Chapter 72: (O) A Promise.

Chapter 72: A Promise 

The ancient chamber beneath Kurayami. The battle has ended, and the oppressive atmosphere has lifted. Waraji, Zōri, Yukari, and Sayuri stand, exhausted but victorious, as they see Malik and Avaritia emerge from the seal. 

Malik emerged from the seal, Avaritia beside him. The once malevolent demon now looked serene and remorseful. Waraji, Zōri, Yukari, and Sayuri stared in disbelief. 

Waraji stepped forward, his eyes narrowed. "Malik, what happened?" 

Malik smiled softly, placing a hand on Avaritia's shoulder. "Avaritia has found peace. She promises to be better." 

Avaritia nodded, her eyes filled with sincerity. "I regret the pain I caused. I will atone for my actions." 

Zōri glanced at Malik, his brow furrowed. "Can we trust her?" 

Malik looked at Avaritia, then back at his friends. "I believe her. She has shown me her true heart." 

Avaritia took a deep breath and raised her hands, her chest glowing faintly. "I will give you each a piece of my power, as a token of my sincerity and to aid you in protecting this village." 

She closed her eyes, and her heart split into four distinct pieces. The demon's dark energy, the envy, the wind, and the lightning swirled around her before settling into her hands. She stepped forward, offering each piece to the four warriors. 

Waraji accepted the demon's power, feeling the dark energy merge with his own. "I'll use this power to protect Malik's interest." 

Zōri received the envy, a cold and intense energy. "This will help me grow stronger. Thank you." 

Yukari took the wind, the element she already wielded with grace. "I'll use this to guide and protect our people." 

Sayuri accepted the lightning, the crackling energy merging with her own. "I'll ensure this power is used for good." 

Malik watched as his friends accepted their new powers, feeling a sense of relief. "We'll rebuild this village together, with compassion and strength." 

The next day, Malik met with Yukari and Sayuri in the manor's grand hall. 

Yukari looked at Malik, her eyes filled with gratitude. "Thank you, Malik. For everything. For helping us find a new path." 

Malik smiled and nodded. "We're a team now. Let's fix the problems in the village and bring prosperity to Kurayami." 

Sayuri leaned in and kissed Malik's cheek. "We're lucky to have you with us, Malik. You're part of our family now." 

Over the following week, Malik worked tirelessly with the sisters, using his resources and influence to improve the village. 

One evening, as they sat together under the stars, Malik felt a surge of gratitude. "Thank you," he said softly, looking at Yukari and Sayuri. "For believing in me and for making me feel like I belong here." 

Yukari smiled and took his hand. "You do belong here, Malik. We'll face whatever comes together." 

Sayuri nodded, her eyes shining with determination. "We're a family now, Malik. And we'll make this village a place of peace and prosperity." 

As the village of Kurayami began to thrive under their combined efforts.


The village of Kurayami, after a week of rebuilding and improving the community. The village is now thriving under Malik's guidance, with Yukari and Sayuri working hard to maintain peace and prosperity. 

One evening, as they stood in the village square, Malik looked at Yukari and Sayuri with a determined expression. "It's time for us to leave. There's still much work to be done elsewhere." 

Waraji and Zōri stood beside Malik, ready to follow him on the next leg of their journey. Yukari and Sayuri exchanged a glance, then looked back at Malik. 

Yukari stepped forward, her voice soft but earnest. "Malik, before you go, we have one last request. Will you marry one of us?" 

Sayuri nodded, her eyes filled with hope. "Please, Malik. It would mean so much to us and the village." 

Malik shook his head gently. "I'm sorry, but I can't. Not yet." 

He paused, thinking carefully. "But I'll make you a promise. If in three years, the village is still thriving like this or even better, I will marry both of you." 

Yukari and Sayuri's eyes lit up with excitement. "Do you mean it?" Yukari asked, her voice trembling with hope. 

Malik nodded. "I do."

Yukari and Sayuri with one voice, "I want it in writing. I don't want there to be any misunderstandings." 

The sisters quickly fetched parchment and ink, drafting a contract that put Malik's words into law. He read it carefully, then signed it with a steady hand. 

Yukari and Sayuri both signed the contract, sealing their agreement. "Thank you, Malik," Sayuri said, her voice filled with emotion. "We won't let you down." 

Malik smiled warmly. "I know you won't." 

They stood together for a moment, the weight of the promise settling over them. Finally, Malik stepped back, summoning GrubGrub from his chest. The shapeshifting familiar appeared in a dazzling display of pink light, ready to transport them. 

Waraji and Zōri moved to stand by Malik, their expressions resolute. Yukari and Sayuri stepped forward, hugging Malik tightly. 

Yukari whispered in his ear, "Take care, Malik. We'll make sure this village is everything you hope for." 

Sayuri kissed his cheek, her voice soft with gratitude. "Come back to us, Malik. We'll be waiting." 

Malik nodded, stepping back onto GrubGrub. "I will. Until then, take care of each other and the village." 

As GrubGrub lifted off, Malik waved goodbye, his heart full of hope and determination. Yukari and Sayuri watched him go, their hearts set on fulfilling their promise and creating a thriving, peaceful community. 

As they flew away from Kurayami, Malik looked back one last time, a sense of purpose filling him. 

Waraji glanced at Malik. "Where to next, Malik?" 

Malik smiled, looking ahead. "To wherever we're needed. Our journey continues." 

And so, with renewed determination and a promise of love and unity, Malik and his companions set off on their next adventure, ready to bring hope and peace to every corner of the world. 

"Just kidding we're going to go stop 2 Rival clans from killing each other," Malik says smiling back at them.

Waraji and Zōri give each other a look.

"Don't be like that," Malik said, "We're probably going to survive.


Updated Profiles: Waraji and Zōri 


Waraji Yūrei 



Waraji is a formidable shinobi with a menacing presence. His training under Haku has refined his skills and enhanced his abilities. 


- Height: 6'2" 

- Build: Muscular and imposing 

- Hair: Short, spiky black hair 

- Eyes: Intense, fiery red eyes that seem to glow when he channels his chakra 

- Facial Features: Sharp jawline with a perpetual stern expression 

- Skin Tone: Lightly tanned 



- Description: Waraji's armor is a sleek combination of traditional shinobi gear and modern enhancements. It is crafted from a lightweight, durable metal with intricate designs that reflect his aggressive personality. 

- Color Scheme: The armor is black with red accents, creating a striking and intimidating look. 

- Special Features: Equipped with chakra-conductive plates that enhance his defensive and offensive capabilities, Waraji's armor allows him to channel his chakra efficiently, boosting his physical and jutsu attacks. 



- Name: Inferno Edge 

- Description: Waraji wields a chakra-charging sword known as "Inferno Edge." The blade glows with a fiery red aura when infused with his chakra. 

- Abilities: The sword is capable of cutting through almost anything and creating waves of intense heat, allowing Waraji to incinerate his enemies with a single slash. 


Nature Type/Release(s): 

- Fire Release: Aligning with his weapon's abilities, Waraji specializes in fire-based techniques. 


Unique Traits: 

- Chakra Manipulation: Waraji can channel his chakra into his armor and sword, amplifying his attacks and defenses. 

- Heat Resistance: Due to his extensive use of fire techniques, Waraji has developed a high resistance to heat and fire. 



Human Form Jutsu: 

Inferno Wave Jutsu (made-up): Waraji channels his fire chakra through Inferno Edge, unleashing a massive wave of fire that engulfs his enemies. Flame Armor Jutsu (made-up): Waraji covers his armor in a layer of fire, increasing his defense and burning anyone who comes into contact with him.


Demon Power: 

Aspect of the Demon: Waraji received a portion of Avaritia's demon power, enhancing his strength and endurance. This power allows him to tap into dark energy, giving him a temporary boost in combat abilities. 





Zōri is a swift and agile shinobi, known for his stealth and precision. His training under Haku has honed his skills to a fine edge. 


- Height: 5'11" 

- Build: Lean and athletic 

- Hair: Long, silver hair tied back in a ponytail 

- Eyes: Sharp, electric blue eyes that spark with energy when he uses his chakra 

- Facial Features: Smooth, angular features with a calm and focused expression 

- Skin Tone: Fair 



- Description: Zōri's armor is designed for agility and speed, featuring a dark blue and silver color scheme. 

- Special Features: Adorned with small, reflective plates that can project illusions, aiding his stealth abilities. The armor is equipped with advanced chakra channels that amplify his techniques. 



- Name: Storm Fang 

- Description: Zōri carries a chakra-charging sword called "Storm Fang." The blade crackles with electric energy when charged. 

- Abilities: The sword allows Zōri to unleash devastating lightning-based attacks and paralyze his foes. 


Nature Type/Release(s): 

- Lightning Release: Complementing his weapon, Zōri specializes in lightning-based techniques. 


Unique Traits: 

- Chakra Manipulation: Zōri can channel his chakra through his armor and sword, enhancing his speed and the potency of his lightning techniques. 

- Illusion Projection: His armor can create reflective illusions, making it difficult for enemies to pinpoint his location. 



Human Form Jutsu: 

Lightning Flash Jutsu (made-up): Zōri channels his lightning chakra through Storm Fang, releasing a blinding flash of light and a powerful electric shock that stuns his enemies. Thunder Step Jutsu (made-up): Zōri uses his lightning chakra to move at incredible speeds, leaving behind afterimages and making it difficult for enemies to track him.


Demon Power: 

Aspect of Envy: Zōri received a portion of Avaritia's envy power, enhancing his stealth and precision. This power allows him to harness envious energy, making his attacks more unpredictable and his movements nearly undetectable. 


Combined Background and Influence: 


Training Under Haku: 

Waraji and Zōri trained under Haku, refining their elemental techniques and combat skills. This training has made them more formidable in battle and enhanced their teamwork. 


Connection to Avaritia: 

The powers granted by Avaritia have added a new dimension to their abilities. Waraji's connection to the demon's power gives him increased strength and resilience, while Zōri's aspect of envy makes him even more elusive and deadly. 


Dedication to Malik: 

Both Waraji and Zōri are fiercely loyal to Malik, seeing him as a mentor and leader. They follow him with unwavering dedication, ready to face any challenge together. 


Team-Up Jutsu: 


Offensive Jutsu: 

- Inferno Storm Jutsu (made-up): Waraji and Zōri combine their fire and lightning abilities to create a devastating attack. Waraji unleashes a wave of intense fire while Zōri channels his lightning into the flames, creating a storm of electrified fire that incinerates and paralyzes their enemies. 


Defensive Jutsu: 

- Elemental Barrier Jutsu (made-up): Waraji and Zōri create a combined barrier of fire and lightning. Waraji's fire creates a wall of flames that incinerates anything that tries to pass through, while Zōri's lightning forms an electrified layer that shocks and repels attackers. This dual-layered defense makes it nearly impossible for enemies to breach.