Chapter 97: Unleashing the Beast

Chapter 97: Unleashing the Beast

The Hidden Leaf Village was in chaos, and in the midst of the turmoil, a crazed Naruto rampaged through the streets, his eyes glowing with an unnatural bloodlust. His chakra flared wildly, creating a destructive aura that tore through buildings and sent villagers fleeing in terror. The normally vibrant village was now a battlefield, with Naruto at its center.

Jiraiya and Tsunade, two of the Legendary Sannin, stood ready to confront their young student and comrade. They had seen Naruto's potential and his connection to the Nine-Tails, but this level of fury was beyond anything they had witnessed before. Tsunade, with her immense strength and medical prowess, and Jiraiya, with his vast knowledge of ninjutsu and experience, were the only ones who could hope to bring him back to his senses.

"Jiraiya, we need to stop him before he destroys everything," Tsunade said, her voice resolute but tinged with concern.

Jiraiya nodded, his eyes serious. "I know. We have to be careful. He's not himself right now."

Naruto, surrounded by a swirling vortex of red chakra, let out a primal roar that echoed through the village. His movements were erratic, his attacks devastating. With a single swipe of his clawed hand, he shattered a row of buildings, sending debris flying.

Jiraiya moved first, leaping into the air and summoning a massive toad to aid in the fight. "Kuchiyose no Jutsu!" he shouted, and Gamabunta appeared in a cloud of smoke, his enormous form towering over the battlefield.

"Hold him down, Gamabunta!" Jiraiya commanded.

Gamabunta nodded, his deep voice rumbling. "Got it, Jiraiya."

The massive toad lunged at Naruto, trying to pin him down with his powerful limbs. But Naruto's speed and ferocity were unmatched. He dodged Gamabunta's attacks with ease, his movements a blur. He countered with a barrage of chakra-infused punches and kicks, each strike creating shockwaves that shook the ground.

Tsunade watched the battle with narrowed eyes. "We need to contain him. I'll use my strength to immobilize him. Jiraiya, be ready to use your sealing techniques."

Jiraiya nodded. "Understood. Let's do this."

Tsunade charged at Naruto, her fists glowing with chakra. She delivered a powerful punch aimed at his midsection, hoping to knock the wind out of him and give Jiraiya an opening. Naruto, sensing the attack, twisted his body and countered with a feral swipe of his claws. The force of the clash sent shockwaves through the air, and both combatants were pushed back.

Jiraiya took advantage of the momentary distraction and began forming hand seals. "Fūinjutsu: Sealing Tag Barrier!" he shouted, slapping several sealing tags onto the ground around Naruto.

The tags glowed with a bright blue light, creating a barrier that began to close in on Naruto. But the young jinchūriki's raw power was too much for the barrier to contain. He let out another roar, and the barrier shattered, the sealing tags burning away.

"Damn it," Jiraiya muttered. "He's too strong. We need to weaken him first."

Tsunade regrouped with Jiraiya, her expression determined. "We need to hit him hard and fast. No holding back."

Naruto, still consumed by bloodlust, charged at them again, his movements wild and unpredictable. Jiraiya and Tsunade moved in unison, their years of fighting together giving them an almost telepathic understanding of each other's movements.

Jiraiya summoned a torrent of water with his Water Release technique, aiming to douse Naruto and weaken his fiery chakra. Tsunade followed up with a series of powerful punches, each one creating shockwaves that reverberated through the battlefield.

Despite their efforts, Naruto's rage and power seemed limitless. He broke through their attacks with sheer force, his claws tearing through Jiraiya's water and Tsunade's defenses. The battle raged on, the destruction spreading further into the village.

Jiraiya knew they needed to change tactics. "Tsunade, we need to focus on wearing him down. I'll use my toad oil to slow him down. You go for the knockout."

Tsunade nodded, her fists clenched. "Got it."

Jiraiya leaped back and summoned a large scroll, unrolling it to reveal a series of intricate seals. He bit his thumb and smeared blood across the seals, activating them. "Senpō: Goemon!" he shouted, summoning a massive wave of toad oil mixed with fire, creating a fiery torrent that surged towards Naruto.

Naruto, caught in the wave, struggled to break free. The burning oil slowed his movements, and his chakra flared wildly as he tried to resist. Tsunade seized the opportunity, charging forward with a burst of speed. She delivered a powerful punch to Naruto's jaw, followed by a barrage of strikes that targeted his pressure points.

Naruto's movements became sluggish, his strength waning under the relentless assault. But even in his weakened state, he fought back with ferocity, his chakra creating a shield that deflected some of Tsunade's attacks.

Jiraiya, seeing an opening, formed a series of hand seals and summoned another toad, this time Fukasaku. The elderly toad sage appeared in a puff of smoke, his eyes sharp and focused.

"Fukasaku, we need your help to subdue Naruto," Jiraiya said urgently.

Fukasaku nodded. "Leave it to me."

With Fukasaku's assistance, Jiraiya and Tsunade redoubled their efforts. Fukasaku used his sage techniques to create barriers and bind Naruto's movements, while Jiraiya and Tsunade continued their relentless assault.

Naruto's resistance began to falter, his chakra fluctuating wildly. The red aura around him started to fade, and his movements became more sluggish. Tsunade delivered a final, powerful punch that sent Naruto crashing to the ground, his chakra dissipating.

Breathing heavily, Tsunade knelt beside the fallen Naruto, her eyes filled with a mix of relief and concern. "Jiraiya, we need to seal his chakra now, before he recovers."

Jiraiya nodded and quickly formed the necessary seals. He placed his hand on Naruto's forehead, activating the sealing technique. A glowing seal appeared, and Naruto's chakra was locked away, preventing him from accessing the Nine-Tails' power.

As the village began to settle, the remaining shinobi and villagers emerged from their hiding places, their faces filled with relief and gratitude. The chaos had subsided, and the village was safe once more.

Jiraiya and Tsunade stood over the unconscious Naruto, their hearts heavy with the weight of the battle. They knew that this was only a temporary respite, and that the true fight was far from over. But for now, they had saved their friend and student, and that was enough.

With a determined look, Jiraiya turned to Tsunade. "We need to find a way to help him control this power. We can't let this happen again."

Tsunade nodded, her expression resolute. "Agreed. We'll do whatever it takes to protect him and the village."

As they carried Naruto to safety, the village began the long process of recovery. The bonds of friendship and resolve had been tested, but they had emerged stronger for it. And with the support of each other, they would face whatever challenges lay ahead.