
"If he is the real Bernard, then where is Leonard?" Eveline asked.

Kaden shook his head in despair. "We don't know," he lamented.

Gabriel and Eveline shared a solemn expression. There was something a miss, that raised questions in Gabriel's mind.

"Then why would Jedrick monitor Bernard" he suddenly asked.

"If Leonard is not Bernard, then Jedrick has no point to keeping a tab on him, but still he has his men looking at him. Why?"

Eveline concurred with a nod.

"I doubt he knows something that we don't," she remarked, leading Kaden to think about her remarks.

He had his doubts as well, but the reality was that Leonard had not been located and that attempting to interrogate the genuine Bernard had been fruitless.

"You can be right, but for now we can't get Bernard for interrogation since he holds a clear background and as far as Leonard is concerned, I will have my men looking for him," said Kaden.