Chapter 45: Who let the dogs out

Chapter 45: Who let the dogs out

The "Date Master" Skill Lv.7

Empathetic Understanding: The ability to understand and connect with a person's emotions and experiences. This allows the Date Master to build a deep, emotional connection with their date.

Charming Communication: The ability to engage in conversation that is both interesting and engaging. This includes being a good listener, telling captivating stories, and using humor effectively.

Confidence Projection: The ability to project self-assuredness and charisma. This includes maintaining eye contact, speaking clearly, and demonstrating body language that conveys confidence.

Situational Adaptability: The ability to adjust behavior and approach based on the situation and the person one is interacting with. This includes being able to read social cues and respond appropriately.

Romantic Creativity: The ability to plan and execute unique and memorable dates. This involves thinking outside the box and considering the other person's interests and preferences.

Respect and Consideration: The ability to show genuine respect and consideration for the other person. This includes being punctual, attentive, and respectful of boundaries.

Positive Attitude: The ability to maintain a positive and optimistic attitude. This includes handling rejection gracefully and not letting negative experiences affect one's confidence or enthusiasm.


Kiba Inuzuka

Malik sent a letter to her because why not.

"Hello Kiba, I hope this message finds you well. I've always admired the unique bond you share with Akamaru. It's not just the camaraderie between a pet and its owner, but a deep connection that speaks volumes about your character. Your adventurous spirit is another trait that I find truly admirable. You're not one to shy away from challenges, and that's something I respect greatly.

I've been thinking, and I believe we share a common love for dogs and the outdoors. With that in mind, I was wondering if you'd be interested in joining me for a dog training session. It's not just about teaching dogs new tricks, but also about understanding them better and strengthening our bond with them. I think it could be a fun and enriching experience for both of us. Please let me know what you think. I look forward to hearing from you."

Kiba receives Malik's letter and reads it with a smile on her face. She appreciates the kind words Malik has written about her and Akamaru. The idea of a dog training session piques her interest, and he decides to accept the invitation.

A few days later, Malik and Kiba meet at a large, open field with their dogs. Akamaru is excited to see Malik and wags his tail enthusiastically. Malik brings out his dog, a beautiful and majestic German Shepherd named Grubgrub.

Malik starts the session by demonstrating some basic obedience commands with Grugrub. He explains the importance of patience, consistency, and positive reinforcement in training. Kiba listens intently, taking mental notes as Malik shares his knowledge and experience.

Next, it's Kiba's turn to give commands to Akamaru. Kiba confidently instructs Akamaru to sit, stay, and heel, with the dog following her commands seamlessly. Malik praises her for her clear and assertive communication, encouraging her to continue building that bond of trust with Akamaru.

As they continue the training session, Malik introduces some advanced commands and tricks for the dogs to learn. Both Akamaru and Grubgrub respond well, their eyes gleaming with excitement as they perform each task.

During a break, Kiba and Malik engage in light-hearted conversation about their experiences with their dogs. They share stories about their pets' mischievous behavior, funny moments, and acts of loyalty. The atmosphere between them grows more comfortable, allowing them to connect on a deeper level.

 "You don't mind me calling this our first date do you?" Malik asks Kiba looking into her eyes. Kiba blinks in surprise for a moment, then breaks into a warm smile. "I think that's a wonderful idea, Malik. I've enjoyed our time together today, and I appreciate you, even if you have a weird pink dog."

As they continue to chat, Malik suggests they explore the surrounding area with their dogs. The field is part of a larger park with hiking trails, a river, and plenty of open spaces for the dogs to run and play.

Kiba agrees, and they set off, following a winding trail that leads them deeper into the park. The dogs run ahead, sniffing and exploring their new surroundings. The sun filters through the trees, casting dappled light on the ground and creating a serene atmosphere.

Malik takes the opportunity to ask Kiba more about herself, her interests, and her aspirations. Malik takes a look at her body: Kiba's attire consisted of dark greyish pants reaching to her calves and a grey, hooded fur-lined coat, with the hood usually placed on her head, over an apparent plate of armour and fishnet undershirt, with a blue forehead protector and blue sandals. Malik takes a look at her body: Kiba's attire consisted of dark greyish pants reaching to her calves and a grey, hooded fur-lined coat, with the hood usually placed on her head, over an apparent plate of armour and fishnet undershirt, with a blue forehead protector and blue sandals. Kiba, comfortable in Malik's company, shares her love for dogs and the outdoors. She talks about her dream of becoming a skilled bounty hunter and her admiration for Akamaru's unwavering loyalty. Malik listens attentively, asking insightful questions that show his genuine interest in getting to know her better.

As they walk, the sun begins to set, painting the sky with warm hues of orange and pink. The atmosphere grows even more romantic, and Malik takes this moment to express his feelings to Kiba.

"Kiba," Malik begins, turning to face her. "I've enjoyed every moment we've spent together today. I can't help but feel a strong connection between us. I don't want this to be our only date. Would you like to continue exploring this connection further?" Kiba looks at Malik, her eyes softening as she takes in his words. She pauses for a moment, considering his question, before responding with a warm smile. "Yes, Malik, I'd like that very much. I feel a connection between us too, and I'm curious to see where this could lead."

Malik's face lights up with joy, hearing Kiba's response. He takes a step closer to her, taking her hand in his. "I'm glad," he says, his voice filled with sincerity. "I promise to make our future dates just as memorable and meaningful as this one."

As they continue their walk, the dogs run around them, playing and barking in delight. The sun sets completely, leaving a canvas of stars above them. Malik and Kiba continue to talk, deepening their connection and enjoying each other's company. Malik leans over to take Kiba's hand in his. As Malik takes Kiba's hand in his, their fingers intertwine naturally, creating a sense of warmth and comfort between them. The gentle touch of their hands conveys the mutual affection and connection they share. The night air is cool, but the atmosphere between them is filled with a warm glow, radiating from their deepening bond.

As they walk along the trail, the dogs run ahead, sniffing and exploring their surroundings. The sound of their playful barks creates a harmonious backdrop to their intimate conversation. With each step, Kiba and Malik continue to share stories about their lives, interests, and aspirations. Their connection deepens, and the spark between them grows stronger.

Malik looks at Kiba, admiring her strength, determination, and adventurous spirit. He finds her captivating, with her dark greyish pants, grey hooded fur-lined coat, and blue forehead protector. "Can I kiss you?" He asks her. "Can I kiss you?" He asks her. Kiba gazes into Malik's eyes and a soft smile plays on her lips. "Yes, you can." She responds, her voice barely above a whisper. Malik gently leans in, closing the distance between them. Their lips meet in a tender kiss, a perfect expression of the growing bond between them. The world around them fades away as they share this intimate moment, their hearts beating in sync.

As they pull away from the kiss, Kiba's cheeks are flushed with a soft pink hue. Malik looks at her, his gaze filled with warmth and admiration. They continue to walk along the trail, hand in hand, surrounded by the beauty of the park and the playful sounds of their dogs.

The night progresses, and they find a quiet spot near the river, where they sit down on the soft grass, their backs resting against a large tree trunk. The moonlight reflects off the water, casting a gentle glow on their faces. They continue their conversation, now sharing secrets and dreams they've never told anyone before. Malik talks about his past, his struggles, and his journey to becoming the man he is today. Kiba listens attentively, offering words of encouragement and understanding.

In turn, Kiba shares her own story – her ambitions, her fears, and her experiences as a bounty hunter. Malik listens intently, offering his support and admiration for her strength and resilience. They connect on a deeper level, their hearts resonating with each other's experiences and emotions.

As they sit there, Malik takes a moment to appreciate the beauty of the moment – the sound of the river, the rustling of leaves in the wind, and the warmth of Kiba's hand in his. He looks into Kiba's eyes, seeing the connection that has grown between them. "Kiba," he says, his voice soft and sincere, "I want you to know how much I care for you. I want to explore this bond between us further and create more memories together."

Kiba smiles, her eyes shining in the moonlight. "I feel the same way, Malik. I'm glad we met, and I'm excited to see what the future holds for us." They lean in, sharing another tender kiss under the starlit sky. The sound of the river and the rustling leaves accompany their shared moment of intimacy.

After a while, they decide to head back, their hands still intertwined as they walk together. The dogs follow behind, seemingly content and peaceful. As they reach the edge of the park, Malik turns to Kiba. "Would you like to continue this tomorrow?" Kiba looks up at Malik, her eyes meeting his. She sees the sincerity in his gaze and feels a warmth spread through her chest. "Yes," she responds softly, her lips curving into a gentle smile.

Malik hesitates for a moment, savoring the anticipation. Then, he gently brushes his fingers against Kiba's cheek, feeling the softness of her skin beneath his touch. He leans in closer, closing the distance between them. Their lips meet in a tender kiss, the warmth of their connection deepening with each passing moment.

As they continue to explore the park, the stars above them twinkle like diamonds, casting a soft glow over the landscape. The dogs play around them, barking and chasing each other with boundless energy. The atmosphere is alive with the magic of their shared experience, a bond that continues to grow stronger with each step they take. After the kiss, you both continue to walk along the trail, lost in your own world of warmth and connection. The dogs playfully follow you, occasionally running back to check on their human companions before darting off to explore again.

The night grows darker, but the moonlight and stars provide a gentle illumination, casting long shadows over the trail. They can hear the distant hoot of an owl and the rustling of leaves as the wind picks up.

Suddenly, Akamaru's ears perk up, and he starts growling low in his throat. He stares intently into the darkness ahead, his fur standing on end. Kiba notices her partner's change in behavior and quickly places a hand on the hilt of her sword, ready to react to any potential threat.

"What's wrong, boy?" she whispers, peering into the darkness. A faint rustling sound reaches your ears, and then, out of the shadows, three large men appear. Their eyes glint ominously in the moonlight, fixed on Kiba and Akamaru. Malik can sense its predatory instincts, and you know that it poses a threat.

Kiba and Akamaru step forward, knowing that Malik isn't a fighter. Kiba's eyes narrow, her grip tightening on her sword. "Stay behind me, Malik," she commands, her voice steady despite the palpable tension in the air. Akamaru growls, his body tense and ready for action.

The three men advance, their movements eerily synchronized. One of them, the largest, cracks his knuckles menacingly. "Well, well, what do we have here?" he sneers, his eyes gleaming with malicious intent.

Without a moment's hesitation, Kiba lunges forward, her claws slicing through the air. The man barely has time to react before she's upon him, her nails clashing against the crude weapon he'd drawn from his belt. The sound of metal against nail echoes through the quiet night.

Akamaru leaps into action, darting towards the second man. With a swift, powerful bite, he manages to disarm him, sending the man's weapon flying. The third man attempts to sneak up on Kiba, but Akamaru's sharp bark alerts her. She spins around, her claws deflecting his attack just in time.

The fight is intense, but Kiba and Akamaru move with a practiced ease, their actions perfectly coordinated. Despite the odds, they manage to hold their ground, their determination unwavering.

Malik watches in awe, his heart pounding in his chest. He's never seen a fight like this before, the raw power and skill displayed by Kiba and Akamaru is nothing short of impressive. He knows he's in good hands, and for the first time since the men appeared, he feels a glimmer of hope. The night may be dark, but Kiba and Akamaru are a beacon of strength and courage, ready to face whatever threats lurk in the shadows. As the battle rages on, Kiba and Akamaru's movements become a beautiful dance of power and precision. The three men, though intimidating, struggle to land a hit against the formidable duo. Malik watches in awe, his heart swelling with admiration for the two beings that have captured his heart.

Suddenly, one of the men lunges at Malik, attempting to use him as a hostage. Without hesitation, Akamaru breaks away from Kiba's side and leaps at the attacker, sinking his teeth into the man's arm and forcing him to release Malik. Kiba takes advantage of the distraction, delivering a swift and powerful blow to the man's chest, sending him sprawling onto the ground.

With a final surge of strength, Kiba and Akamaru manage to disarm and incapacitate the last two assailants.

"That was hot!" Malik says to Kiba, "You beating those three men 100% gave me an boner." Kiba, slightly taken aback by Malik's sudden outburst, raises an eyebrow but can't help but chuckle at his enthusiasm. "I'm glad you enjoyed the show," she replies with a smirk. "But let's make sure these men are secured and won't cause any more trouble."

Together, they tie up the three men and ensure they can't escape or cause harm. Malik, still in awe of Kiba's fighting skills, turns to her and says, "You know, I knew you were so skilled in combat. It's incredibly attractive." Kiba blushes, slightly embarrassed by the compliment but grateful for his support. "I've had my fair share of training," she admits. "I want to be prepared for anything that comes my way, especially when it comes to protecting those I care about." Malik takes this chance to makeout with Kiba over the bodies of the three men. As Malik leans in, Kiba meets him halfway, their lips connecting in a passionate kiss. The adrenaline from the fight still coursing through their veins adds an extra intensity to the moment, making their hearts race even faster. Despite the strange circumstances, they're lost in their own world of warmth and connection.

Once they break apart, Kiba looks into Malik's eyes and smiles. "I'm glad I have someone like you by my side, supporting me and finding me attractive even after witnessing such a dangerous situation."

Malik returns her smile, his gaze filled with sincerity. "And I'm grateful for you, Kiba. You've brought so much joy and excitement into my life, and I can't wait to see what the future holds for us."

 Kiba starts to look at Malik's erection in his pants. Kiba raises an eyebrow as she notices the bulge in Malik's pants. Surprised by this sudden development, she looks up at him with a mixture of curiosity and amusement. "Well, it seems like I've had that effect on you," she says with a soft chuckle.

Malik, slightly embarrassed but also excited, smiles sheepishly. "I can't help it, Kiba. You're incredible – brave, strong, and beautiful. Seeing you in action just now... it was incredibly arousing."

Kiba blushes, placing a hand on Malik's chest. "Well, we should probably get going. We can continue this conversation somewhere more... private," she says, her eyes sparkling with mischief.

Together, they start to walk back, the dogs following closely behind them. Kiba looking at Malik says to him, "I don't think we can go back into town with . . . you like that," She says looking at his cock. "Let me give you a hand," Kiba said pulling out Malik's dick and stocking it. As Kiba's hand wraps around Malik's erection, he can't help but let out a low moan of pleasure. The feeling of her soft, warm hand on him is almost too much to handle, especially after the adrenaline-fueled fight they just had.

Kiba smirks, her eyes twinkling with mischief as she begins to stroke him gently. She matches her pace to their walking rhythm, keeping her movements slow and steady. Malik's breath hitches with each movement, his heart pounding in his chest. He tries to keep his focus on the path ahead, but it's difficult when Kiba's touch feels so incredible.

The dogs seem to sense the change in the air and start to act more playful, darting around them and barking happily. As Kiba continues to stroke Malik, his free hand wanders, reaching for the waistband of her pants. He gently slides his hand underneath, feeling the warmth of her skin against his fingertips. His fingers graze over her lower abdomen before finding the edge of her underwear. With a soft touch, he slips his hand beneath them, discovering her already damp folds.

She gasps softly at his touch, her grip on his cock momentarily faltering. But she quickly recovers, continuing her rhythm as he explores her body. His fingers trace the soft curves of her lips before delving deeper, finding the spot that elicits a moan from her.

Their movements become more synchronized, their bodies moving in time with each other. The dogs continue to play around them, oblivious to the intimate moment unfolding between their human companions. As Kiba and Malik continue their journey, the cool night air caresses their heated skin, adding an extra layer of sensuality to their interactions. Malik's fingers continue to explore Kiba's body, eliciting soft gasps and moans from her as they walk. Kiba, in turn, maintains her steady rhythm, stroking Malik with just the right amount of pressure.

Their connection deepens, the passion between them growing stronger with each passing moment. The sounds of their heavy breathing and quiet moans intermingle with the rustling of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. The world around them fades away, leaving only the two of them, lost in their own intimate universe.

Suddenly, Malik stops, pulling Kiba into a secluded area just off the trail. The moonlight filters through the trees, casting a soft glow on their entwined bodies. Malik's hands roam over Kiba's body, pulling her closer as he deepens their kiss. His touch is urgent and passionate, a reflection of the adrenaline still coursing through his veins from the fight. Kiba responds in kind, her own hands exploring his dark chubby form as she presses herself against him.

Their kiss grows more heated, their tongues intertwining as they taste each other for the first time. Malik's fingers find the button on Kiba's pants, quickly undoing it before sliding his hand inside. He groans with pleasure as he feels her warmth, his fingers tracing the wetness between her legs. Kiba gasps, breaking their kiss as she throws her head back in pleasure.

Malik takes this opportunity to trail kisses down her neck, nipping and sucking at the sensitive skin. Kiba's breath hitches as Malik's lips find the soft skin of her neck, the sensation sending waves of pleasure through her body. As he explores her neck with his lips and teeth, Kiba's hands continue to roam over his fat body, feeling him beneath his clothing.

Malik's fingers delve deeper into Kiba's warmth, finding her most sensitive spots with ease. Her breath comes in short, sharp gasps as he expertly teases her, her hips bucking against his hand in an attempt to find more friction.

Their bodies move in time with each other, their movements becoming more urgent as the pleasure builds. Malik's fingers continue to work their magic on Kiba, eliciting soft moans and whimpers from her as he brings her closer and closer to the edge. As Kiba feels her climax approaching, she tightens her grip on Malik's erection, stroking him faster and harder. Malik can feel the tension building in his body, his muscles tensing as he nears his own release.

In one swift motion, Malik lifts Kiba up, wrapping her legs around his waist. He presses her against a nearby tree, his hips thrusting forward as he sinks into her warmth. Kiba gasps at the sudden intrusion, her nails digging into his shoulders as he fills her completely.

Their bodies move in a primal dance, their hips grinding against each other as they chase their pleasure. The sounds of their lovemaking fill the air, mingling with the rustling of leaves and the distant hoot of an owl. The dogs, still playfully darting around them, seem to sense the change in the air and bark excitedly. As Malik thrusts into Kiba, he can't help but notice the sight of her hairy pussy enveloping him. The feeling of her soft, damp curls against his skin only heightens his pleasure, adding to the intensity of the moment. Kiba, too, seems to enjoy the sensation, her breath hitching as Malik buries himself deep inside her.

Their bodies move in a frenzy, driven by the raw passion that courses through them. Kiba's legs tighten around Malik's waist, pulling him closer as she meets his thrusts with her own. The sound of their lovemaking echoes through the quiet night, punctuated by their gasps and moans of pleasure.

As Kiba feels her climax approaching, she clings to Malik, her nails digging into his shoulders. Her hips buck wildly against his, urging him on as she chases her release. Malik's own climax builds, the tension in his muscles growing tighter and tighter. He can feel his release approaching, the pressure building in his lower body. With a final thrust, he empties himself inside Kiba, his hips grinding against hers as he rides out his orgasm.

Kiba follows soon after, her own climax crashing over her in waves of pleasure. She cries out, her head thrown back as she clings to Malik. Her body shudders with the intensity of her release, her muscles tensing and relaxing as wave after wave of pleasure courses through her.

As their climaxes subside, they remain locked in their embrace, their bodies slick with sweat. The night air is cool against their heated skin, a welcome respite from the heat of their lovemaking. They breathe heavily, their chests rising and falling in unison. As their climaxes subside, they remain locked in their embrace, their bodies slick with sweat. The night air is cool against their heated skin, a welcome respite from the heat of their lovemaking. They breathe heavily, their chests rising and falling in unison.

Kiba's legs are still wrapped around Malik's waist, her hairy pussy still enveloping him. The feeling of her soft, damp curls against his sensitive skin sends small jolts of pleasure through his body. He looks into Kiba's eyes, and they share a tender moment, their foreheads pressed together as they catch their breath.

After a few moments, they reluctantly pull apart. Kiba slides down from Malik's waist, her legs shaky from the intense encounter. Malik readjusts himself, tucking himself back into his pants.

"That was... something."

Kiba says with a breathless laugh, still trying to regain her composure. Malik chuckles in agreement, his face flushed with pleasure. They take a moment to collect themselves, enjoying the quiet night and the peaceful atmosphere of the forest.

As they begin to walk again, Kiba's hand finds its way back into Malik's, their fingers intertwining as they continue their journey. The dogs seem to sense the change in the air, their playful energy subsiding as they walk alongside their human companions.

The rest of their journey is peaceful, the fight with the three men a distant memory as they bask in the afterglow of their intimate encounter. The moonlight filters through the trees, casting long shadows over the trail as they walk. The night grows darker, but the stars provide a gentle illumination, casting a soft glow over the forest.


The morning sun streams through the windows of the bakery, casting a warm glow on the flour-dusted countertops. Malik is in his element, surrounded by a group of eager learners hanging onto his every word as he explains the intricacies of baking.

The bakery is filled with the warm, comforting scent of fresh bread and pastries. Malik is at the center of it all, his hands expertly kneading a ball of dough as he explains the process to a group of eager learners. Among them is Ichinomiya Hatsue, a mother of two, who's carefully taking notes, her eyes sparkling with determination.

"The key to a good pastry," Malik says, his voice carrying over the hum of the oven and the soft chatter of the group, "is patience and precision."

As he demonstrates the next step, the door chimes, signaling a new arrival. All eyes turn towards the door, and there stands Kiba, her eyes sparkling with curiosity as she takes in the scene before her.

{She is such a good puppy}

("Amora, please not right now,") Malik has to tell her.

"Kiba!" Malik exclaims, surprised. "You're early. (Very early) I wasn't expecting you for a few more hours."

Kiba shrugs, a playful smile tugging at her lips. "I thought I'd surprise you," she says, stepping inside. Akamaru trots in after her, his tail wagging in excitement.

"Oh, an animal in my clean Kitchen, mmmmmmmmm, not fun," Malik says but is ignored.

The learners watch in awe as Kiba approaches, clearly recognizing her as an Inuzuka Clan member. Malik can't help but feel a surge of pride and fear, pride because of the look Kiba has on her face, fear because Akamura seems to want to eat or piss on everything. He introduces Kiba to the group, who greet her with enthusiastic waves and friendly smiles.

With Kiba's arrival, the atmosphere in the bakery becomes even more lively. She joins in the baking lesson, her competitive spirit shining through as she attempts to outdo Malik.

"Kiba for the last time, I told you to wash your damn hands!" He starts.

"I DID!," Kiba says putting on an apron.

"Give me your hands . . . . . . LAIR!"

The learners, including Hatsue, are thrilled, their laughter and chatter filling the bakery.

"Wow, you're good at this!" Kiba says trying to keep up with Malik.

"Yes, I am," Malik says not even looking at her.

"Is that an Ego and Pride? Good, I like those qualities in a man," Kiba says bumping Malik's shoulders.

"Baking is literary the thing I'm best at, nothing else comes close if I'm being honest," he tells her.

"I can think of a few things IF I'M BEING HONEST!" Kiba says making sure everyone in the room heard her.

"OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO," the Class said, starting to whisper and gossip with one another. 

{I like her, you should keep her}

"Damn my life," Malik says to himself.

As the day progresses, Malik can't help but feel grateful for this unexpected turn of events. Having Kiba there, hours before their picnic date, only adds to the excitement of the day. And as he watches her knead her own ball of dough, a look of fierce concentration on her face, he knows that this is a moment he'll cherish forever.

As they settle down for their picnic in the dog-friendly park, Malik watches Kiba play fetch with Akamaru. The sight of her laughing as Akamaru bounds back with the stick brings a smile to his face. He takes a moment to appreciate the peaceful scene before turning to Kiba with a question that's been on his mind.

"Kiba," he begins, "I've always wondered… why don't you like Naruto?"

Kiba looks surprised at the question. She pauses, her eyes thoughtful as she considers her answer. "Actually, Malik," she starts, her voice soft, "that's a common misconception. I do respect Naruto."

She goes on to explain how their rivalry during the Chunin exams evolved into mutual respect after Naruto defeated her. She admits that she was rather rude to Naruto during their fight, but she grew to respect him after being defeated. She will even cheer for him during his battle in the upcoming finals and states that Naruto is not someone to be underestimated.

"In fact," she adds, a fond smile playing on her lips, "Naruto is one of my first true friends in the village. We do have friendly rivalry moments, but I admire him. I even said once that I would want to be like him. But don't tell anyone I said that, I'll say it when I'm ready."

Malik listens attentively, his previous misconceptions fading away. He nods, understanding dawning on him. "I see," he says, "that makes a lot of sense. Rivalry and respect can often go hand in hand, can't they?"

Kiba nods, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Exactly, Malik. You're getting the hang of it."

As they continue their picnic under the warm sun, Malik feels a newfound respect for Kiba. Not just for her strength and determination, but also for her ability to respect and admire those who challenge her. It's a lesson he'll carry with him, a reminder of the complexities of relationships and the importance of respect.

As the sun starts to set, painting the sky with hues of orange and pink, Malik and Kiba find themselves cuddling on the picnic blanket. The park is quiet now, the earlier hustle and bustle replaced by the soft chirping of crickets and the rustling of leaves in the breeze.

Breaking the comfortable silence, Malik turns to Kiba, a thoughtful expression on his face. "Kiba," he begins, "how about we go shopping tomorrow for our third date?"

Kiba looks at him, her eyebrows furrowing in confusion. "Shopping?" she echoes, her gaze dropping to her clothes. "Do you not like what I wear?"

Malik quickly shakes his head, reaching out to gently squeeze her hand. "No, Kiba, that's not it at all," he reassures her. "I think you have a great sense of style. I just thought it might be fun to do something different. We could explore different shops, try on silly outfits, and maybe even find something new that we both like. It's not about changing you, it's about spending time together and making memories. What do you think?"

His words hang in the air as Kiba considers his proposal, her earlier confusion slowly replaced by a thoughtful expression. The night may be drawing to a close, but their adventure is just beginning.

The sun is barely up when Malik is roused from his sleep by one of his maids. "Sir," she says, her voice soft but insistent, "Miss Kiba is here. She's waiting for you in the main hall."

Malik blinks, momentarily disoriented. He glances at the clock and realizes it's much earlier than he expected. "Kiba's here?" he asks, rubbing the sleep from his eyes. The maid nods, a hint of amusement in her eyes.

{She is such a good puppy, Malik make sure to make her yours}

("Amora, please start talking about something that doesn't have to do with sex or lust please,") Malik says sitting up.

{You mean . . .} She starts

("Yes, so we can have a normal conversation also tell your sister to stop ignoring me, it's getting on my nerves,")

Quickly, Malik gets out of bed and freshens up. He can't help but smile at Kiba's enthusiasm. It's one of the things he admires about her - her zest for life, her spontaneity, her ability to surprise him.

As he makes his way to the main hall, he wonders what the day will bring. Their shopping date is sure to be an adventure, just like everything else with Kiba. And as he steps into the main hall, seeing Kiba there, her eyes lighting up as she spots him, he knows that he wouldn't have it any other way. Today is going to be another memorable day.

Malik, still rubbing the sleep from his eyes, looks at Kiba in surprise. "You're always up this early?" he asks, a hint of admiration in his voice.

Kiba nods, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "Of course," she replies, "everyone gets up at this time. You're the only one who sleeps in so late."

She pauses, a thoughtful expression on her face. "Well," she adds, "maybe Naruto also sleeps in late. But that's not the point. The early bird catches the worm, Malik."

Her words hang in the air, a gentle reminder of the different worlds they come from. 

As they step out of the mansion, Kiba turns to Malik, a curious look in her eyes. "So, what kind of clothes are we going to find for me?" she asks, her tone playful.

Malik grins, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Well, Kiba," he begins, his voice filled with anticipation, "we're going to find everything."

Kiba raises an eyebrow, intrigued. "Everything?" she echoes, a hint of amusement in her voice.

"Absolutely," Malik confirms, his grin widening. "From a beautiful dress that'll make you the star of any event, to new jackets that'll keep you warm and stylish. We'll find comfortable and chic underwear, because why shouldn't you feel fabulous in everything you wear?"

Kiba laughs, clearly entertained by his enthusiasm. But Malik isn't done yet.

"And let's not forget Akamaru," he adds, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "We'll find some clothes for him too. Maybe a cute little sweater or a stylish bandana. He deserves to look his best as well."

Kiba shakes her head, her laughter echoing around them. "You really have thought of everything, haven't you?" she says, her eyes sparkling with amusement.

With that, they set off on their shopping adventure, ready to find the perfect outfits for Kiba and Akamaru. And though the day is just beginning, they both know it's going to be one to remember.

Absolutely, here are four scenes of Kiba trying on new clothes:

Scene 1 - The Dress In the first boutique they visit, Malik picks out a beautiful red dress for Kiba. She looks skeptical but tries it on anyway. When she steps out of the dressing room, even she can't hide her surprise. The dress fits her perfectly, accentuating her strong physique while adding an elegant touch. Malik claps his hands in approval, and even Akamaru seems to wag his tail in agreement.

As Kiba steps out of the dressing room, the scarlet fabric of the dress shimmers in the boutique's soft lighting, casting a warm glow over her tanned skin. The material clings to her toned arms, revealing the strength and agility she possesses as a skilled ninja. The hem of the dress playfully brushes against her calves, drawing attention to her muscular legs, a testament to her years of experience navigating the challenging terrain of Konoha.

The neckline of the dress is modest yet alluring, showcasing the elegant curve of her collarbone and hinting at the athleticism hidden beneath the gown. A delicate silver chain rests against her décolletage, catching the light as she moves, drawing Malik's gaze to the subtle glimmer.

After the red dress, Malik suggests Kiba try on a few more items. He picks out a sleek black jumpsuit that looks like it was made for her. The jumpsuit fits her like a glove, highlighting her athletic build while offering a chic, sophisticated look. Kiba examines herself in the mirror, pleasantly surprised by how much she likes it.

Next, they find a grey wrap dress that's a perfect balance between casual and dressy. The soft fabric drapes beautifully over Kiba's figure, and the color complements her complexion. She twirls in front of the mirror, the dress flowing around her.

Finally, Malik hands her a stunning white maxi dress. It's simple yet elegant, with a flowing skirt that reaches her ankles. When Kiba steps out of the dressing room, even she can't deny how good she looks. The white dress contrasts beautifully with her dark hair, making her stand out in the best way possible.

Each outfit brings out a different side of Kiba, and Malik can't help but admire how she carries each look with confidence and grace. It's clear that this shopping trip is turning out to be more fun than either of them expected.

With a decisive nod at Kiba, Malik turns to the store owner. He snaps his fingers, drawing their attention. "We'll take it all," he declares, his voice echoing slightly in the boutique. "And make it snappy, please."

The store owner's eyes widen in surprise, but they quickly recover and nod, hurrying off to prepare their purchases. Kiba looks at Malik, her eyes sparkling with amusement. "You really meant it when you said 'everything', didn't you?" she teases.

Malik just grins, shrugging nonchalantly. "What can I say? When I see something I like, I don't hesitate."

And with that, their first shopping stop comes to a successful end, the boutique's staff bustling around them as they prepare Kiba's new wardrobe. It's a moment of triumph, the first of many in their shopping adventure.

Scene 2 - The Jacket Next, they head to a store known for its trendy jackets. Kiba immediately gravitates towards a black leather jacket. It's stylish yet practical, much like Kiba herself. When she tries it on, she can't help but admire the fit and feel of it. Malik gives her a thumbs up, clearly pleased with her choice.

Scene 3 - The Underwear The underwear shopping turns out to be a fun and hilarious experience. Kiba blushes a deep red as Malik holds up a lacy piece, suggesting she try it on. She swats his hand away, but she's laughing. In the end, they settle on a set of comfortable yet chic underwear that Kiba admits she loves.

Despite Kiba's initial embarrassment, Malik insists on adding a few fancy pairs to their shopping basket. "Every girl deserves something nice," he says, his voice soft but firm. He picks out a few pieces that are not just comfortable, but also elegant and stylish.

Kiba looks at him, her cheeks flushing a deeper shade of red. But before she can protest, Malik leans in, planting a gentle kiss on her cheek. "Trust me on this, Kiba," he whispers, his words causing her to blush even more.

With a sigh of resignation, Kiba nods, a small smile playing on her lips. "Alright, Malik," she concedes, "if you insist."

And just like that, their underwear shopping adventure takes a turn for the better, filled with laughter, blushes, and shared memories.

Scene 4 - The Outfit for Akamaru The final stop is a pet boutique where they find a cute little sweater for Akamaru. Kiba holds it up against Akamaru, and they both seem to approve. When Akamaru tries it on, he struts around the store, clearly enjoying his new outfit. Kiba can't stop laughing, and Malik joins in, their laughter echoing through the store.

As they leave the last store, Malik offers to carry all of Kiba's new clothes. Their hands brush against each other, sending a jolt of electricity through them. The sun is setting, casting a warm, golden glow on everything around them.

They walk in comfortable silence, the only sounds being the rustling of the shopping bags and their soft footsteps. Every few minutes, they sneak in a quick kiss, their smiles growing wider each time.

When they finally arrive at Kiba's house, Malik is taken aback by its traditional yet cozy appearance. Kiba turns to him, a soft blush on her cheeks. "Would you like to come in?" she asks, her voice barely above a whisper.

Malik nods, his heart pounding in his chest. "I'd love to," he replies, his voice steady despite the butterflies in his stomach.

As Kiba opens the door and invites him inside, Malik steps into her world for the first time. He can't help but feel a sense of warmth and familiarity, a testament to Kiba's welcoming nature. It's the perfect end to their shopping adventure, and the beginning of many more shared experiences to come.

As Kiba opens the door to her house, Malik steps inside, immediately taken in by the warm and welcoming atmosphere. The spacious living room is the first thing he notices, with its comfortable furniture and dog toys scattered around. A large, plush dog bed lies in one corner, clearly meant for Akamaru.

They move on to the kitchen, which is well-equipped and practical. Malik can't help but notice a special area where Kiba likely prepares Akamaru's meals. The sight brings a smile to his face, further proof of the strong bond between Kiba and her canine companion.

Next, they head to Kiba's bedroom. It's simple yet comfortable, a perfect reflection of Kiba's personality. There's a spot for Akamaru to sleep, reinforcing the close bond they share.

Finally, Kiba leads him to the backyard, revealing a well-maintained training area. It's clear that a lot of time is spent here, honing skills and practicing combat techniques.

Throughout the tour, Malik can't help but feel a sense of warmth and familiarity. Kiba's house, much like Kiba herself, is welcoming and full of life. It's a place where both humans and dogs coexist in harmony, a testament to the Inuzuka clan's way of life. As he takes it all in, he knows that he's getting a glimpse into a world that's as unique as it is fascinating.

After they finish putting away all her new clothes, Malik wonders over to her underwear drawer and starts to look through it. As Malik browses through Kiba's lingerie collection, he picks up a particularly daring piece, holding it up against himself to gauge how it might look on her. His gaze lingers on the delicate fabric for a moment before he turns to Kiba, a playful smile on his face.

"I see you have quite the collection here," he says, dangling the lingerie from his finger. "Mind if I try this one on you?"

He takes a step closer, eyes sparkling with mischief and curiosity. The atmosphere between them shifts, becoming more charged as Kiba considers his proposal. She feels a flutter of excitement in her chest at the thought of him helping her into the lacy undergarment, her heartbeat quickening with anticipation. The lingerie that Malik holds up is a black lace bra with delicate straps and a feminine cut. It's a daring piece, designed to accentuate the wearer's curves and provide a hint of allure. The fabric is soft and luxurious, with intricate lace patterns that add an extra touch of elegance.

As Malik sniffs the lingerie, he inhales the faint scent of Kiba's perfume, which lingers on the fabric. The scent is subtle, but it's enough to make him feel closer to her, as if she's right there with him. He closes his eyes for a moment, savoring the smell and letting it wash over him. When he opens his eyes again, he looks at Kiba with a renewed sense of excitement and desire.

"This one would look amazing on you," he says, his voice low and husky. He takes a step closer, his gaze locked on hers. She can see the desire in his eyes as he holds up the lacy black bra, dangling it from his finger. The atmosphere between them two has shifted, becoming more charged and intense. Kiba feels a flutter of excitement in her chest at the thought of him helping you into the undergarment, her heartbeat quickening with anticipation.

"I'd love to see you in this," he says, his voice low and sultry. He takes another step closer, closing the distance between the two. She can feel the heat radiating off his body, and as she inhales deeply, taking in his scent. It's a mixture of his cologne and something uniquely him, and it sends a shiver down her spine.

Malik reaches out to touch the strap of the bra, letting his fingers graze against the delicate lace. Just as Malik was suggesting that Kiba try on one of her new bras, the door suddenly kicked open. Standing in the doorway is Tsume Inuzuka, Kiba's mother, with a wide smile on her face. "I'm proud that Kiba has found herself a husband," she announces, her voice filled with joy and pride.

Tsume Inuzuka is a striking woman with an animalistic look similar to that of her son Kiba. She has long, spiky, untamed brown hair that adds to her wild appearance. Her eyes are sharp, with vertical slit-like pupils that give her an intense gaze.

One of the most distinctive features of Tsume is her elongated canine teeth and nails, a characteristic trait of the Inuzuka clan. She also has the clan's fang markings on her cheeks, as well as markings over her eyes. Adding to her unique look, she wears dark purple lipstick.

Tsume's attire is practical and sturdy, reflecting her lifestyle as a member of the Inuzuka clan. She wears the standard outfit of a Konoha shinobi, consisting of a flak jacket and a black suit underneath with the sleeves rolled up and bandages around her legs.

Despite her tough exterior, Tsume's smile reveals a warm and caring mother, proud of her daughter's choice. As she steps into the room, her presence fills the space, adding to the excitement and joy of the day. Tsume's sudden arrival interrupts the intimate moment between Kiba and Malik. Her unexpected presence fills the room, and Kiba turns to greet her mother with a wide smile. "Mom, what brings you here?" she asks, trying to hide her embarrassment.

Tsume chuckles and walks over to Kiba, enveloping her in a warm hug. "I just wanted to see how my daughter was doing," she says, beaming with pride. "And I see that you've found yourself a wonderful partner."

Malik, still holding the lacy black bra, takes a step back to give Kiba and her mother some space. He smiles politely at Tsume and nods his head. "It's a pleasure to meet you, Tsume-sama," he says respectfully.

Tsume turns to Malik and studies him for a moment. Tsume's sharp gaze takes in every detail of Malik, from his fashionable attire to his confident demeanor. She sees a young, black man, a few inches shorter than Kiba, with a solid build. His expensive clothing, made from fine fabrics and adorned with intricate patterns, speaks of wealth and status. A golden chain around his neck gleams in the soft light, and his polished shoes reflect the floor.

Tsume recognizes him immediately as Malik, the richest man in the Land of Fire. She has heard of his reputation, his vast fortune, and his numerous businesses. But what catches her attention the most is the lacy black bra dangling from his finger. Her eyes flicker to his face, and she notices the playful smile on his lips and the desire in his eyes.

Tsume raises an eyebrow, amused by the scene before her. Tsume's gaze lingers on the lacy black bra in Malik's hand, a knowing smile playing on her lips. "Well, well, well," she says, her voice low and teasing. "It seems like you two have been up to something fun."

Kiba feels her cheeks grow warm, and she glances at Malik, who returns her gaze with a sheepish grin. Tsume chuckles and pats Kiba on the shoulder. "Don't worry, dear," she says. "I'm happy to see you two so happy together. And if trying on lingerie is part of that happiness, then who am I to judge?"

She turns to Malik and studies him for a moment. "I can see why Kiba would be attracted to you," she says. "You have a certain charm about you, and you're clearly quite generous."

Tsume's words hang in the air, a playful challenge that brings a flush to Malik's cheeks. He meets her gaze, a spark of determination in his eyes. "I believe everyone deserves the best, Tsume-sama," he says, his voice steady. "And Kiba is no exception."

Tsume laughs, a hearty sound that fills the room. "Well said, Malik," she replies, her eyes twinkling with approval. "I can see why Kiba likes you."

With that, she turns to leave, but not before giving Kiba a knowing wink. "I'll leave you two to your… shopping," she says, her voice laced with amusement.

Once Tsume is gone, Kiba turns to Malik, her cheeks still flushed. "Well, that was unexpected," she says, a sheepish smile on her lips.

Malik chuckles, reaching out to gently squeeze her hand. "Unexpected, but not unpleasant," he says, his gaze softening. "After all, we did get her approval." Kiba blushes further at Malik's words, but she can't help but feel a sense of excitement as well. She nods, taking a deep breath before beginning to undress. She starts by taking off her jacket, revealing the fitted white undershirt she has on beneath. After taking off her shirt, she then reaches behind her back, unclasping her bra and letting it fall away from her body. Her larger-than-average breasts are now exposed, their weight and fullness evident even without the support of a bra.

As Kiba removes her shirt, she also reveals her underarm hair, a natural part of her body that she doesn't feel the need to hide. It's just one more aspect of her that makes her unique, and she's proud of who she is.

Malik watches with admiration as Kiba undresses, his gaze lingering on her curves and the softness of her skin. As Kiba removes her bra, her full and shapely breasts are revealed, her dark nipples already hardening in the cool air. She reaches for the lacy black bra that Malik still holds, taking it from him with a grateful smile.

Malik helps Kiba into the new bra, his fingers grazing her soft skin as he adjusts the straps. The lace fabric fits her perfectly, accentuating her curves and providing a hint of allure. Kiba looks at herself in the mirror, admiring the way the bra looks on her.

She turns to Malik, her eyes shining with gratitude. "Thank you," she says softly, her voice barely above a whisper. Malik smiles, feeling his heart swell with affection. He takes a step closer to Kiba, wrapping his arms around her waist.

"You're welcome," he replies, his voice low and husky. Malik, with a playful smile on his face, gently slides his hands into Kiba's pants, carefully pushing them down to reveal her silky black underwear. His fingers graze the soft, delicate skin of her hips, causing her to shiver with pleasure.

As he moves further down, his fingertips brush against the coarse hair of her pubic mound, which is unshaven. The hair is soft and thick, and it feels like a stark contrast against the smoothness of her thighs.

Malik can feel the warmth radiating from her pussy, and he can't help but feel a sense of excitement wash over him. He gently parts her folds, revealing the delicate pink flesh underneath.

Kiba inhales sharply as Malik touches her, feeling a surge of pleasure coursing through her body.

Malik's fingers explore her folds, gently caressing her clit and causing her to gasp with pleasure. He teases her entrance, circling it with his fingertips before slowly sliding one finger inside of her. Kiba moans softly, her body trembling with desire as Malik begins to move his finger in and out of her.

He adds a second finger, stretching her open and preparing her for more. Kiba's breath comes in short, sharp gasps as Malik increases the pace of his thrusting, driving her closer and closer to the edge.

Just as Kiba is about to climax, Malik pulls his fingers out of her, leaving her panting and wanting. He grins mischievously, enjoying the power he holds over her. Kiba looks at him with a mixture of desire and frustration, but she can't help but smile back. Malik leans in, capturing Kiba's lips in a passionate kiss. His tongue dances with hers, tasting and exploring her mouth as his hands roam over her body. She can feel the heat radiating from him, and the bulge in his pants suggests that he's just as aroused as she is.

As they continue to kiss, Malik's hands move to the front of Kiba's pants, deftly unbuttoning and unzipping them. "Lean over on the bed, I'm going to take you from behind," He tells her. Kiba complies, bending over the bed and sticking her butt out invitingly. Malik takes a moment to appreciate the sight before him, admiring the curve of Kiba's hips and the way her pants are now low on her waist, revealing the black lace underwear he had chosen for her earlier.

With one swift movement, Malik pulls Kiba's pants down to her ankles, leaving her in just her new lacy bra and underwear. He can't help but feel a sense of pride and satisfaction at seeing her wearing the intimate garments he had picked out for her.

Malik then undresses himself, shedding his clothes until he is standing before Kiba in only his underwear. Kiba glances back over her shoulder, taking in the sight of Malik's bare chest.His Black smooth skin is on full display, and Kiba can't help but feel a flutter of excitement in her chest. Malik steps closer, his erection straining against the fabric of his underwear. He wraps his arms around Kiba's waist, pulling her close and nuzzling her neck.

Kiba feels Malik's warm breath against her skin, sending shivers down her spine. She leans back into his embrace, relishing in the feel of his body pressed against hers. Malik's hands roam over Kiba's body, exploring every inch of her. He cups her breasts, teasing her nipples through the delicate lace of her bra. Kiba gasps, her breath hitching in her throat as pleasure courses through her.

Malik's touch is driving her wild, and she can feel herself becoming more and more aroused. Malik gently pushes her back down, getting ready to enter her. As Malik positions himself behind Kiba, she feels the tip of his erection brush against her wet folds. She takes a deep breath, bracing herself for the intense pleasure that's about to come. With one smooth motion, Malik thrusts into her, filling her completely. Kiba moans softly, feeling him stretch her open as he begins to move in and out of her.

Their rhythm is steady and intense, building up the pleasure between them. Kiba can feel every inch of Malik inside her, the sensation is overwhelming and exhilarating. Their bodies move in sync, their moans and gasps of pleasure mingling in the air.

Malik reaches around to cup Kiba's breasts, his fingers teasing her nipples through the lace fabric. Kiba arches her back, pressing herself into his touch, relishing in the feel of his hands on her body. Malik's thrusts become more urgent, and Kiba can feel herself nearing the edge. She clenches around him, her inner muscles tightening as she reaches for her climax. Malik groans, his own pleasure building as he feels Kiba's orgasm approaching.

With one final thrust, Malik reaches his climax, filling Kiba with his warmth. Kiba shudders, her own orgasm crashing over her as she feels him release inside of her. They stand there for a moment, their bodies trembling with the aftershocks of their release.

Malik pulls out of Kiba, his hard erection slipping out of her wet folds. They both take a deep breath, trying to catch their breath. Kiba turns to face Malik, a soft smile on her lips. "That was incredible," she says softly. "Good but I'm not done yet," Malik says sticking his still-hard cock up her ass. Kiba gasps at the sudden intrusion, her body tensing as Malik pushes himself into her tight entrance. He moves slowly, giving her time to adjust to his size. Kiba takes deep breaths, trying to relax her muscles as Malik begins to thrust in and out of her. The sensation is intense, but also incredibly pleasurable. Kiba's body soon responds to Malik's movements, and she finds herself pushing back against him, meeting each thrust with one of her own.

Malik's hands grip Kiba's hips, holding her steady as he drives deeper into her. His thrusts become more urgent, the pace quickening as they both approach their climax. Kiba's moans grow louder, her breath coming in short, sharp gasps as she feels herself nearing the edge. With one final thrust, Malik reaches his peak, filling Kiba with his warmth. Kiba follows quickly after, her orgasm crashing over her as she feels Malik's release inside of her. They stand there for a moment, their bodies trembling with the aftershocks of their pleasure.

Malik gently pulls out of Kiba, and they both collapse onto the bed, spent and satisfied. Kiba snuggles up to Malik, feeling his warmth and the steady rhythm of his heartbeat. She closes her eyes, feeling content and happy in this moment with him.

As they lay there, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking, Kiba can't help but feel grateful for this man in her life. He has brought her so much joy and happiness, and she knows that she has found someone truly special in him.

Malik wraps his arms around Kiba, pulling her closer and pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. "I love you." As Kiba and Malik lay in each other's arms, basking in the afterglow of their passionate encounter, Kiba looks up at him with a soft smile on her face. "I love you too," she whispers, her voice filled with warmth and affection.

Malik gets up and pull Kiba half way off the bed and spread her legs, "One more, then I'll cook you dinner," He then pushes his hard dick back into her hairy pussy. Malik positions himself between Kiba's legs, his erection already hard and ready for her. He rubs the tip of his cock against her wet folds, coating himself in her juices. Kiba gasps, her hips bucking up to meet him. Malik grins, taking in the sight of her spread out before him, her hairy mound inviting him in.

With a swift thrust, Malik enters her, filling her up completely. Kiba moans, her back arching off the bed as she feels him stretch her open. Malik begins to move in and out of her, his pace steady and deliberate. He relishes in the feeling of her hair brushing against his thighs, tickling him with each thrust.

Kiba reaches down, her fingers tangling in the hair at the base of his cock. She pulls him deeper into her, wanting to feel every inch of him. Malik groans, his hips stuttering as Kiba's grip on his hair adds an extra layer of pleasure. He leans down, capturing one of her nipples through the lace of her bra in his mouth. Kiba arches her back, moaning as he teases her sensitive flesh.

As they continue to move together, their moans and gasps of pleasure fill the room. Kiba can feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge, her body trembling with anticipation. Malik's thrusts become more urgent, and Kiba feels herself being lifted higher and higher until she finally reaches her peak. She cries out, her orgasm crashing over her as Malik continues to thrust in and out of her.

Malik feels Kiba's inner muscles clench around him, and he knows that she's reached her climax. He increases his pace, chasing after his own release. With a final thrust, he reaches his peak, filling Kiba with his hot cum. 

 Malik then turns around seeing Tsume, standing at the open door, Malik smiles at her, pulling out of Kiba his hard cock wet from both of their cum, and he walks to her putting one hand on her face and one on her crotch feeling how wet she is, "Would you like to go on a date?" He asks her with a soft smile. Tsume raises an eyebrow at Malik's unexpected proposition. She glances over at Kiba, who is still lying on the bed, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Kiba blushes, but she can't help but feel a sense of curiosity and excitement at the idea.

Tsume turns back to Malik, her gaze thoughtful. "A date, hm?" she says, a small smile playing on her lips. "Well, I must admit, you do have a certain charm about you."

Malik grins, feeling a surge of confidence. He leans in closer to Tsume, his hand still resting on her crotch. "Then how about it?" he asks, his voice low and husky. "Would you like to go on a date with me?"

Tsume studies him for a moment, her eyes gleaming with curiosity.

{Malik I'm so proud of you!!!}

("I know")
