Chapter 104: Emergence of the Flamingold Incubus 

Chapter 104: Emergence of the Flamingold Incubus 

As the golden and pink cocoon pulsed with vibrant energy, the entire village of Hidden Leaf watched in anticipation. The aura emanating from Malik's cocoon had reached a peak, signaling that the transformation was nearing its completion. The residents of Malik's house gathered around, their eyes fixed on the glowing shell. 


Shisui had returned from her duties leading the Root, unable to stay away any longer. Her eyes were filled with worry and anticipation. "It's happening," she whispered, her gaze never leaving the cocoon. Haku stood beside her, his presence a silent promise of protection. 


Haku had doubled his watch over Malik, ensuring no harm came to him. He felt a deep connection to Malik, not just as a friend but as someone he deeply cared for. "We'll be here for you, Malik," he murmured, his eyes soft with concern. 


Tsunade, still residing in Malik's house, stood with her arms crossed, her expression a mix of curiosity and concern. "Let's see what you've become, Malik," she said, her voice carrying a hint of caution. 

The Cocoon Cracks 

The first crack appeared on the surface of the cocoon, a thin line of light escaping through it. The gathered friends and family held their breath, watching as more cracks began to form, spreading like a web across the golden and pink shell. 

With a sudden burst of energy, the cocoon shattered, sending fragments of light scattering in all directions. From within, Malik emerged, transformed but still recognizable. He stood in the center of the room, his new form radiating a mesmerizing aura. 

The Flamingold Incubus 

Malik's transformation into a Flamingold Incubus had enhanced his physical appearance while maintaining the essence of who he was. 

Height and Build 

Malik remained short, standing at 5'4", and his build stayed true to his original form, still retaining his youthful, round frame. His skin, however, had taken on a subtle, golden sheen that caught the light beautifully, making him appear almost ethereal. 


His eyes were now a striking, vivid pink, glowing softly with an inner light that seemed to pulse with his heartbeat. They had an almost hypnotic quality, drawing in those who met his gaze. 


Malik's hair had changed as well, becoming a lustrous shade of deep black with strands of gold and pink interwoven, giving it a shimmering, almost iridescent look. It cascaded down to his shoulders, framing his face perfectly. 


Sprouting from his back were two magnificent wings, each feather a delicate blend of pink and gold. They were large and powerful, capable of carrying him through the air with grace and ease. When folded, they rested against his back, their tips just brushing the ground. 


His skin had a warm, golden undertone, making it look as if he were constantly bathed in the glow of the setting sun. It was smooth and flawless, exuding a subtle, alluring warmth. 


Surrounding Malik was an aura of charm and allure, a natural part of his Incubus transformation. It made those around him feel more at ease, more drawn to him, enhancing his already magnetic personality. 

The Reaction 

The room was silent for a moment as everyone took in Malik's new naked appearance. The transformation had enhanced his natural charm and presence, making him appear both powerful and otherworldly. 


Shisui was the first to break the silence. "Malik, you look... incredible," she said, her voice filled with awe and affection. 


Haku nodded in agreement, his eyes softening. "You've become something truly unique, Malik." 


Tsunade, always the practical one, stepped forward, her eyes scanning Malik's new form with a critical eye. "Well, you certainly know how to make an entrance," she said, a small smile playing at the corners of her mouth. "Just don't let it go to your head." 

Malik looked around at his friends and family, a warm smile spreading across his face. "Thank you, all of you. I wouldn't be here without your support." 


New Abilities:

As Malik stretched his new wings, he could feel the surge of power coursing through his veins. He knew that with this transformation came new abilities, ones that he would have to learn to control and master. 

Dream Walking: Malik can enter and manipulate the dreams of others, affecting their thoughts and actions. 

Sensory Manipulation: Malik has the power to alter the sensory perception of those around him. He can make himself appear more attractive, change the way his voice sounds, or even alter the way his presence feels to others. This ability can be used to confuse, disorient, or attract others. 

Desire Manifestation: Malik can bring to life the deepest desires of those around him, creating illusions that seem incredibly real. This power can be used to distract, manipulate, or even to bring joy. 

Nightmare Induction: In contrast to his dream manipulation, Malik can induce nightmares in his targets. This can be used as a form of psychological warfare, causing his enemies to experience their deepest fears. 

Passion Empowerment: Malik becomes stronger, faster, and more powerful the more intense the emotions are around him. This can be particularly effective in situations charged with strong feelings. 

Energy Drain: Malik can drain energy from others through physical touch, replenishing his own stamina and power. 

Dreamworld Influence: Malik can take and move things while in the Dream Walker state: This includes both the Dream/Waking worlds. 

Emotion Amplification: Malik can amplify the emotions of those around him, making them feel more intensely. Not just Love or Lust. 


The Village 

The news of Malik's transformation quickly spread through the Hidden Leaf Village. The golden and pink light that had emanated from his house had been visible for miles, and the villagers were curious about what had happened. 

People gathered outside Malik's house, eager to catch a glimpse of the newly transformed man. The air was filled with excitement and anticipation, and whispers of Malik's new abilities and appearance spread like wildfire. 

Malik's Future Wives:

Sakura Haruno 

Sakura felt a sense of relief and joy seeing Malik emerge from the cocoon. She was drawn to his new appearance, finding it both beautiful and comforting. "Welcome back, Malik," she said softly, her eyes filled with affection. 

Neji Hyūga 

Neji's heart swelled with pride and love as she saw Malik's transformation. She believed in him more than ever and was ready to stand by his side through whatever challenges they would face together. "You've come so far, Malik. I'm proud of you," she said, her voice steady and filled with emotion. 

Rock Lee 

Rock Lee was ecstatic, her energy and enthusiasm reaching new heights. She couldn't wait to train with Malik and see what new abilities he had gained. "You're amazing, Malik! Let's conquer the world together!" she exclaimed, her eyes sparkling with excitement. 

"Do you mean literally or figurately?" He asked her but she didn't answer.

Shizune Katō 

Shizune felt a deep sense of love and admiration for Malik. She was grateful for his safe return and eager to support him in any way she could. "You've become even more wonderful, Malik," she said, her voice filled with warmth. 

 Ino Yamanaka 

Ino was captivated by Malik's new appearance. She felt a renewed sense of connection and was excited to see what the future held for them. "You've always been special, Malik. Now the world can see it too," she said, her eyes shining with pride. 

Kiba Inuzuka 

Kiba and Akamaru were thrilled to see Malik's transformation. Kiba felt a strong sense of loyalty and devotion, ready to protect and support Malik in any way possible. "We'll always be here for you, Malik," she said, her voice firm and resolute. 


Tenten admired Malik's new form, feeling a sense of awe and respect. She was eager to see how his transformation would enhance their adventures and battles together. "You've become something truly extraordinary, Malik," she said, her eyes filled with admiration. 


As the new Fifth Hokage, Tsunade had been closely monitoring Malik's transformation. She had grown accustomed to the comfort and luxury of living in his house and found it convenient to stay there. The sight of Malik's emergence filled her with a mix of relief and curiosity. 

"Well, Malik, it looks like you've managed to surprise us all," Tsunade said, her tone both amused and impressed. "Just remember, with great power comes great responsibility." 

"Whatever you say, Uncle Ben," Malik said, Tsunade then flicked him on the head and sent him flying, "God Damn, it was a joke!"

The rest of the village buzzed with excitement and speculation. The sight of the glowing cocoon had been a daily topic of conversation, and now that Malik had emerged, the villagers were eager to learn more about his transformation. 

"I'm soooo hungry right now," he said smiling at all the delicious-looking people.

After giving the Village a show, he visited a few people, but after a while, he decided to go home and get some more sleep.

In his sleep he decided to visit a bunch of people for fun and because he could.