo in his heart, a subtle resonance that occurs when someone's feelings of love align with his own.

Love Dissipation: This aspect of the skill allows Malik to remove all effects of his love/Lust from others. It's a way of retracting the echoes of his heart, allowing the other person to return to their natural state, free from the influence of his feelings. Will not work is Love is genuine.


[Day 7]

The first thing Malik did was visit all the girls, simply pointing at them for the effect to work, but nothing seemed to happen.

{You are such a pussy}

The voice said again.

"Please stop talking to me . . . . also who are you?" He asks.

20 minutes later, "You're not funny, please tell me who you are," Malik said starting the make breakfast for the last time there.

{You're the one who asked me to stop talking}

"Please, I need to know if I'm having a mental breakdown or not, so please who are you," He asked again with some desperation in his voice.

{I'm Amora} The voice said, as Malik felt it moved back into his mind deciding not to speak anymore.

Happy to have at least gotten a name, Malik counties cooking, when he's interrupted.

"You've been summoned by Orochimaru," Kabuto Yakushi, said standing at the Entrance to the kitchen.

"Welp, here we go," Malik said turning around and following Kabuto out of the kitchen.

"How long is this going to take," He says, "Neverous, it shouldn't take too long," she said her voice hinting at a smile.

Entering a Laboratory that Malik obviously hasn't been in before, he sees Orochimaru waiting inside.

"Yo this lab Is hella dark, how do you get any work done in here?" He asks, while hearing Kabuto lock the door behind him, "Why did, you lock the door, ma'am?

"Don't worry about it," Kabuto said, leaning against the door.

"Don't worry about the dark Lab, the door, or my life," he asked calling Grubgrub back to his chest.

"Yes," Kabuto said.

"Wizard?" Orochimaru finally said, "You called yourself a Wizard."

"I mean, I say that but it's more that I can use a little magic here and there, some of it is a little scary, not in the kill a bunch of people way but just morally," Malik said trying not to make eye contact.

"Show me," Orochimaru, "I could but a lot of it is boring, just something to help keep me alive, help my cook or make people . . .," he started.

"Make people?" Orochimaru said stepping closer.

"Making is a strong word, how about increasing . . . or helping . . . some people like me more," he said.

"Show me," Orochimaru said once again.

"I don't like to do it, personally it kinda just happens, I also have skills . . . abilities that increase the effects," Malik said now having to step away from her.

"Show . . Me," Orochimaru said grabbing him.

{Just show her, Make her yours!}

Malik pulled out a glowing pink cookie, "Fair worrying, but eat this," he said while placing a Hunters mark on her.

Orochimaru took the glowing cookie, looking at it, the shruging, she said, "Kabuto if I somehow die or if I say to kill him, or if the mood strikes you, do it anyway," as she put the whole cookie in her whole and ate it. As Orochimaru consumes the cookie, her eyes widen in surprise. A warm, rosy glow spreads across her cheeks, and she releases Malik from her grasp. She takes a step back, looking at him with curiosity and intrigue.

"Interesting... This magic of yours is quite potent," she says, her voice soft and contemplative. "I must admit, I am impressed. I can feel its effects already."

Malik breathes a sigh of relief, grateful that the cookie's magic had worked as intended. He glances over at Kabuto, who seems to be observing the situation with keen interest.

"This magic... It's unlike anything I've ever encountered before. How did you come across it?" Orochimaru asks, her gaze fixed on Malik.

"I... It's a long story." "But I'm not done, can I take a picture of you?" Malik asks taking out his phone. Orochimaru raises an eyebrow, intrigued by your request. "A picture, you say? Very well." She poses for the camera, her expression calm and confident. You quickly snap a photo, capturing the moment.

As you lower your phone, Orochimaru asks, "Why do I feel like . . .," she starts. "Why do you feel like you are starting to have feeling for me, that kinda how my love magic works," Malik says touching her face without his gloves on. "Another one of my abilities allows me to increase the pleasure someone feels when I touch them," he tells Orochimaru. As Malik touches Orochimaru's face, she gasps slightly, feeling an unexpected warmth spreading through her body. Her eyes widen, and she takes a step back, her gaze flicking between Malik's face and his hand.

"I see," she says softly, her voice tinged with surprise and curiosity. "Your magic is indeed fascinating. I've never felt anything quite like it before."

Kabuto, who has been observing the exchange, steps forward. "Orochimaru-sama, perhaps it would be wise to conduct further tests on this magic of his," she suggests, her eyes narrowed in thought. "There's so much we could learn from it."

Orochimaru nods, her mind already racing with possibilities. "Yes, you're right, Kabuto. We should explore this further." "No, thanks but I do need a few things from you," He tells them both. As Malik declines Orochimaru's offer for further testing, he takes a moment to gather his thoughts. "I'm glad you found my magic intriguing, but I must decline your offer," he says with a polite smile. "However, I do have a couple of favors to ask of you both."

Orochimaru raises an eyebrow, intrigued. "Go on," she says, her gaze fixed on Malik.

Malik takes a deep breath before continuing. "Firstly, I need you to free all the prisoners you have in the Hidden Village in the Grass, and Leave this place be. And secondly, If any of your subordinates dies, they are mine"

Orochimaru with a deep blush nods, understanding the importance of both requests. "We can arrange that for you, Malik." Kabuto is surprised that Orochimaru gave in so easily, "Don't worry Kabuto, Orochimaru is still in there she just wishes to please me, even just a little, her mind is hers, her heart on the other hand is mine," Malik says while blowing a kiss at Orochimaru. As Malik blows a kiss at Orochimaru, her cheeks flush an even deeper shade of red, and she nods in agreement to his requests. Kabuto, still surprised by Orochimaru's easy agreement, watches the interaction with curiosity.

"Very well, Malik. We will fulfill your requests. But I must ask, why do you wish for us to free the prisoners and leave this place?" Orochimaru inquires, her interest piqued.

Malik takes a moment to gather his thoughts before responding, "I have a vision for a better world, one where people aren't locked away or harmed for no reason. I want to help create a place where everyone can live in peace and harmony, without fear of oppression or violence. Also honey, Orochimaru you straight up suck, killing people like it ain't nothing, kinda make me sick,"

Orochimaru's eyes widen in surprise, clearly taken aback by Malik's words. "But because I feel bad about this, I'm going to tell you a secret, I can bring people back from the Dead, you might not trust that because most of the skills you've seen have no link to that, but I will bring back 2 people for you Orochimaru or Kabuto (I don't care), including yourself but fair warning I nor will you have any control over them, also I guess I can heal you or whatever," Malik said giving Orochimaru a kiss and placing another mark on her. As Malik places a second mark on Orochimaru, she feels a surge of energy coursing through her veins. Her eyes widen as she realizes that Malik's abilities extend far beyond what she had initially thought.

"Thank you, Malik," she says softly, a genuine look of gratitude on her face. "I am in your debt."

Malik smiles, happy to have been able to help. "No problem, Orochimaru. I'm glad that I could be of assistance."

Kabuto, still observing the exchange, seems to be deep in thought. She glances between Malik and Orochimaru, her mind racing with questions.

As you turn to leave, Orochimaru calls out to you. "Malik, wait." You turn back to face her, your eyebrows raised in question. Orochimaru's eyes gleam with curiosity and determination. "I am intrigued by your magic, and I would like to learn more about it. Would you be willing to teach me? or see me again?"

He mulls over her request, contemplating the potential consequences of sharing his abilities with her. He glances at Kabuto, who seems to be weighing the situation carefully as well.

"I appreciate your interest, Orochimaru," Malik responds, choosing his words cautiously. "However, my magic is not something that can be taught (I think). It requires a deep understanding of one's own emotions and desires, as well as a strong connection to those around them."

Orochimaru narrows her eyes thoughtfully, absorbing your words. "I see," she says slowly. "And what if I were to prove myself worthy of learning your magic? Would you consider teaching me then?" Malik shrugged, "We will talk when I see the results, now get to the tasks I have given you, plus the Chūnin Exams are in 3 days, you wouldn't want to miss that," Malik then tapped the door unlocking it with his magic and walks out.

{You didn't take your skills off her}

("And have the Bitch kill me, Hell No!") He said to the voice in his head.

("When my life is on the line, I'm using all my skills, I just won't use them to get random pussy.")

{Fair but you could be so much more}

("I'm not looking for more, Amora, I'm looking for love,")

{You are such a wose}


To Orochimaru's credit, they were gone, in a few hours.

In the dimly lit corridors of the prison, Malik finds Gen'yūmaru waiting for him. The usual tension in the air seems to have lessened, replaced by a sense of cautious hope. Gen'yūmaru turns to face Malik, his eyes reflecting gratitude.

"Malik," he begins, his voice steady, "I heard about the deal you made with Orochimaru. You didn't have to do that… but you did."

He pauses, struggling to find the right words. "Thank you," he finally says, his voice barely above a whisper. "Thank you for giving us a chance at freedom."

Gen'yūmaru looks at Malik, his eyes filled with a mix of gratitude and determination. He takes a deep breath, then drops to one knee, his head bowed in respect.

"Malik," he begins, his voice steady and sincere, "I've seen your kindness, your strength, and your commitment to helping others. You've given us hope when we had none. You've shown us that there's more to life than serving Orochimaru."

He looks up, meeting Malik's gaze. "I want to serve you, Malik. I want to work under you, to learn from you. I swear my loyalty to you, for as long as we both live."

His words echo in the silence, a solemn vow of loyalty and service.

"Sure bro we can hang," Malik said while shrugging, "We need to get you some gear."


As the sun begins to set, Malik and Gen'yūmaru stand at the edge of Orochimaru's base, watching as a horde of people make their way out. These are the prisoners Malik has freed, each one carrying a mix of relief, apprehension, and hope on their faces.

They move in groups, some in pairs, others alone, their eyes scanning the horizon as if they can't believe they're finally free. They carry little with them - a few belongings, perhaps, but mostly, they carry the weight of their past and the hope for a brighter future.

Malik and Gen'yūmaru watch in silence, their hearts heavy with empathy. They know that the journey ahead won't be easy for these people. They have to find their families, rebuild their lives, and heal from the trauma they've experienced. But they also know that this is a necessary first step towards freedom and healing.

As the last of the prisoners disappear into the distance, Malik turns to Gen'yūmaru. "We've done what we could," he says, his voice filled with quiet determination. "Now, it's up to them to reclaim their lives."

Gen'yūmaru nods, his gaze still fixed on the horizon. "They're stronger than they know," he replies. "They'll find their way."

And as the night falls, they start walking through the village, finding an empty building. The same one that Malik came here through.

"Alright, Gen'yūmaru my boy time to go home," Malik says opening the door.


Twisted Fate: Gain the trust of Orochimaru. 

Reward: one level 

Bouns: Trust of his subordinates. 

Major subordinates (Kabuto, Guren, Kimimaro. And ,,,: One free skill 

Lower subordinates = 50 pints 


Malik Lv 6

I'll pick the skill later.

End of part 2