Chapter 91: Titans Clash of

Chapter 91: Titans Clash of

As Malik made his way through the hallway, he noticed more and more of a mud/clay-like substance on the walls. Not wanting to touch it, he began to fly again, floating off the ground. Now moving much faster through the building, he grew thankful for not being able to touch the ground because the floors and walls grew thick with the substance.

Finally, he made it to the stairs that led up to the private box where he, Danzō Shimura, and Hiruzen Sarutobi were at. He would have continued, but there was a large statue of a woman in his way. The clay pulsed on the statue's skin, giving it an eerie, lifelike quality.

The statue was beautiful, with intricate details that highlighted her delicate features, flowing hair, and elegant pose. However, there was a sense of malevolence in its lifeless eyes.

Not wanting to take any chances, Malik used his Mystical Identification skill.

Mystical Identification Results for The Chimara

Name: Akira Kumori

Age: 88

Gender: Female

Physical Description:

Stage 0 Form: In her Stage 0 form, Akira appears as a woman made of what looks like a mix of dough and mud. Her body is amorphous, constantly shifting and molding itself in subtle ways. Her features are indistinct, with a smooth, almost clay-like surface that can be shaped at will. Her eyes are the only distinct feature, glowing a faint, eerie yellow. She moves fluidly, her body able to extend and retract like a malleable substance.

Stage 1 Form: When she rips off her Stage 0 form, she reveals a mix of different powerful animal traits. She has four arms that can twist into two because her bones are soft and flexible. Her body is a blend of human and various animals, with sharp claws, powerful legs, and a serpentine tail.

Background/History: Akira Kumori, known as The Chimara, hails from a distant, isolated village known for its advanced and secretive biological experiments. She was one of the leading scientists and warriors of her village, known for her mastery of body manipulation and genetic modification. Over the decades, Akira perfected her abilities, using herself as a test subject to combine the most powerful traits of various animals. Her ultimate goal was to create the perfect warrior, capable of adapting to any combat situation. Her experiments and abilities eventually drew the attention of the Akatsuki, who saw her as a valuable asset. Despite her initial reluctance, Akira joined the organization, finding their goals aligned with her own desire for power and perfection.


Body Manipulation: Akira can mold and reshape her body like clay, allowing her to adapt to various combat situations. She can harden her body to withstand attacks or soften it to evade them

.Animal Traits: In her Stage 1 form, Akira possesses the strength and abilities of various powerful animals. Her four arms give her incredible strength and versatility in combat, while her serpentine tail can be used for powerful, sweeping attacks.

Regeneration: Akira has enhanced regenerative abilities, allowing her to heal from injuries rapidly. This makes her extremely resilient in prolonged battles.

Chakra Infusion: She can infuse her body with chakra, enhancing her physical abilities and making her attacks more powerful. This also allows her to manipulate her body with greater precision and efficiency.

Camouflage: Akira can blend into her surroundings, making her nearly invisible to the naked eye. This ability makes her an effective stealth operative and assassin.


Overreliance on Body Manipulation: While her body manipulation abilities are powerful, they require significant chakra and concentration. Prolonged use can drain her chakra reserves and leave her vulnerable.

Susceptibility to Extreme Temperatures: Akira's body manipulation is less effective in extreme temperatures. Intense heat can harden her body, making it difficult to reshape, while extreme cold can slow her movements and reactions.

Psychological Instability: Years of self-experimentation have taken a toll on Akira's mental state. She can be unpredictable and erratic in combat, which can be both an advantage and a liability.

Affiliation/Alliance: Member of the Akatsuki, with a complex relationship with Orochimaru. Their alliance is based on mutual benefit and shared goals, but there is underlying tension and mistrust.

Goals/Motivations: Akira's primary goal is to continue perfecting her abilities and creating the ultimate warrior form. She is driven by a desire for power and mastery over her own body, as well as a need to prove herself superior to others. Her alliance with the Akatsuki is a means to further her own experiments and achieve her ultimate vision of perfection.

("Wow, that was a lot of information,") Malik thought to himself.

Looking at the statue, Malik with a smile said, "Akira is a beautiful name."

But as soon as he said that, The Chimara's head, once as motionless as stone, snapped to him. This freaked him out, and he held in a scream.

The statue cracked as it began to move toward him, her head scraping the top of the hallway, and towering over Malik, she looked at him with lifeless eyes.

A voice came out, but her mouth didn't move, "How do you know my name, child?" The Chimara asked.

Malik shrugged and simply said, "Magic."

She then splashed him with clay and pulled him into her body. He felt her body move, and after a few seconds, she pulled him out, most of his body still trapped in clay. Seeing that they were in the Coliseum's area, Malik looked over and watched as Danzō Shimura and Hiruzen Sarutobi fought against Orochimaru.

The battle was intense. Orochimaru had summoned several large snakes, each looking more dangerous and poisonous than the last. Danzō Shimura struggled to keep up with her injured leg. Hiruzen Sarutobi, wielding his Adamantine Staff, enlarged it to crush and smash the snakes with devastating force. Danzō Shimura cut the snakes to diced pieces with her wind techniques, but Orochimaru was relentless, spitting out an ocean's worth of deadly snakes.

Malik and The Chimara watched. Seeing them in trouble, Malik with a glance healed Danzō Shimura and Hiruzen Sarutobi, also granting them the ability to fly. He couldn't restore their chakra, but he could heal them.

The Chimara, seeing this, started to squeeze, and when some of his ribs were about to break, she stopped, making sure he didn't scream by wrapping her clay around his mouth.

Telling him, "I see why the Akatsuki want you."

Orochimaru noticed The Chimara holding Malik and decided that it was time she finished her old master off. "Kuchiyose: Ryūchi no Ōhebi!" (Summoning: Great Serpent King)

A massive serpent, larger than any before, erupted from the ground, its scales shimmering with deadly intent. The creature's sheer size caused the Coliseum to shake, and parts of the structure began to collapse under its weight.

Hiruzen and Danzō, now able to fly, evaded the serpent's initial strike. They coordinated their attacks, weaving through the air with precision. Hiruzen's fire techniques combined with Danzō's wind blades to create a devastating onslaught against the serpent.

Despite their efforts, the serpent was resilient. Its scales deflected many of their attacks, and its venomous fangs threatened to strike at any moment. Orochimaru watched with glee as her ultimate summon wreaked havoc.

Malik, sensing the danger, knew he had to act. He concentrated his healing magic, sending waves of rejuvenating energy toward Hiruzen and Danzō, boosting their stamina and strength.

The Chimara, annoyed by Malik's interference, tightened her grip. "You think you can save them, boy? You're nothing but a pawn in this game."

Malik struggled to breathe, but his resolve remained unbroken. He focused on his connection with Hiruzen and Danzō, willing them to succeed.

Hiruzen, feeling the renewed strength, shouted to Danzō, "We need to use the technique we haven't in years."

Danzō's eyes widened, then narrowed with determination. "You mean... the Divine Tempest?"

Hiruzen nodded. "It's our only chance."

Danzō and Hiruzen moved in perfect synchronization, their hands forming complex seals in unison. The air around them began to crackle with energy as their combined chakras merged into a single, powerful force.

"Divine Tempest: Heaven's Wrath!" they shouted together.

A massive vortex of fire and wind erupted from their combined attack, creating a swirling inferno that enveloped the serpent. The sheer force of the Divine Tempest obliterated the serpent, reducing it to nothing but ash and scattering the remnants across the Coliseum.

Orochimaru's eyes widened in shock. "No! This can't be happening!"

Hiruzen and Danzō, drained from the immense effort, hovered in the air, panting heavily. Their victory, however, was short-lived. Orochimaru, seeing her weakened opponents, moved in to finish them off.

The Chimara, still holding Malik, watched with a twisted smile. "Looks like the end for your friends, Malik."

Malik, desperate to help, struggled against The Chimara's grip. "I won't let you win, Akira!"

As Orochimaru closed in on Hiruzen and Danzō, the scene grew tense, the fate of the Hidden Leaf Village hanging in the balance.