Chapter 128: Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow - Part 4

Chapter 128: Naruto the Movie: Ninja Clash in the Land of Snow - Part 4

As Malik and Dotō Kazahana leave the room to discuss business in private, the atmosphere in the grand hall shifts. The departure of their respective leaders leaves both teams eyeing each other with a mix of curiosity, caution, and unspoken tension.

Pakura stands tall, her vibrant green hair cascading over her shoulders like a mane. Her yellow eyes, sharp and calculating, scan Dotō's team with a cold, assessing gaze. She exudes an air of confidence, her hands resting loosely at her sides, ready to spring into action if necessary. Her presence is commanding, a silent reminder of the deadly power she wields with her Scorch Release.

Beside her, Zabuza Momochi leans against a pillar, her muscular arms crossed over her chest. Her expression is inscrutable, but her sharp eyes never leave the opposing team. Dressed in her usual attire but draped in a heavy coat, with the Ketsueki Ken strapped to her back, she is the embodiment of silent menace. There's an almost palpable sense of danger surrounding her, an unspoken warning that she is not to be trifled with.

Haku, standing a little behind Zabuza, is the picture of calm. His delicate features are serene, almost as if he's at peace, but there's a sharpness to his gaze that suggests otherwise. His long black hair falls over his shoulders in soft waves, contrasting with the cold steel of the senbon needles tucked into his sleeves. He watches the interaction between the two teams with quiet interest, ready to act if the situation escalates.

Mitsukihime, ever poised and elegant, stands a few steps away, her hands clasped neatly in front of her. Her sharp green eyes observe Dotō's team with a mix of curiosity and analysis, already calculating the best course of action should things turn sour. She exudes an air of authority, a quiet confidence that stems from her years of experience managing Malik's household and affairs.

Rika, with her petite yet powerful frame, is a stark contrast to the others. She moves with the grace of a predator, her sharp blue eyes never staying in one place for too long, constantly scanning the room for any threats. Her presence is subtle, almost blending into the background, but there's a simmering intensity to her that speaks of her readiness to strike at a moment's notice.

On the other side, Dotō's team stands with equal vigilance. Nadare Rōga, with his massive frame and stern demeanor, stares down Malik's companions with unyielding intensity. His chakra armor gleams under the light, a silent testament to his role as Dotō's enforcer. His dark eyes flicker over each member of Malik's team, measuring their strength and searching for any signs of weakness.

Fubuki Kakuyoku stands next to Nadare, her striking beauty at odds with the fierce determination in her eyes. Her pink hair and sleek chakra armor might give her a deceptively soft appearance, but the way she carries herself reveals a seasoned warrior. She meets Pakura's gaze head-on, a smirk tugging at the corners of her lips as if challenging her to make the first move.

Mizore Fuyukuma remains the quietest, his piercing ice-blue eyes flickering between Malik's companions. He doesn't need to speak to make his presence known; the cold aura surrounding him is enough to keep everyone on edge. There's a subtle tension in his stance, a readiness that suggests he's prepared for anything.

The room is silent, save for the soft hum of the heating system and the crackle of a nearby fireplace. The air is thick with tension, each side subtly sizing up the other, assessing their strengths and weaknesses. Despite the lack of hostility, there's an unspoken understanding that this could turn into a confrontation at any moment.

Pakura finally breaks the silence, her voice calm but with an edge of steel. "So, are we going to stand here all day, or is someone going to make the first move?"

Nadare's lips twitch into a smirk, his large frame shifting slightly as he steps forward. "Why rush? We have all the time in the world, and besides," he glances towards the door Malik and Dotō disappeared through, "our leaders have much to discuss."

Zabuza's eyes narrow, her hand unconsciously drifting towards the hilt of her sword. "Let's just hope they don't take too long. I don't have much patience for idle chit-chat."

Fubuki tilts her head, her smirk widening. "You seem tense. Relax, we're all professionals here. No need for things to get messy."

Haku, ever the diplomat, steps forward slightly, his voice as calm as his demeanor. "We're not here for conflict. Let's not create one."

Mizore watches this exchange in silence, his cold eyes observing every movement, every shift in tone. His presence is almost ghostly, a quiet sentinel waiting in the wings.

The stand-off continues, each side waiting for the other to make a move, but neither willing to be the first to show their hand. It's a delicate balance, a silent game of power and control. For now, both sides are content to keep the peace, but the tension is palpable, a coiled spring ready to snap at the slightest provocation.

As time stretches on, the tension begins to ease slightly, the warriors on both sides acknowledging that, for now, their leaders' negotiations take precedence. However, the underlying current of rivalry remains, an unspoken agreement that if it comes to a fight, neither side will hold back.

Kaede does her best to hide and look small in the back.


As the scene of Malik and Dotō Kazahana transitioned from the grand hall into the private study, the atmosphere changed dramatically. The study was a room steeped in authority, lined with bookshelves and decorated with artifacts that reflected Dotō's power and intellect. It was a space designed for strategy and decision-making, a place where alliances were forged and plans were set into motion.

Dotō, seated behind a large wooden desk, exuded a quiet confidence. His sharp eyes assessed Malik as he settled into a chair opposite him. The tension from the grand hall had not completely dissipated, but it had morphed into something more focused, more intentional.

Malik, ever the diplomat, initiated the conversation. "Dotō," he began, his tone measured and respectful, "I've been intrigued by your chakra armor since I first saw it. It's a marvel of technology, something I've never encountered before. I'm curious—how did you conceive such an idea?"

Dotō's gaze flickered with pride, though his expression remained carefully neutral. "The chakra armor is a product of our advancements here in the Land of Snow," he replied. "It's more than just technology; it's a symbol of our strength and resilience, a testament to what we can achieve despite our harsh environment."

Malik nodded, acknowledging the significance of the armor. "I can see that it's a point of pride for you and your people. But imagine what we could accomplish if we combined our resources. We could enhance the armor, push its capabilities even further."

Dotō's eyes narrowed slightly, his protective instincts evident. "The chakra armor is still in its experimental phase," he stated, his voice firm. "It's not something we share lightly, especially with outsiders."

Sensing the need for a different approach, Malik decided to offer something tangible. With a swift motion, he produced a suitcase from thin air and placed it on the desk between them. The sudden appearance of the suitcase caught Dotō's attention, his curiosity piqued.

"What's this?" Dotō asked, his gaze fixed on the suitcase.

"A token of my sincerity," Malik replied, a confident smile playing on his lips. "Please, open it."

Dotō hesitated briefly before reaching out and flipping open the suitcase. His eyes widened slightly at the sight of its contents. Inside, stacks of gold coins and jewels glimmered under the soft lighting, but it was the pile of Ryō notes—exactly 5,000,001 Ryō—that held his attention.

Dotō's expression remained composed, but Malik could sense the shift in his demeanor. The offer was more than just generous; it was a statement of Malik's commitment and resources.

Malik leaned back in his chair, maintaining eye contact. "Consider it a down payment," he said smoothly. "In exchange, all I ask is the opportunity to learn more about the chakra armor."

Dotō was silent for a moment, his mind clearly weighing the offer. After a few seconds of contemplation, he closed the suitcase with a decisive snap. "Give me two days," he finally said. "I need time to prepare."

Malik nodded, a sense of accomplishment settling in. "Agreed," he said. "And in the meantime, I hope you won't mind if my companions and I stay here."

Dotō's lips curled into a faint smile. "Of course. Consider yourselves our guests."

As Malik exited the study, he felt a sense of satisfaction. The negotiation had gone better than he had anticipated. He had secured not only a place for his team to stay but also the potential access to the chakra armor—a key asset in their mission. But he was also aware that this was just the beginning. The real challenge lay in navigating the intricate web of power and alliances in the Land of Snow.

As he walked back towards the grand hall, The game was just beginning, and Malik was ready to play.

As he walked back towards the grand hall, he couldn't help but chuckle to himself. "Ah, politics," he mused, a wry smile on his face. "It's all just one big game, isn't it?"

Back in the grand hall, the atmosphere had subtly shifted. The initial tension had given way to a cautious acceptance of the situation. Each group had retreated to their respective corners, engaging in quiet conversations, their voices low and measured.

Pakura stood by a large window, her sharp yellow eyes taking in the wintry landscape outside. The stark contrast between the snowy environment and the desert landscapes she was used to was striking. Despite the cold, there was a certain beauty to the scene that she found intriguing. Her thoughts were interrupted by the sound of approaching footsteps.

Zabuza, with her imposing presence, moved to stand beside Pakura. "Quite a view," she remarked, her voice low and gravelly. "It's nothing like the Mist, but there's something about it that's... captivating."

Pakura nodded, her gaze still fixed on the snow-covered scenery. "It's different, but not unpleasant," she replied. "I could get used to it."

Zabuza chuckled, a rare sound that brought a subtle warmth to the otherwise cold room. "Just don't let it distract you. We're not here for sightseeing."

A small smile played on Pakura's lips. "Don't worry, Zabuza. I haven't forgotten why we're here."

Meanwhile, Haku's attention was drawn to Mizore Fuyukuma. There was something about the quiet man that piqued his curiosity—a shared sense of calm, perhaps, or a mutual understanding of the power of silence. Haku approached Mizore with a graceful, almost ethereal step, his movements fluid and deliberate.

Mizore, sensing Haku's approach, turned his ice-blue gaze towards him. The two shared a moment of silent acknowledgment, a connection forged without words. It was a meeting of kindred spirits, both possessing a quiet strength that belied their outward calm.

As the time passed, the tension in the grand hall continued to dissipate. The initial stand-off had given way to a tentative truce, each side recognizing the value in keeping the peace—at least for now. Conversations grew more relaxed, though the underlying sense of rivalry remained.

The grand hall, once thick with the threat of conflict, had become a place of quiet contemplation and cautious camaraderie. The warriors on both sides were aware that this moment of calm could be fleeting, but for now, they were content to let it be.

As Malik re-entered the grand hall, he could sense a palpable shift in the atmosphere. The tension that had previously hung heavy in the air had dissipated, replaced by a sense of cautious anticipation. His companions turned to look at him as he entered, their expressions a mix of curiosity and readiness. Their eyes held unspoken questions, seeking guidance in this unfamiliar territory.

Malik offered them a reassuring smile, his eyes meeting each of theirs in turn. He could see the trust in their gazes, the unspoken faith they had in him. It was a responsibility he didn't take lightly.

("Good, they didn't murder each other,") Malik thought to himself, a hint of amusement flickering in his eyes. The thought was a testament to the delicate balance they had managed to maintain so far.

With a confident stride, Malik walked over to his team. "We're going to be here for a while," he began, his voice carrying across the room. "I made sure to get us a place to stay in the Mansion. Now, would you all rather stay in a very big room with lots of beds, or all have separate rooms?"

His question was met with thoughtful silence as each of his companions considered their options. Pakura was the first to respond. "A separate room would be preferable," she said, her voice steady. Zabuza grunted in agreement, her arms crossed over her chest. Haku, on the other hand, seemed indifferent. "Either option is fine with me," he said, a soft smile on his face. Mitsukihime and Rika echoed Haku's sentiment, their focus more on the mission than their accommodations.

With their preferences noted, Malik turned his attention to Dotō's Three-Man-Team. A playful smile tugged at the corners of his lips as he sauntered over to them, his steps full of a swagger that was hard to miss.

He reintroduced himself to Dotō's Three-Man-Team, his charm evident in his easy demeanor and warm smile. First, he addressed Mizore Fuyukuma, complimenting the large man on his impressive stature and cool composure. Next, he turned to Nadare Rōga, praising the man's style and clear strength. His words were sincere, a genuine recognition of their abilities.

Finally, he turned his attention to Fubuki Kakuyoku. He stepped towards her, making full eye contact, his gaze holding a hint of playful challenge. "Fubuki," he began, his voice low and flirtatious, "you are a woman of many talents. Your strength and beauty are truly captivating."

Caught off guard by his boldness, Fubuki couldn't help but return his flirtatious banter. A playful smirk played on her lips as she responded, "And you, Malik, are full of surprises."

Seizing the moment, Malik took her hand and gently kissed it. Fubuki could feel the heat of the kiss through her gloves, a spark that sent a thrill down her spine. But just as Malik was about to suggest they spend more time together, Zabuza intervened.

With a swift motion, she picked Malik up, breaking the moment. Along with the rest of Malik's team, they walked out of the Grand Hall, leaving behind a room filled with lingering tension and unspoken promises.

As they left, Malik blew one last kiss at Fubuki. She caught it mid-air and blew one back, a playful challenge that left some of Malik's companions wide-eyed and others smirking at the exchange.

They are being led by some of Dotō's staff to their residence in Dotō's mansion. As they settled into their temporary home, they couldn't help a sense that the game was just beginning, and they were all players in it.


Dotō Kazahana re-entered the grand hall with the same commanding presence he had exhibited before. The heavy doors closed behind him with a resonating thud, signaling his return to the center of power. He made his way to the throne-like chair at the far end of the hall, his every step measured and purposeful. As he sat back down, his sharp eyes surveyed the room, focusing on his trusted companions—Nadare Rōga, Fubuki Kakuyoku, and Mizore Fuyukuma.

The air in the room was thick with anticipation. Dotō's companions stood at attention, waiting for his command. He wasted no time in addressing them.

"Nadare, Fubuki, Mizore," Dotō began, his voice echoing through the hall. "What are your impressions of Malik and his entourage?"

Nadare Rōga, the largest of the three with his imposing stature and short purple hair, was the first to speak. "Malik is powerful, no doubt about that. His companions are skilled, too. They're not to be underestimated." His voice was deep and steady, reflecting his confidence and experience as a warrior.

Dotō nodded, his expression thoughtful. He turned his gaze to Mizore Fuyukuma, who stood quietly, his piercing ice-blue eyes betraying nothing. Mizore took a moment before responding, his tone calm and measured. "They are well-prepared, and they work seamlessly as a team. Malik, in particular, has an air of authority. He's not someone who acts without a plan."

Dotō absorbed Mizore's words, his gaze shifting to Fubuki Kakuyoku. Her striking beauty and confident demeanor were as sharp as her tactical mind. She met Dotō's gaze with a knowing smile. "Malik showed an interest in me," she stated, her voice carrying a hint of intrigue. "He was subtle, but it was clear enough. He's curious, and I think I could use that to our advantage."

Dotō's eyes narrowed slightly, a calculating glint flickering within them. "Good," he said, his tone carrying a note of approval. "We need to gain access to Malik's resources. They could be the key to solidifying our power and advancing our technology here in the Land of Snow."

He leaned back in his chair, his gaze fixated on Fubuki. "I want you to exploit that interest, Fubuki. Do whatever is necessary to gain his trust—and more. Use his curiosity to draw him in, and ensure he stays invested in our cause."

Fubuki nodded, her green eyes gleaming with determination. "Consider it done, Lord Dotō."

Dotō's focus shifted back to Nadare and Mizore. "Nadare, Mizore, keep a close watch on Malik and his companions. I want to know their every move. Report anything unusual directly to me. We must stay one step ahead."

Nadare nodded, his expression serious. "Understood."

Mizore offered a slight bow of his head in acknowledgment. "We'll ensure they don't stray far from our sight."

With their orders clear, Dotō dismissed them with a wave of his hand. The three warriors turned and exited the hall, each with their own thoughts and strategies already forming.

As Dotō watched them leave, a smirk played on his lips. The game was in motion, and he intended to play it to the fullest. Malik and his companions were valuable pawns, and Dotō would do whatever it took to bring them under his control.

For Dotō, this was not just about Malik's wealth or power—it was about securing the future of the Land of Snow. And he was willing to do whatever was necessary to achieve that goal.