
As a group of medical professionals hurried across the room, they began treating the patient, who happened to be Jonathan Miller's cherished daughter.

Eveline Miller was taken to the hospital nearly lifeless after suffering a severe head injury in a fall from her residential building. She lost a lot of blood and was hardly responding to their treatment.

Eveline lay motionless, her soul slowly leaving her body, as a group of surgeons attempted to resuscitate her.

"What is this place?' Eveline muttered as she scanned across the room before her eyes fell on her lifeless body.

When Eveline realized what had happened, her eyes widened, and she hurried over to the doctor who was attempting to save her life.

Please do not give up, doctor. I don't want to die.' Eveline sobbed, begging the man to try his hardest, but he was not God and could not bring the dead back to life.

'No, I cannot die. I can't let those scum enjoy my death. They can't live happily after pushing me to death' Eveline's voice cracked as she recalled the moment when her so-called friend pushed her off the balcony while her husband kept looking at her with empty eyes.

At that precise moment, she came to realize that the woman her husband had been discreetly seeing was her best friend, Tiffany. But what shattered her was that they planned on killing her this way.

Gabriel was her childhood crush, who she always desired to marry one day. But there had been a rumor that his heart belonged to someone whom no one knew.

Eveline thought it was just a rumor, so she decided to dismiss every negative thought and pursue Gabriel wholeheartedly. She wanted to keep things real and make him fall for her, but things went wrong when one day they ended up sleeping together and somehow her father found out about it.

Jonathan forced Gabriel to take responsibility for his actions, and soon they were married off.

Eveline knew Gabriel never believed in the marriage and blamed her for everything that happened. However, he was powerless before his father, Richard Winston, who was none other than Jonathan's childhood friend and had admired Eveline ever since she was born.

Everyone adored her, but she was most desperate for her husband's attention, who ignored her completely and treated her as though she were invisible.

Eveline did everything to open Gabriel's heart, and when she finally saw a ray of hope, everything shattered.

Following a three-year marriage, Eveline eventually became pregnant. Though it happened against Gabriel's will, he still hoped that with the arrival of their baby, their relationship would improve, and maybe Eveline would end up winning his love.

However everything was gone, her child, her only hope to live, everything was snatched away and the reason was none other than her husband and his so-called mistress.

Standing next to her body, Eveline cried silently. 

If given the chance, she would do everything in her power to never associate with those who destroyed her life and drove her to the brink of death. She would live a peaceful life and achieve her dreams.

With a tear streaming down her cheeks, she closed her eyes and everything became black.


"Young Miss, wake up. You are running late for class.

Eveline jolted from her sleep when a familiar voice reached her chords and she looked around frantically before her eyes fell on her nanny, Susan.

With no words to express her confusion about why she was still alive, Eveline pushed herself up onto the bed.

"Why am I still in my house if I have already died?" she muttered, leaving the nanny baffled by her remark.

"Do you feel sick? What is that you are mumbling, young Miss?" Susan quickly checked on Eveline's forehead, startling her with her touch.

Eveline exhaled and looked at Susan as though she had seen a ghost. 

'What is this? How am I still alive?' Eveline pondered to herself before Susan's worried voice startled her out of her trance.

"I should inform Master about your health" Susan was about to leave but Eveline stopped her.

"I am fine, Susan. There is nothing wrong with me. It was only a bad dream that woke me up," Eveline said.

Despite her mixed emotions, she eventually realized that she had experienced a rebirth and that the only person who knew about it was her.

Susan looked at Eveline worriedly, but in the end, she trusted her and departed the space. 

Eveline was still struggling with her jumbled thoughts, but now that she had an opportunity to make amends, she ought to make an effort to lead a happy life.

Eveline threw away the comforter, got out of bed, and went to the bathroom to freshen up. Eveline made notes on everything by the time she left, including the year and the course she was studying.

The twenty-year-old version of herself descended the stairs when her eyes caught sight of Jonathan skimming the newspaper's headlines.

Eveline stopped at the thought of what could have happened to her father after he learned about her death.

Being his only daughter, she was devastated by the thought itself. Everyone knew how much Jonathan loved her, and there was no doubt that Jonathan would have suffered after her departure.

"Eve" Jonathan's voice snapped her out of her trance and she quickly made her way towards her father.

"Dad" Eveline hugged Jonathan, hiding his embrace like a cocoon. 

She was terrified at the idea of never being able to see her father. But she was thankful that God had changed her bad luck and given her a second chance at life.

"Are you sure everything is fine? Susan informed me that you did not look well." With a snap of her eyes, Eveline forced herself from his embrace.

"I assured her that I was okay. It was only the nightmare that got me started." Eveline tried to conceal her lie before dragging Jonathan to the breakfast table.

"Then why aren't you looking at me?" Jonathan asked detecting her lie, but when Eveline didn't respond, he let it slide away.

Eveline was never allowed to admit to anyone that she had been struck on the head and had only just woken up from dead.

Eveline hurriedly finished her breakfast before leaving the house and heading to Aspen College.

Seeing herself return to college to pursue her Master's in finance was unsettling. Eveline never took advantage of her status as Jonathan's daughter and put a lot of effort into her academics before enrolling.

It was unnerving, nevertheless, for those who saw her as a danger to their way of life.

Eveline's heart raced as the car approached the massive Aspen College gates. She was aware that ignoring everyone would not be simple, but she also knew that with enough work, she could turned a new leaf to her life.

The car finally halted in front of the college building and Eveline stepped out.

"Eve!" Shooting her head in the direction of the voice, Eveline sneered.

'Think of the Devil and the Devil is here' she muttered putting on a smile and watched her friend Tiffany walked to her.

"Why didn't you come to pick me Eve. I waited for you at the bus stop" Tiffany complained standing before Eveline.

Tiffany had a habit of sharing ride with Eveline to the college as she wanted to appear no less than an elite who was friends with the most popular girl of the college.

Tiffany came from a middle class family, and the day she got enrolled in Aspen one of the prestigious college, she tried go befriend many just to be in limelight.

Tiffany love attention and the day she befriended Eveline her fortune bloomed. Just like Eveline everyone started to see Tiffany in a new light and she wasn't considered no less than Eveline.

Eveline blinked her eyes confusingly before the phone was shoved right in her face.

"You told me you'll come, then why did you leave me alone" Tiffany continued to pester as she had to travel by bus and tire herself to reach the college.

It had been two years since Eveline have been providing Tiffany ride to her home. She even helped her to cover up her canteen bills and tution fees, but never did she imagined this kindness of hers was taken for granted and soon she was going to pay for it.

"Uh, Tiffany, I am sorry, I didn't means to leave you alone, but I forgot to tell you that my car broke down in the middle, so I had to wait for the another one to come and pick me" Eveline lied right through her teeth, keenly observing Tiffany reach.

"Oh, is that so, but you could have told me. I would've waited for you" Tiffany reasoned.

Eveline scoff at her audacity and made a pity face.

"I couldn't think of anything. But isn't it fun to travel by bus again. You must have felt nostalgic, after all you had been using bus for years" Eveline eyes glisten with mockery as she noticed Tiffany lips twitch on her remark.

"Anyways you can head to the classroom first, I have something to do before joining you" Eveline excused herself without waiting for her response and entered the building.

She wanted to ignore Tiffany, however it was hard to break her friendship with her all of sudden. So she decided to take one step at a time.

Eveline walked through the lobby, busy in her thoughts when suddenly she collided with someone and stumble back.