Chapter47: Doggy DayCare

Chapter47: Doggy DayCare

As the morning light filters through the windows, Malik stirs awake, finding himself nestled between Tsume and Kiba. Their peaceful slumber brings a soft smile to his face. Careful not to disturb them, he gently extricates himself from the tangle of limbs and blankets.

Leaving the warmth of the room behind, he makes his way towards the bathroom, the cool morning air causing a slight shiver to run down his spine. As he walks down the hallway, he spots Hana exiting another room.

She's dressed in her usual attire, her medical pouch strapped to her thigh, indicating she's probably heading out for her duties as a veterinary medical-nin. Her hair is neatly tied back, and there's a focused look on her face, a clear sign that she's mentally preparing for the day ahead.

"Hana," Malik calls out softly, not wanting to startle her. "Heading out early?"

She turns at the sound of his voice, a small smile playing on her lips. "Yes," she replies, her voice steady. "There's a lot to do today."

 "How about I head out with you, so we can spend some time together?" Malik says, still naked, Hana is very hesitant but agrees with Malik if he can get dressed quickly and with a snap of his fingers his body is enveloped in a pink light and fancy pink and silver clothes appear on him. "Please show me the way, I would love to see you at work". Hana's eyes widen in surprise as she takes in his sudden change of attire, but she quickly recovers and nods, leading the way. "Alright, let's go. I'm heading to the 'Inuzuka Veterinary Clinic' to check on some of the dogs we're taking care of."

As they walk together towards the clinic, The morning air is cool and refreshing, and the sound of birds chirping fills the air.

Upon arriving at the clinic, They are greeted by the sight of a bustling veterinary hospital. Nurses and assistants scurry about, tending to the needs of various animals. The smell of antiseptic and dog fur fills the air. "Wow this place is busy," Malik says to Hana. Hana nods in agreement, her gaze scanning the bustling clinic. "Yes, it's always like this in the morning. We have a lot of patients to attend to, and we also run a doggy daycare service here."

As Malik follows Hana through the clinic, He can see a spacious area with various dog beds, toys, and play equipment. Dogs of different breeds and sizes are playing, barking, and wagging their tails, clearly enjoying their time at the daycare.

A young woman approaches them, holding a leash attached to a fluffy white Samoyed. "Hana-sama, we have a new doggy daycare patient today. His name is Momo, and he's a six-month-old Samoyed," she says, introducing them to the adorable dog. As the young woman hands Malik the leash, Momo looks up at him with bright, eager eyes. He can't help but smile and kneel down to pet him. Momo's fur is soft, and he seems to be a friendly, playful pup.

Hana turns to Malik and says, "Malik, I have to attend to some urgent matters. Would you mind taking care of Momo for a while? I'll introduce you to the daycare staff, and they can show you around."

He agrees, and Hana leads him to a group of daycare staff who are more than happy to help him get started. They show him how to play with the dogs, how to handle their food and water, and how to keep them safe and comfortable during their stay.

As Malik spends time with Momo and the other dogs, he feels peace and contentment wash over him. Malik embraces his newfound responsibility with enthusiasm and care. Despite being a novice at handling dogs, he is quick to learn and adapt. He follows the daycare staff's instructions diligently, ensuring that Momo and the other pups are well taken care of.

He spends time playing with the dogs, engaging them in fun activities that keep them active and happy. He handles their food and water with utmost care, making sure they are well-fed and hydrated. He also ensures that they are comfortable during their stay, regularly checking on them and providing them with cozy blankets and toys.

Despite the challenges, Malik finds the experience rewarding. The pups, with their boundless energy and affection, bring a sense of joy and fulfillment. He forms a special bond with Momo, the pup's bright, eager eyes and playful nature winning him over.

As the day progresses, Malik grows more confident in his role. He handles the pups with ease and assurance, his initial apprehension replaced by a sense of purpose and contentment. His dedication does not go unnoticed by the daycare staff, who appreciate his help and commend him for his efforts.

By the end of the day, Malik feels a sense of accomplishment. He has not only managed to take care of Momo and the other pups but also learned valuable lessons about responsibility and compassion. It's an experience he cherishes, one that brings him closer to Hana and the world she loves. As the sun begins to set, Hana returns to the daycare, a smile on her face as she sees Malik surrounded by a pack of wagging tails and happy barks. "You've done an excellent job," she praises him, her eyes full of warmth. "I'm glad I could help," Malik responds, his own smile matching Hana's. He looks down at Momo, who is now curled up at his feet, fast asleep. "I think I've made a new friend."

As they prepare to leave the clinic, Hana turns to Malik. "Would you like to join me for dinner tonight?" she asks, her voice soft. "I know a great place that serves the best ramen in town." Malik's eyes light up at the suggestion. "I'd love to!"

As Malik and Hana leave the bustling veterinary clinic, a cool breeze rustles through the leaves above them. The sun begins to set, casting warm hues of orange and pink across the sky. Malik can't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him as he walks side by side with Hana, chatting about their day and the pups they took care of.

The ramen restaurant Hana takes him to is cozy and intimate, with low lighting and the aroma of simmering broth filling the air. Malik and Hana sit at a small table near the window, slurping noodles and sharing stories from their past. The atmosphere is relaxed and comfortable, and they find themselves laughing and smiling more than they have in a long time.

As the night wears on, the conversation turns to more personal topics. Hana shares stories of her childhood, her dreams, and her passions. Malik listens intently, his gaze never leaving her face. He is captivated by her beauty, both inside and out. He can't believe how lucky he is to have such an amazing woman in his life.

As they finish their meals, Hana looks at Malik, her eyes filled with warmth and affection. "I'm glad we could spend this time together," she says, her voice soft. Malik smiles back, taking her hand in his. "Me too," he replies, his voice sincere.

They continue to talk, their conversation flowing easily. They share secrets, dreams, and fears. The night grows late, but neither of them wants the moment to end. Finally, they decide to head back home, their arms wrapped around each other as they walk through the quiet streets. "You know you don't have to hold me if you don't want to," Malik says to her while they walk. Hana looks up at Malik with a soft smile. "I know, but I want to," she replies, her voice steady and sincere. He can feel the warmth of her body against his, and he realizes how much he's missed this closeness with her.

As they continue to walk, they find themselves falling into a comfortable silence. The sound of their footsteps on the pavement and the rustling of leaves in the wind are the only sounds that fill the air. They both seem lost in their thoughts, but the connection between them is palpable.

Eventually, they arrive back at the Inuzuka compound. Hana turns to Malik, her gaze thoughtful. "Thank you for spending the day with me," she says, her voice soft. "I had a great time." "You also don't have to thank me, we both enjoyed our time," he says to her. As the two of them continue to stand outside the Inuzuka compound, the cool night air brushes against your skin. Malik notices Hana's gaze lingering on him, a soft smile playing on her lips.

"Well, goodnight, Malik," she says, her voice barely above a whisper.

He feels a sudden impulse to lean in and kiss her, but he holds back, unsure of how she would react. Instead, he simply returned her smile and said, "Goodnight, Hana. Sleep well."

She nods, then turns to walk towards the main house. As he watches her disappear into the darkness, he can't help but feel a sense of longing in his heart.

He takes a deep breath and lets it out slowly, then turns to head towards his house.

{Child, why do you hold back}

("You do realize I met her yesterday right, give it some time,") Malik says in his head.


As Malik spots Kakashi and Sasuke heading out for their training session, he decides to approach them. With a friendly smile on his face, he calls out, "Kakashi, Sasuke, good to see you!"

Kakashi turns around at the sound of his name, his visible eye crinkling in a smile behind his mask. Sasuke, ever the stoic, gives Malik a nod of acknowledgment. Despite their intense training schedule, they take a moment to exchange pleasantries with Malik, appreciating the friendly interaction. It's a small but meaningful interaction, a testament to the camaraderie and respect shared among the residents of Konohagakure.

("Amora . . . do you got anything special for me?") Malik asks.

{Ask me again tomorrow}


In his house, Malik makes his way down to the basement, the sound of training echoing up the stairs. He finds Shisui, a skilled shinobi, in the midst of a training session with Gen'yūmaru.

"Shisui," Malik calls out, his voice echoing in the spacious basement. "I hope you're going easy on Gen'yūmaru."

Shisui pauses, turning to face Malik. A sheen of sweat glistens on her forehead, a testament to the intensity of their training. "Gen'yūmaru is better than the others," she admits, her voice steady. "he has a lot of talent."

But then her expression turns serious, her gaze meeting Malik's. "But we need more if we want to handle Danzō. She's not someone to be underestimated."


After his conversation with Shisui, Malik continues his journey deeper into the basement. He walks through the basement wall, a secret passage leading him to his hidden workshop room. The room is filled with various tools and equipment, a testament to Malik's diverse interests and skills.

He walks further into the room, his footsteps echoing in the quiet space. His gaze is drawn to a pool of water in the center of the room. As he peers into the pool, a figure starts to take shape.

In the shimmering reflection of the water, he sees the revived body of Haku, Zabuza and Pakura. The sight is both eerie and fascinating, a testament to the incredible feats that can be achieved through magic. As he stands there, staring at the reflection of Haku, he can't help but smile to himself. "Haku, open your eyes."