Chapter 70: (N)Change the heart of a tyrannical ruler.

Chapter 70: (N)Change the heart of a tyrannical ruler.

Quest 5: Transform a Tyrant's Heart 

Objective: Change the heart of a tyrannical ruler. 

Details: Approach a cruel and oppressive ruler, known for their tyranny. Through your charm and diplomacy, convince them to adopt a just and compassionate approach to governance. 

 Hidden Village of Kurayami :

The Hidden Village of Kurayami is located in a secluded valley, surrounded by dense forests and high cliffs. It's a smaller village compared to the Hidden Leaf but strategically positioned near trade routes that connect to the larger shinobi villages. The village is known for its relative isolation, which has allowed it to maintain a unique culture and governance structure. 

- Central Plaza: The heart of Kurayami, where the villagers gather for markets, festivals, and public announcements. The plaza is lined with traditional buildings, including shops, tea houses, and small inns. 

- Residential Area: Modest homes built in traditional style with wooden frames and sliding doors. The homes are clustered close together, creating a tight-knit community atmosphere. 

- Training Grounds: Open fields and dojos where the village's shinobi train. The grounds are well-maintained and equipped with various training equipment. 

- The Tyrant's Manor: An imposing structure located on a hill overlooking the village. The manor is surrounded by high walls and guarded by loyal shinobi. 

The villagers of Kurayami are a mix of hardworking farmers, skilled craftsmen, and dedicated shinobi. Despite the village's relatively peaceful appearance, the people are wary and suspicious of outsiders due to the oppressive rule of their leader. 

- Farmers: They cultivate the fertile lands surrounding the village, growing rice, vegetables, and medicinal herbs. 

- Craftsmen: Known for their intricate woodwork, pottery, and weaving, they produce goods that are traded with neighboring villages. 

- Shinobi: Trained in stealth and combat, they are loyal to the village and its leadership, often enforcing the tyrant's decrees. 

The Tyrant: The village is ruled by a powerful and enigmatic older woman, known for her beauty and cruelty. Her name is Yukari. Despite her oppressive rule, she maintains the village's stability and prosperity, albeit through fear and strict control. Yukari is known for her striking appearance, with long, flowing hair a vivid, unnatural shade of purple, and piercing, cruel eyes. She possesses a large bosom and an aura of authority that intimidates even the bravest shinobi. 

Yukari's Twin Sister: Yukari's twin sister, Sayuri, contrasts sharply with her. While not openly evil, Sayuri is driven by a love for money and power. She is known for her cunning and ambition, often manipulating situations to her advantage. Like her sister, Sayuri has striking hair a bright, shocking pink, and eyes that reflect her opportunistic nature. 

Despite the outward appearance of a stable village, Malik senses underlying tension and fear among the people, hinting at the oppressive rule of Yukari and the influence of Sayuri. The villagers, initially hostile to Malik, soon recognize him for his fame, wealth, and influence, and see in him a potential savior or benefactor. 

As Malik and his entourage approach Kurayami, they notice the village's beauty and order, contrasting with the wariness in the villagers' eyes. The scene is set for Malik to uncover the mystery behind Yukari's tyranny and to transform her heart through charm and diplomacy. 


 The outskirts of Kurayami, a hidden village nestled in a secluded valley surrounded by dense forests and high cliffs. Malik, accompanied by Waraji and Zōri, makes a grand entrance. 


- Armor: Waraji's armor is a sleek combination of traditional shinobi gear and modern enhancements. It's crafted from a lightweight, durable metal with intricate designs that reflect his aggressive personality. The armor is black with red accents, and it's equipped with chakra-conductive plates that enhance his defensive and offensive capabilities. 

- Weapon: Waraji wields a chakra-charging sword known as "Inferno Edge." The blade glows with a fiery red aura when infused with his chakra, capable of cutting through almost anything and creating waves of intense heat. 



- Armor: Zōri's armor is designed for agility and speed, featuring a dark blue and silver color scheme. The armor is adorned with small, reflective plates that can project illusions, aiding his stealth abilities. It's also equipped with advanced chakra channels that amplify his techniques. 

- Weapon: Zōri carries a chakra-charging sword called "Storm Fang." The blade crackles with electric energy when charged, allowing Zōri to unleash devastating lightning-based attacks and paralyze his foes. 

GrubGrub, Malik's shapeshifting familiar, is currently in the form of a magnificent, winged serpent with iridescent pink scales. The creature is large enough to carry Malik, Waraji, and Zōri on its back, its wings shimmering in the sunlight as it soars gracefully through the sky. GrubGrub's pink hue and majestic presence draw the attention of the villagers below. 

As GrubGrub descends from the sky, its pink scales glittering, the villagers of Kurayami stop in their tracks, their initial hostility turning into awe and curiosity. Malik, Waraji, and Zōri dismount gracefully, their impressive armors and weapons adding to the spectacle. 

Villager 1: "Look at that! Who could they be?" 

Villager 2: "Isn't that Malik? The famous baker and the richest man in the Land of Fire?" 

 ("I'm kinda getting tired of only being the richest man in the land of fire.") Malik thinks to himself.

{Captialist much!} Amora mocks.

A group of villagers approaches cautiously, their expressions a mix of suspicion and awe. Despite recognizing Malik, they are wary of outsiders. 

 Then an old man walks up, maybe the Villager Leader Malik thinks, "State your business here, strangers. We don't take kindly to intruders." 

Malik smiling at the old man, "We come in peace. My name is Malik, and these are my companions, Waraji and Zōri. We've heard of the troubles in Kurayami and wish to help." 

The villagers' hostility quickly fades as they fully recognize Malik. They murmur among themselves, the realization of his fame and influence spreading like wildfire. 

Villager 3: "It really is Malik! Maybe he can help us." 

Villager Leader: "If you truly wish to help, you must meet with our leader, Yukari." 

The villagers surround Malik and his companions, guiding them forcefully but respectfully towards the Tyrant's Manor. The atmosphere is tense, but the hope in the villagers' eyes is palpable. 

Waraji leans over to Zōri and whispers, "Looks like we're being escorted whether we like it or not." 

"Stay alert. This could get tricky." Zōri whispers back.

The group arrives at the imposing structure of the Tyrant's Manor, with high walls and guarded gates adding to its intimidating presence. Malik can sense the power emanating from within, and he prepares himself to meet the enigmatic Yukari. 

Malik (to Waraji and Zōri), "Stay close and be ready for anything. We need to understand why she rules with such cruelty." 


The Tyrant's Manor in the Hidden Village of Kurayami. The imposing structure overlooks the village, with high walls and guarded gates. Malik, Waraji, and Zōri, having made a grand entrance, are now being escorted by the villagers to meet the tyrannical ruler, Yukari. 

The manor is a grand, yet intimidating structure. Its high walls are adorned with intricate carvings, depicting scenes of power and dominance. Guards are stationed at regular intervals, their eyes sharp and unyielding. As Malik and his companions approach the gates, the guards eye them warily. 

Guard: "State your business with the Lady Yukari." 

Malik speaks, "We've come to understand the situation here and offer our assistance. We wish to speak with Lady Yukari." 

The guards exchange glances before nodding and opening the gates. Malik, Waraji, and Zōri are led through a courtyard filled with meticulously maintained gardens, the beauty of which contrasts sharply with the underlying tension in the air. 

The interior of the manor is lavishly decorated with fine tapestries, ornate furniture, and grand chandeliers. The air is thick with a sense of power and control. Malik notices the opulence and the silent, watchful eyes of the servants as they pass. 

They are led to a large, elaborately decorated room where Yukari awaits. She sits on a throne-like chair, her presence commanding and intimidating. "So, you are the famous Malik. What brings you to my village?" Yukari says.

Yukari is a strikingly beautiful woman, her long, flowing hair a vivid, unnatural shade of purple. Her eyes are sharp and cruel, reflecting her authoritative nature. She possesses a large bosom (J cups), accentuated by her form-fitting, traditional attire that signifies her power and status. Despite her beauty, there is an unmistakable air of menace about her. 

Malik starts thinking to himself. ("She's beautiful, but there's something deeply unsettling about her." ) "Lady Yukari, I've come to understand the difficulties your village faces and to offer my assistance. Your people seem to be living in fear. I'd like to know why." 

 Yukari smiles at him, "Fear is necessary to maintain order. Without it, chaos reigns." 

Suddenly, another figure enters the room. It's Sayuri, Yukari's twin sister. She is equally beautiful but with a bright, shocking pink hair color. Her eyes reflect her cunning and ambition. She moves with a grace that speaks of both power and seduction. "Well, well, if it isn't the famous Malik. Sister, you didn't tell me we had such an esteemed guest." 

Yukari rolled her eyes at her sister, "Sayuri, this is none of your concern." 

Sayuri gives Yukari a look, "Oh, but it is. I've heard so much about you, Malik. Your fame, your wealth... your influence. We could certainly use someone like you around here." 

Sayuri steps closer to Malik, her eyes gleaming with interest. "Perhaps we could discuss how you might help us... more intimately." 

Yukari watches the interaction with a mix of irritation and intrigue. She may be cruel, but she's also practical and understands the potential benefits of aligning with someone of Malik's status. "If you truly wish to help, Malik, then prove it. This village needs stability, and if you can offer something of value, we might consider your assistance." 

Sayuri taking note from her sister, "And who knows, Malik? Perhaps a union between you and one of us could bring about the harmony this village needs." 

Sayuri's implication is clear, and Malik can sense the underlying motives of both sisters. They are interested not just in his help, but in his wealth and influence. 

Malik stands tall, his expression thoughtful yet determined. "Lady Yukari, Lady Sayuri, I came here to offer genuine assistance, not to barter for personal gain. I'll consider your proposals, but my primary goal is to help your village find peace and prosperity." 

The air grows thick with tension as Malik's words hang in the air. Both sisters study him closely, weighing their options. 

Yukari staring at him says, "Very well, Malik. We'll see what you're capable of. But know this: If you fail, you will regret ever stepping foot in Kurayami." 

Sayuri just a step behind her sister, "I have faith in you, Malik. Perhaps we can find a mutually beneficial arrangement." 

Malik knows that winning over Yukari and Sayuri will be no easy task. Their interest in his wealth and influence complicates matters, but he remains determined to uncover the reasons behind Yukari's cruelty and to bring about a positive change in the village. As they leave the room, Malik glances back at the sisters, his mind already formulating a plan to win their trust and transform their hearts. 


Kurayami village. Malik, Waraji, and Zōri spend hours gathering information from the villagers. Afterward, Malik is summoned alone to the Tyrant's Manor, where the sisters Yukari and Sayuri await him. 

Investigation in the Village: 

First Hour: 

Malik, Waraji, and Zōri split up to cover more ground. They move through the central plaza, speaking to farmers, craftsmen, and even some shinobi. The villagers are initially hesitant but open up slowly as Malik's reputation as a compassionate and famous figure precedes him. 

Malik (to a farmer), "Can you tell me about the leadership here? What is life like under Yukari's rule?" 

Farmer: "It's harsh. She keeps order, but it's through fear. Many are afraid to speak out." 

Waraji (to a craftsman), "What about the village's relationship with nearby villages? Is there any support or conflict?" 

Craftsman: "We're isolated. Yukari ensures we're self-sufficient, but that also means we're on our own if trouble comes." 

Zōri (to a shinobi), "Do you know anything about the sisters' past? What drives them?" 

Shinobi: "They weren't always this way. Something changed them. Some say it's greed, others speak of a darker influence." 

Second Hour: 

The three continue their inquiries, piecing together a complex picture of fear, isolation, and strict control. Malik notices the apprehension in the villagers' eyes whenever the sisters are mentioned, hinting at deeper fears and secrets. 

Malik (to Waraji and Zōri), "Keep gathering information. There's something deeper here. Be careful and stay alert." 

Waraji nods, "Understood. We'll be discreet." 

Zōri gives Malik a thumbs up, "We'll find out what we can." 

Third Hour: 

Just as they begin to uncover more specific details about the sisters' rule, a messenger arrives, summoning Malik back to the manor. 

Messenger: "Lady Yukari and Lady Sayuri request your presence at the manor, Malik." 

Malik turning to his boys, "Very well. Waraji, Zōri, continue gathering information. Be cautious." 

Waraji says, "We've got your back." 

Zōri says "Be careful, Malik." 

Malik walks through the village towards the manor, his mind racing with the information he's gathered. He takes his time, observing the villagers and the guards, formulating a plan to confront the sisters. 

The gates open for Malik, and he is led through the grand halls to a private room where Yukari and Sayuri await. The room is lavishly decorated with soft lighting and comfortable seating, designed to put visitors at ease. 

"Welcome back, Malik. We were hoping for some private time with you." Yukari says playfully.

Sayuri winks at Malik, "Yes, we have much to discuss... and other things." 

The sisters' flirtations are more intense this time. Yukari leans closer to Malik, her cruel eyes softened by a seductive smile. Sayuri touches Malik's arm, her voice dripping with sweetness. 

Yukari with a sly smile, "You're quite the impressive man, Malik. Young, handsome, and influential." 

Sayuri leaning up against him, "We could accomplish so much together, don't you think?" 

Malik, recognizing the opportunity, responds with a mixture of charm and honesty. "You are both incredibly attractive and powerful women. Your maturity and beauty are... captivating." 

The sisters exchange a glance, a spark of excitement in their eyes. They continue to flirt, their rivalry for Malik's attention becoming more apparent. 

Yukari pats his leg, "He's right, Sayuri. We are a formidable pair. But I think he likes me more." 

Sayuri pushed on him, "Don't be so sure, sister. Malik, you do find me charming, don't you?" 

 Seeking the Truth: Malik sees his chance to steer the conversation towards the truth. "You both are certainly captivating, but I must ask—why do you rule this village the way you do? There's more to your story, isn't there?" 

The sisters try to divert the conversation with more flirtation, but Malik persists. "Please, be honest with me. What drives you to govern through fear and control?" 

The room falls silent as the sisters exchange another look, this time more serious. 

Yukari starts, "Some of it is pure greed and pride. We want power and wealth, and we're not ashamed of that." 

Sayuri then steps in, "But it's also about protection. We fear the bigger villages might take over if we show any weakness." 

 Yukari with a dark look on her face, "And there's more, something we haven't shared with anyone... but that's a story for another time." 

Malik listens intently, sensing there is still more they're not revealing. He knows he's made progress but realizes the full truth will take more time and patience to uncover. "Thank you for your honesty. I believe there's still more to understand, but I appreciate your candor." 

The sisters nod, a mix of intrigue and caution in their eyes. "We'll see what you can do, Malik. Perhaps you'll prove to be more valuable than we thought." Yukari says.

"And perhaps we can find... other ways to collaborate," Sayuri says.

Malik leaves the room with more insight into the sisters' motivations. He knows the next steps will be crucial in transforming their hearts and uncovering the full truth about Kurayami. 


The village of Kurayami, late evening. The villagers have retired to their homes, and the streets are quiet. Malik is alone, reflecting on his recent conversation with Yukari and Sayuri. 

Malik starts to think for himself, ("There's something more to this village, something they're not telling me. I can feel it.") 

As Malik walks through the village, his empathic powers of Love begin to pick up on a dark, oppressive force emanating from deep below. The sensation is overwhelming, pulling at his very being. "What is this? It feels... ancient and malevolent." 

Despite his resistance, Malik's body begins to move on its own, drawn towards the source of the dark force. His steps are slow but deliberate, as if an invisible hand is guiding him through the village. The streets and buildings blur as he focuses solely on the pull. ("I can't stop... something is pulling me.") 

The words of both Twin Goddesses of Love, usually so clear and comforting, are distant and faint. 

 Amora (faintly), {"Malik, come back... it's dangerous."} 

Erosia (faintly): ["Resist it, Malik... don't go any further."]

[P.S Malik still doesn't know The original Goddes's name . . . but it is Erosia btw] 

 But Malik's body does not heed their warnings. He continues to move deeper into the village, entering a maze-like network of underground tunnels and passageways. The air grows colder, and the darkness thickens. 

The underground maze is a labyrinth of twisting corridors and hidden chambers, designed to confuse and deter intruders. Malik's steps echo through the narrow passages, his mind in a fog. He feels the dark force pulling him closer, while another, weaker force seems to be pushing him away. 


Malik still trapped in a corner of his mind thinks, ("There's something... or someone... trying to keep me away. But I have to find out what this is.") 

The closer he gets to the source, the stronger the conflicting forces become. His body moves almost mechanically, driven by an unseen power. 

Finally, Malik reaches a large, ancient chamber deep beneath the village. The air is thick with a palpable sense of dread. Just as he is about to step into the heart of the chamber, he is physically stopped by Sayuri and Yukari, who have followed him. 

"Malik, stop! You must not go any further." Says Yukari.

 Sayuri steps in, "We're sorry we didn't tell you. This is why we've been so secretive." 

With the sisters' intervention, Malik's mind and body return to his control. He takes a deep breath, regaining his composure. "What is this place? What is this dark force?" 

 Yukari and Sayuri exchange a glance, their expressions a mix of fear and sorrow. "There is a demon sealed beneath our village. One of seven, each representing a deadly sin. This one... she represents Envy. Her name is Avaritia." Yukari says.

Sayuri takes over, "She is our ancestor. Long ago, she fell in love with a human from our village. When he died, she was consumed by envy and rage. It took the combined efforts of many powerful shinobi to seal her away." 

The sisters lead Malik to the edge of the chamber, pointing to a large, ancient seal on the floor. The seal glows faintly, pulsing with dark energy. Yukari, "Our ancestor, knowing the danger she posed, sacrificed herself to strengthen the seal. But she left her children, our forebears, free. Her blood runs in our veins, and her influence still affects us." 

Sayuri, "We've always felt her pull. It drives our greed and hunger for power. It's why we act the way we do. We can't escape her influence entirely." 

Malik looks at the seal, understanding the gravity of the situation. "So, this is why you rule with such cruelty? To prevent her from breaking free?" 

Yukari nods, "Yes. If she were to escape, it would be catastrophic. We've tried to maintain control, but her power is growing. The seal is weakening." 

Sayuri grabs Maliks arms, "We need your help, Malik. We need to find a way to strengthen the seal or, if possible, rid ourselves of her influence once and for all." 

Malik stands tall, determination in his eyes. "I understand now. We'll find a way to deal with this, but we must also find a way to govern with compassion and justice. There is always a way to balance power and kindness." 

Yukari: "We'll follow your lead, Malik. Show us the way." 

Sayuri: "Yes, help us free our village from this curse." 

With a deeper understanding of the dark force beneath Kurayami and the sisters' motivations, Malik prepares to tackle the challenge of sealing the demon Avaritia and transforming the village's leadership. The path ahead is fraught with danger and complexity, but Malik's resolve is unshaken.