Chapter 80: Night Before the Finals 

Chapter 80: Night Before the Finals  The Hidden Leaf Village, the night before the Chūnin Exams finals. The village is quiet, with only a few lights illuminating the streets. Malik walked through the dimly lit streets, his mind focused on the task at hand. He was on his way to meet Kabuto Yakushi, carrying a map with routes into the village that avoided the evacuation zones for civilians. He needed to ensure that his plan to protect the village and its people was foolproof. As he approached the designated meeting spot, he saw Kabuto waiting for him. She was leaning against a tree, her posture relaxed but her eyes sharp and alert. - Kabuto Yakushi: A young woman with silver hair tied into a ponytail, glasses perched on her nose, and a calm, calculating expression. Her eyes were a striking shade of violet, filled with intelligence and a hint of amusement. She also has a nice butt."Evening, Kabuto," Malik greeted, handing her the map. "Here are the routes. Make sure they don't interfere with the civilian evacuation." Kabuto took the map, her fingers brushing against his. She glanced at him, a playful smile on her lips. "You know, Malik, you're quite the romantic, trying to protect everyone. But don't think for a second that I'm not aware you're trying to mess up Orochimaru's plans." Malik shrugged, a mischievous grin on his face. "Guilty as charged. Are you going to tell her?" Kabuto shook her head, her smile widening. "No, I won't. It's more fun to watch you try." Malik leaned in slightly, his voice lowering. "Do you care about the assassination of the Third Hokage?" Kabuto's expression remained neutral. "No." "Do you care about Orochimaru's plans for Sasuke?" Again, Kabuto shook her head. "No." Malik raised an eyebrow, his curiosity piqued. "Then why?" Kabuto's playful demeanor faltered for a moment, but she quickly recovered. "That's a story for another time," she said, her tone flirtatious but guarded. Malik grabbed her hand gently, looking into her eyes. "How about a walk? Just the two of us." Kabuto hesitated but then nodded. "Fine, but don't think my heart is that easy to win over." Malik smiled warmly. "Challenge accepted." They walked together in comfortable silence until they reached a serene pond in the village. Malik summoned GrubGrub, who transformed into a magnificent water monster, its pink hue shimmering in the moonlight. "Let's go for a ride," Malik suggested, helping Kabuto onto GrubGrub's back. They glided across the water, the cool breeze and the sound of the gentle waves adding to the romantic atmosphere. Malik took the opportunity to lay the romance on thick, speaking softly and sincerely. "You know, Kabuto, you could work with me instead of Orochimaru. Be with me." Kabuto looked away, her expression conflicted. "You know my loyalty lies with her," she replied, but her voice lacked conviction. They enjoyed the moonlit night in silence for a while, the tranquility of the moment enveloping them. After some time, Malik laid down, placing his head on her lap. Kabuto tried her best to avoid his glowing hot pink eyes, which seemed to pierce through her defenses. She placed her hand over his eyes, and they sat there quietly, GrubGrub swimming around beneath them. Kabuto allowed herself a rare moment of happiness, thinking to herself, "I can fall in love with him for the rest of the time we spend together tonight... but after that... I don't know." After about three hours of silent companionship, Kabuto gently lifted Malik's head from her lap and stood up. Without a word, she turned and disappeared into the night, leaving Malik alone on the pond. Malik watched her go, a satisfied smile on his face. He felt he had made good progress that night, and his heart was filled with hope for what the future might hold. ----==The Hidden Leaf Village, the night before the Chūnin Exams finals. The village is quiet, with only a few lights illuminating the streets. After spending time with Kabuto Yakushi, Malik continues his night by visiting Naruto Uzumaki and Neji Hyūga. After Kabuto left, Malik summoned GrubGrub, who transformed into a giant flying fish. The pink creature shimmered in the moonlight, its scales reflecting the stars above. GrubGrub responded to Malik's unspoken wish, lifting him gently into the night sky. Their first destination was Naruto Uzumaki's place. GrubGrub landed gracefully near Naruto's apartment, and Malik hopped off. The light inside suggested Naruto was still awake. Malik approached the door and knocked lightly. The door creaked open, and Naruto's cheerful face appeared, beaming with excitement. "Sup, ya nerd," Malik said to the protagonist."Malik! What are you doing here?" Naruto exclaimed, his eyes wide with surprise and joy. Malik smiled warmly. "I came to wish you luck for the finals tomorrow, Naruto. I know you'll do great." Naruto's grin widened, and he scratched the back of his head. "Thanks, Malik! That means a lot." As they spoke, Malik noticed Hinata Hyūga sitting shyly in the corner of the room, her eyes filled with admiration for Naruto. Malik's smile turned mischievous. "Ah, I see I'm interrupting something. I'll leave you two lovebirds alone." Hinata's face turned crimson, and Naruto looked flustered. "It's not like that!" Naruto protested, but his tone was light and playful. Malik chuckled, stepping back. "Of course, of course. Well, good luck tomorrow, Naruto. And Hinata, make sure to cheer him on." Hinata nodded shyly. "I-I will." With a final wave, Malik signaled GrubGrub, who swooped down to pick him up. They ascended into the sky, heading towards their next destination—Neji Hyūga. GrubGrub landed softly near the Hyūga compound, and Malik made his way to Neji's quarters. He found her sitting in quiet meditation, her expression calm and focused. Malik approached quietly, not wanting to disturb her. Neji opened one eye slightly, acknowledging his presence but not breaking her focus. After a while, she opened both eyes fully and looked at Malik with a soft, affectionate gaze. "Hello, future husband," Neji greeted, a rare smile gracing her lips. Malik leaned down and kissed her gently. "Hello, my love. I wanted to wish you luck for tomorrow." Neji's smile widened. "Thank you, but I don't need luck. I'm going to win." Malik chuckled. "I have no doubt about that." They held each other for a moment, savoring the warmth and love they shared. The anticipation of the finals hung in the air, but for now, they found solace in each other's embrace. After a while, Neji looked up at Malik, her eyes filled with a rare vulnerability. "Stay with me tonight?" Malik nodded, his heart full. "Of course." They lay down together, holding each other close. The love and warmth between them filled the room, creating a peaceful haven amid the chaos of the upcoming exams. As they drifted off to sleep, a deep sense of contentment washed over them. He had spent the night with the people he cared about, and he felt ready to face whatever challenges the next day would bring. Malik smiled to himself and stuffed his head into Neji's large boobs, falling asleep.