Chapter 62: U - Walk Away Unscathed

Quest 1: Walk Away Unscathed

Objective: Get attacked by bandits and walk away without a fight.

Details: You will encounter a group of hostile bandits. Use your charm and negotiation skills to defuse the situation and leave unharmed.


Quest 1 - Walk Away Unscathed

The first rays of dawn bathe the landscape in a golden hue as Malik sets out on his first quest. The crisp morning air is filled with the chirping of birds and the rustle of leaves. Amora's words still echo in his mind, guiding him toward his destination: a notorious hideout of the Iron Fang bandits.

Location: The Iron Fang's hideout is hidden deep within the forest, in a secluded clearing surrounded by dense trees. This bandit group is known for ambushing travelers and plundering small villages. Their hideout is well-camouflaged, with makeshift tents and a central bonfire pit, remnants of the previous night's activities.

The Iron Fang Bandits:

Bandit Group: The Iron Fang

- **Leader:** Gorn "Ironclaw" – A hulking brute with a steel gauntlet on his right hand, known for his ruthless tactics and unyielding nature.

- **Second-in-Command:** Sera "Whisper" – A cunning and agile woman with a talent for stealth and reconnaissance, known for her sharp wit and quick thinking.

- **Location:** Deep within the Greenwood Forest, a dense and labyrinthine area that provides excellent cover and multiple escape routes.

Malik approaches the forest's edge as the sun begins to rise, casting long shadows across the path. He takes a deep breath and steps into the woods, following a narrow trail that leads deeper into the heart of the Greenwood.


Malik's footsteps are light, his senses alert as he navigates the forest. After an hour of walking, he hears the unmistakable sounds of activity up ahead – the clang of metal, hushed voices, and the crackling of a fire. He knows he is close.

As Malik steps into the clearing, the bandits immediately notice him. His short, fat frame, dark skin, and renowned status make him instantly recognizable. Gorn "Ironclaw" stands up from his seat by the fire, his imposing figure casting a long shadow. Sera "Whisper" emerges from the shadows, her eyes narrowing as she assesses Malik.

Malik's eyes take in the formidable sight of Gorn "Ironclaw." Standing at approximately 6'6" with a muscular and imposing build, Gorn's broad shoulders and powerful frame make him an intimidating presence. His tanned skin is weathered from years of exposure to the elements, and his long, unkempt dark brown hair is tied back in a loose ponytail. Piercing green eyes set in a chiseled face with a prominent jawline and a rough, stubbled beard give him a stern and intimidating gaze. The steel gauntlet on his right hand, adorned with sharp, claw-like extensions, gleams in the morning light, embodying the nickname "Ironclaw." His rugged leather armor and chainmail are adorned with various trophies from past encounters, including feathers, teeth, and small trinkets, adding to his fearsome appearance.

As Malik's gaze shifts, he notices Sera "Whisper" stepping forward from the shadows. Approximately 5'7" with a lean and agile build, Sera moves with a lithe, athletic grace. Her fair skin bears a few scars hinting at her dangerous lifestyle, and her long, silver hair has a few strands that often fall into her face. Her sharp, purple eyes are always observant and calculating, set in angular features with high cheekbones and a narrow nose. A small tattoo of a feather near her right eye adds a distinctive mark to her visage. Known for her quick, almost ghost-like movement, Sera wears a fitted black leather outfit designed for stealth and flexibility, complete with several concealed pockets and compartments for her tools and weapons. A dark hooded cloak drapes over her shoulders, allowing her to blend seamlessly into the shadows.

Gorn "Ironclaw" starts to speak, "Well, well, if it isn't Malik himself. What brings a famous man like you to our humble abode? Speak quickly, or you'll regret it."

Malik raises his hands in a gesture of peace, his voice calm and steady.

"I am Malik, a traveler and cook seeking passage through these woods. I mean no harm and come in peace." Malik says.

The bandits exchange glances, their expressions a mix of curiosity and suspicion. Gorn steps forward, his steel gauntlet glinting in the morning light.

"Peace? We don't often hear that word around here. Why should we let you go unscathed?" "Ironclaw," says

Malik takes a step closer, his eyes meeting Gorn's with unwavering confidence.

"Because there's more to gain from working with me than from fighting me. I am very wealthy and can offer you a better life. How would you like to work as my personal bodyguards?"

Gorn's eyes narrow, but he doesn't interrupt. Malik continues, his voice steady and persuasive.

"Imagine steady income, no more hiding in the forest, and a chance to live without constantly looking over your shoulder. I can provide all of that and more. All I ask is that you protect me and assist me when needed." Malik says.

Sera "Whisper" steps forward, her expression thoughtful. "And what assurance do we have that you're telling the truth? Rich men don't often hire bandits."

Malik smiles, a hint of charm in his expression. He reaches into his bag and pulls out a pouch filled with gold coins, tossing it at Gorn's feet. "Consider this a down payment. There's plenty more where that came from if you agree to work for me."

The bandits murmur among themselves, weighing their options. Gorn finally nods, a grudging respect in his eyes as he picks up the pouch and weighs it in his hand. "Alright, Malik. You've got yourself a deal. We'll work for you, but if you cross us, there won't be a next time."

Malik nods, grateful and relieved. "You have my word. Thank you, Gorn. Thank you, Sera."

(Walking Away Unscathed)-complete


With the Iron Fang bandits now under his employ, Malik decides to stick around and get to know his new bodyguards better. He sits by the campfire with Gorn "Ironclaw" and Sera "Whisper," eager to learn more about their backgrounds and how they came to lead the notorious bandit group.

The campfire crackles warmly as the sun rises higher, casting a soft light over the clearing. The other bandits mill about, tending to their morning routines, while Malik, Gorn, and Sera settle in for a conversation.

Malik looks at Gorn and Sera, curiosity gleaming in his eyes. "I'd like to know more about you two. How did you meet and decide to form the Iron Fang bandits?"

Gorn shifts slightly, his steel gauntlet resting on his knee. He glances at Sera before beginning to speak. "I was a mercenary once, traveling from place to place, taking whatever jobs I could find. It was a hard life, always on the move, always fighting someone else's battles. One day, I found myself in a small village that had been overrun by bandits. They had taken everything, left nothing but ruins."

He pauses, his eyes distant as he recalls the memory. "That's where I met Sera. She was the only one left, hiding in the shadows, waiting for a chance to strike back. She had already taken out a few of the bandits on her own, but she was outnumbered."

Sera nods, picking up the story. "I was born in that village. It was my home, and those bandits had destroyed it. When Gorn arrived, I saw an opportunity. We teamed up, took down the remaining bandits together. After that, we decided to stick together. We realized we were stronger as a team."

Malik listens intently, nodding as he takes in their story. "So, you decided to form the Iron Fang bandits?"

Sera continues, her voice steady and clear. "We didn't start as bandits. At first, we tried to help other villages and protect them from the same fate. But the world is harsh, and people don't always trust strangers. We were outcasts, seen as no better than the bandits we fought."

Gorn's expression hardens slightly. "So we adapted. We took what we needed to survive, and eventually, we became what people feared. But we never lost sight of our code. We don't harm innocents if we can help it, and we take care of our own."

Malik nods thoughtfully, understanding the difficult choices they had to make. "I see. You both had to survive in a world that wasn't kind to you. I respect that. And now, you're with me. Let's make sure we can create a better future together."

Gorn and Sera exchange a glance, a silent agreement passing between them. They turn back to Malik, their expressions are resolute. "We'll follow you, Malik. You've shown us a different path, and we're willing to walk it with you."

Sera "Whisper" starts, "Just don't betray our trust. We've seen too much of that already."

Malik smiles warmly, feeling a newfound sense of camaraderie with his new allies. "You have my word. We'll build something great together."


As the morning progresses into a warm, sunlit day, Malik, Gorn, and Sera continue their conversation around the campfire. The atmosphere is relaxed, filled with a shared understanding of past hardships and hopes for a new future. Malik, feeling more comfortable with his new allies, begins to weave subtle flirtation into the conversation.

Malik's charm is natural, his words carefully chosen to intrigue and engage both Gorn and Sera. He compliments Gorn on his strength and leadership skills, and admires Sera's cunning and agility, all while maintaining a light, playful tone."Gorn, I must say, your strength is not just in your arms but in your leadership. It's impressive how you've held everyone together through thick and thin." Malik says.

Gorn chuckles, a rare smile breaking across his rugged face. "Well, it's not often someone recognizes the brains behind the brawn. You've got a good eye, Malik."

Turning to Sera, Malik's gaze softens slightly, appreciating her unique blend of strength and subtlety. "And Sera, the way you move and think—it's like poetry in motion. It's no wonder you're called 'Whisper'; you have a presence that's both subtle and impactful."

Sera's usual stoic expression softens, a hint of a smile playing at her lips. "Flattery will get you everywhere, Malik. Keep it up, and you might just find yourself under my protection for more reasons than one."

As the day wears on, the banter becomes more frequent, and the glances exchanged between them grow longer and more meaningful. Malik's youthful energy and charm bring a new dynamic to the group, and both Gorn and Sera find themselves increasingly drawn to his vibrant personality.

During a shared meal of freshly caught game, Malik sits between Gorn and Sera, the conversation flowing easily. He shares stories of his travels, his ambitions, and the places he dreams of seeing. Gorn and Sera, in turn, open up more about their own dreams, things they've rarely spoken about even among themselves.

Malik with a smile, "What about you both? Any dreams that the harshness of life hasn't yet chased away?"

Gorn "Ironclaw" blushes a little and says, "I suppose... I've always wanted to see if there's a place for someone like me beyond these woods, beyond being a feared name. Maybe with you, that could be a reality."

Sera "Whisper" also says while trying not to make eye contact with Malik, "And I've thought about using my skills for something bigger, something more... noble. It seems like you might be the catalyst for that change, Malik."

The conversation continues into the evening, with the fire casting dancing shadows around them. It's clear that a mutual attraction is forming, not just based on physical interest but also on a deep respect for each other's strengths and vulnerabilities.

"It seems we're all looking for a new start. Perhaps together, we can find it. I'm glad to have met you both—not just as allies, but as... more." Malik says, trying not to place a hand on either of their legs.

("Amora why am I always horny, can't you turn it off") Malik asks her.

(Kid, being horny is literally your superpower} She answers.

Gorn and Sera exchange a look, their expressions serious but open. "We're glad too, Malik. It's been a long time since anyone has seen us for more than just bandits." Gorn says. "And it's refreshing to be appreciated for who we are, not just what we can do," Sera says.

As the night deepens, they sit closer, the warmth from the fire echoing the growing warmth in their new relationship. Malik, Gorn, and Sera find themselves at the beginning of a journey that might just redefine their destinies.


As the warmth of the day gives way to the cooler air of the evening and then the night, the campfire's glow becomes the centerpiece for the trio's deepening bond. The shared laughter and intimate stories create an atmosphere of camaraderie and budding affection. Malik, Gorn, and Sera, now comfortably seated around the dying embers of the fire, realize the hour has grown late.

"Well, we should probably get some sleep. I'll take you both back to my place in the morning." Malik says while standing up.

Gorn and Sera exchange a look, a silent communication passing between them. Sera turns back to Malik, her expression thoughtful and inviting as she reaches out to gently grasp Malik's hand.

"You can stay in our tent for the night, it might not be safe for you with the others just yet. They're still warming up to the idea of a new alliance." Sera says.

Malik nods, understanding the complexities of bandit loyalties and the need for discretion. He allows Sera to lead him, feeling the reassuring strength in her grip. Gorn rises as well, towering over them but with a softness in his eyes that was less visible by moonlight. "Our tent is a bit larger than the others. We've got space enough for all of us to share in peace."

As they approach the tent, Malik observes its strategic positioning within the camp—partially secluded by thickets of bush but with a clear view of the camp's entrances and exits. The structure itself is robust, made from layers of animal hides, and large enough to accommodate their group comfortably.

Inside, the tent is surprisingly cozy. A thick layer of furs covers the ground, and small lanterns hang from improvised hooks, casting a soft light that shadows the interior. Gorn and Sera have made it a point to create a space that feels more like a haven than a mere shelter.

Gorn gestures towards a stack of extra blankets at the corner. "We keep it well-stocked for colder nights. Help yourself to a blanket, Malik."

Sera busies herself with a small wooden chest, pulling out a couple of extra pillows. She arranges them in a semi-circle, her movements efficient yet graceful. "We don't often have guests, especially not ones we... appreciate as much as you, Malik."

The air is thick with unspoken words as they settle down for the night. Malik finds himself between Gorn and Sera, a placement that feels both protective and intimate. Gorn's presence is reassuring, his quiet strength a constant comfort. Sera, on the other hand, exudes a calming influence, her proximity both exciting and soothing.

As they lie there, the boundaries of leader and follower, protector and protected, begin to blur. Conversation turns to whispers as they share thoughts on what tomorrow might bring, their voices low in the quiet of the night.

"I'm really looking forward to showing you my home. It's quite different from this, but... I think you might like it." Malik says.

"We're used to living off the land, but I won't deny a bit of comfort would be nice." Gorn says.

"And maybe a chance to be something more than what we've been. With you, it feels like that could be possible." Sera says.

"I'll make sure of it," Malik says.

The tent feels warmer as their bodies draw closer in the darkness, sharing not just space but also the vulnerable snippets of their hopes and dreams. As they drift towards sleep, the last thing Malik hears is the synchronized breathing of his new companions, a comforting reminder of the bond they have begun to forge under the stars.

This night, under the canopy of the forest and the shelter of their tent, marks the beginning of a deeper relationship between Malik, Gorn, and Sera. Each of them, in revealing their hopes and fears, steps closer to a future where they might redefine themselves. The safety and warmth of the tent symbolize the potential of their new alliance and the intimacy that might grow from shared spaces and shared dreams.

{So are you going to fall asleep or . . .?} Amora asks him.

(" I think I'll start with Gorn,") Malik says, getting up and pulling away from Gorn and Sera with eased practice. Malik leans over Gorn, touching his chest and slowly moving his hands down to the man crotch. Gorn's eyes widen in surprise and pleasure as Malik's hands make their way down to his crotch. Gorn's body tenses up as Malik begins to touch him in a more intimate way. Gorn reaches out and pulls Malik closer, pressing their lips together in a passionate kiss.

Gorn's hands run through Malik's hair as they continue to kiss, their bodies pressed tightly against each other. Gorn's heart races as the intimacy between them deepens.

Suddenly, Malik pulls out Gorn's cock breacking away from the kiss. Gorn's cock is now fully exposed, and it's a sight to behold. It's long and thick, with veins running along the shaft. The head is a deep shade of red, glistening with precum. Malik can't help but be captivated by its beauty, and he starts to stroke it slowly, causing Gorn to moan in pleasure.

Gorn's breath hitches as Malik increases his pace, his hand moving up and down the length of Gorn's shaft. Gorn's hips thrust forward, eager for more friction. Malik can feel Gorn's cock twitch in his hand, and he knows that Gorn is close to climaxing.

Suddenly, Gorn grabs Malik's wrist, stopping him mid-stroke. "Not yet," Gorn growls, his eyes blazing with desire. "Don't worry love, will keep going after you cum for me," Malik says pumping his cock. Gorn's grip on Malik's wrist tightens, but he eventually relents, allowing Malik to continue stroking his cock. The sight of Gorn's pleasure is almost too much for Malik to handle, and he can feel his own arousal growing.

Gorn's moans grow louder as he gets closer to climaxing, his hips thrusting wildly into Malik's hand. Suddenly, with a loud cry, Gorn reaches his peak, his cum spurting out in hot, sticky streams. Malik continues to stroke him gently, helping him ride out the aftershocks of his orgasm.

Once Gorn has caught his breath, Malik leans in to kiss him again, their lips meeting in a tender embrace. Gorn wraps his arms around Malik, pulling him close and deepening the kiss. "Now lets see," Malik says still holding Gorn cock, "I wonder what you taste like?" Gorn's breath hitches as Malik's words hang in the air. He looks into Malik's eyes, searching for any sign of doubt or hesitation. But all he sees is desire and curiosity. Gorn nods slowly, giving Malik his consent.

Malik's eyes never leaving Gorn's, he leans in and takes the tip of Gorn's cock into his mouth. Gorn gasps at the sudden warmth and wetness, his hips jerking forward involuntarily. Malik wraps his lips around the head, swirling his tongue around the sensitive flesh. He can taste the saltiness of Gorn's precum, and it only fuels his desire.

Gorn's fingers thread through Malik's hair, guiding him further down onto his cock. Malik takes him in willingly, his throat relaxing to accommodate Gorn's size. Malik's lips meet the base of Gorn's shaft, and he begins to move his head back and forth, bobbing up and down on Gorn's cock. Gorn's breath comes in short, sharp gasps as Malik's mouth and tongue work their magic. Malik can feel Gorn's cock twitching in his mouth, signaling that he's close to cumming again.

Gorn's grip on Malik's hair tightens as he reaches his peak, his cum spurting out in hot, sticky streams. Malik swallows eagerly, savoring the taste of Gorn's essence. Once Gorn has caught his breath, Malik pulls back, releasing Gorn's cock from his mouth with a pop.

Gorn looks at Malik with a mixture of awe and gratitude. "Thank you." "Don't thank me yet, you still get to cum one more time!" Malik says pulling off Gorn's pants, Malik then spreads Gorn legs and pushes his own dark cock into his entrance. Gorn's body tenses up as he feels Malik's cock enter him, filling him up in a way he's never experienced before. Malik starts to move his hips slowly, getting used to the new sensation. Gorn's breath hitches as Malik begins to thrust deeper and harder, hitting spots he didn't know existed.

Malik's hands are on Gorn's hips, pulling him closer with each thrust. Gorn wraps his legs around Malik's waist, pulling him in even deeper. The intimacy between them is intense, and they can feel themselves getting lost in the moment.

Malik's thrusts become faster and harder, and Gorn can feel himself getting close to climaxing again. Malik leans down to kiss Gorn, their lips meeting in a passionate embrace. As Malik's tongue explores Gorn's mouth, his thrusts become more urgent, driving Gorn closer and closer to the edge. With a loud cry, Gorn reaches his peak, his cum spurting out to mix with the sweat on their bodies. Malik follows soon after, his own orgasm ripping through him as he collapses onto Gorn, both of them panting heavily.

Malik pulls out gently, rolling onto his back beside Gorn. They lay there for a moment, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Gorn turns his head to look at Malik, a content smile on his face. "That was amazing," he says softly.

Malik returns the smile, reaching out to take Gorn's hand in his. "Yes, it was," he agrees. After that Malik turns around to face Sera who is fully awake a this point. Malik places a hand on her face, "Show me you." Sera's movements are languid and deliberate as she responds to Malik's request. She slowly sits up, her body still flushed with the afterglow of watching Malik and Gorn's intimate moment. Her eyes lock onto Malik's, and she can see the desire and curiosity burning within them.

With a sultry smile, Sera reaches for the hem of her shirt and begins to lift it up, revealing inch after inch of smooth, tanned skin. Her abs ripple as she moves, and her breasts bounce slightly as the fabric clears them. She tosses the shirt to the side, leaving her in just her bra and pants.

Sera's fingers then move to the button of her pants, popping it open with a practiced ease. She then slowly lowers the zipper, the sound slicing through the air like a knife. She wiggles her hips as she slides the pants down her legs, taking her time to reveal every inch of her toned thighs. Once the pants are off, she kicks them aside and lies back down, her body now fully exposed for Malik to see.

Her bra and panties are both a deep red, the same color as the passion that burns in her eyes. The bra cups her ample breasts perfectly, and the underwire provides just enough support to accentuate their natural fullness. Her panties, on the other hand, are made of a sheer material that leaves little to the imagination.

Sera's breath hitches as Malik's gaze travels over her body, taking in every curve and contour. She can feel herself growing more aroused with each passing second, her heart racing in anticipation of what's to come. As Malik pulls Sera's panties down, he reveals her most intimate part. Her pussy is a beautiful sight to behold, with soft, pink lips that are already glistening with moisture. The folds of her labia are delicate and inviting, inviting Malik to explore further. He can see the outline of her clitoris, swollen with arousal, and he can't help but be captivated by its beauty.

The scent of her arousal fills the air, and Malik can feel his own desire growing stronger as he takes in the sight of Sera's pussy. He can't wait to taste her, to feel her body trembling with pleasure beneath his touch.

As Malik moves closer, Sera spreads her legs wider, giving him better access to her wetness. "First, I'll use my hand just like with him," Malik says to her. Malik's hand moves towards Sera's pussy, his fingers gently tracing the soft, pink lips. Sera gasps as she feels his touch, her hips arching up to meet his hand. Malik can feel the warmth radiating from her body, and he can tell that she's already incredibly aroused.

He begins to stroke her clit gently, his fingers moving in slow, deliberate circles. Sera's breath hitches as he touches her in just the right spot, her body trembling with pleasure. Malik increases the pressure slightly, watching as Sera's eyes flutter closed with delight.

Sera's moans grow louder as Malik continues to stroke her clit, her hips bucking wildly against his hand. He can feel her getting closer to climaxing, her body tensing up as she gets ready to release. Malik, feeling encouraged by Sera's reactions, decides to take things to the next level. He slides a finger inside her, feeling her wet warmth envelop him. Sera gasps at the intrusion, her hips thrusting forward to meet his finger. Malik starts to move his finger in and out of her, matching the rhythm of her movements.

As he continues to pleasure Sera, Malik leans down to kiss her neck, his lips exploring the sensitive skin. Sera responds eagerly, her hands reaching up to tangle in Malik's hair. She pulls him closer, deepening the kiss as she wraps her legs around his waist.

Malik can feel Sera's body tensing up as she gets closer to climaxing. Her moans grow louder, and her breath comes in short, sharp gasps. With one last thrust, Sera reaches her peak, her body trembling with pleasure as she cries out in ecstasy. Malik can feel her muscles clenching around his finger, the sensation sending waves of pleasure through his own body. He continues to move his finger inside her, helping her ride out the aftershocks of her orgasm.

Once Sera has caught her breath, Malik pulls back, smiling at her gently. "Are you okay?" he asks, concern etched on his face. Sera nods, still panting heavily. "Yes, that was incredible," she replies, a satisfied smile playing on her lips.

Malik withdraws his finger slowly, giving Sera a moment to recover. He then lowers himself, "Now with my mouth." Malik's head descends between Sera's legs, his breath warm against her sensitive skin. She gasps as she feels his tongue make contact with her clit, tracing slow, deliberate circles around the swollen nub. Sera's hips buck wildly, her body trembling with pleasure as Malik's tongue explores every inch of her pussy.

Malik's hands grip Sera's hips, holding her still as he devours her. His tongue delves deeper, tasting her sweetness and savoring her unique flavor. Sera's moans grow louder, filling the room with the sound of her pleasure.

Malik's tongue moves lower, teasing the entrance to her pussy. He flicks his tongue against her, causing Sera to gasp with delight. Malik's tongue pushes inside her, tasting her wetness and exploring her depths. Sera's hips buck wildly as she feels Malik's tongue inside her, the sensation almost too much to bear. Malik's hands grip her hips tighter, holding her still as he pleasures her with his mouth.

As Malik continues to eat Sera out, she can feel herself getting close to climaxing again. Her breath comes in short, sharp gasps, and her body tenses up with pleasure. With one last flick of Malik's tongue against her clit, Sera reaches her peak, her body trembling with pleasure as she cries out in ecstasy.

Once Sera has caught her breath, Malik pulls back, smiling at her gently. "Did you enjoy that?" he asks, a hint of pride in his voice. Sera nods, still panting heavily. "Good," Malik then places his black hard cock at her entrance. Malik's cock is hard and eager, pressing against Sera's entrance. He looks into her eyes, searching for any signs of hesitation. But all he sees is desire and passion. Sera nods, giving him her consent.

Malik pushes himself inside Sera, feeling her wet warmth envelop him. She gasps as he enters her, her body tensing up with pleasure. Malik starts to move his hips slowly, getting used to the new sensation. Sera wraps her legs around his waist, pulling him in deeper. The intimacy between them is intense, and they can feel themselves getting lost in the moment.

Malik's thrusts become faster and harder, and Sera can feel herself getting close to climaxing again. Malik leans down to kiss her, their lips meeting in a passionate embrace. As Malik's tongue explores Sera's mouth, his thrusts become more urgent, driving her closer to the edge. With a loud cry, Sera reaches her peak once again, her body trembling with pleasure as Malik's cock twitches inside her, filling her with his warmth.

Malik collapses onto Sera, both of them panting heavily as they bask in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Malik rolls onto his back beside Sera, pulling her close and wrapping his arm around her. They lay there in silence for a few moments, enjoying the feeling of each other's bodies pressed together.

Sera looks up at Malik, her eyes shining with gratitude and affection. "Thank you," she whispers, pressing a soft kiss to his lips.

Malik smiles, brushing a strand of hair out of Sera's face. "You're welcome." "Ok, now we can all go to sleep."