Chapter Seven: The Goddess of No. 2 Middle School


The old examination cabin slowly opened, and Li Yao stepped out, shaking his head, feeling a faint headache. This was the side effect of overdrawing his mind in the Illusionary Reality.

"Head hurts so much, damn it, only we 'miscellaneous fish class' students are still using this junk. The students in the key class and parallel class have all changed to the latest generation of spiritual energy examination cabins. No matter how overspent, there will be no side effects!" Meng Jiang complained loudly beside him, then poked his waist, "Little Monster, the difficulty of this simulation exam is quite high, I probably failed again, and I will definitely be 'bamboo shoots fried meat' when I go back. How about you?"

"Just so-so." Li Yao touched his nose, and the difficulty of this exam was indeed a bit high, but his foundation was relatively solid, and his mentality was calm enough. He felt that he had played to his limit.

"Hurry up and have a look!" Meng Jiang came to his side of the examination cabin and started to operate. The examination cabins are all equipped with ultra-high-speed crystal brains that can calculate scores in real-time. As soon as the exam is over, the scores come out.

"Wow, 525 points, what a high score, it's enough to go to a key university, and you still say it's just so-so? Excessive modesty is pride, you little monster!" Meng Jiang exclaimed.

Li Yao glanced at the screen and sighed in his heart. The score of 525 points was indeed not low, barely enough to reach the score line of several well-known key universities in the federation. However, a value that followed was red and somewhat dazzling.

"Spiritual Root Development, 35%."

The spiritual root is a mysterious organ located in the "pineal body" part of the human brain. It is said to be mysterious because, from an anatomical point of view, this organ does not exist at all. For thousands of years, no one has been able to find a real "spiritual root specimen."

But in the cultivation world, this is a real organ and the most important organ for cultivators, the key to communicate between humans and the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, the universe!

Only when the spiritual root development reaches 100% and the "spiritual root awakens" can one embark on the road of cultivation!

Generally, universities do not look at the value of spiritual root development when recruiting students. Even if it is 1%, it doesn't matter, because the general university cultivates ordinary people.

However, the "Nine Elite United Schools" that specialize in cultivating cultivators will multiply the test scores of the candidates by the spiritual root development when recruiting students, as the final score - naturally, the higher the spiritual root development, the more advantageous it is.

Li Yao's spiritual root development is pitifully low, and after multiplying more than 500 points by 35%, there are only less than 200 points left.

And the favored children in the key class generally have a spiritual root development of more than 60%, which means that as long as they score more than 300 points, they can easily crush Li Yao.

Moreover, the higher the spiritual root development, the more agile the person's thinking, the more acute the five senses, and the higher the control over the body. The score will not be worse than those of the "miscellaneous fish" in their ordinary class.

Li Yao has not thought about working hard to improve the spiritual root development, but this thing is different from learning. Book knowledge can be recited, physical fitness and martial arts can be cultivated crazily, but the spiritual root development is really to be piled up with resources.

For example, the favored children in the key class take various heavenly materials and treasures and strengthening agents every day, and they also set up "spiritual root development instruments" at home or go to special "meditation halls" for special training. The money spent on spiritual root development every month is at least tens of thousands, and more than a million, and even tens of millions are available. Only by smashing the golden mountain and silver mountain can the spiritual root development be difficult to increase by "1%".

And Li Yao scavenging in the treasure tomb of the magic weapon can only earn about ten thousand a month at most. After paying the rent, living expenses, and tuition, there is not much left. He can't even fill his stomach. How can he have idle money to develop the spiritual root?

In short, one word - damn poor!

Li Yao was feeling troubled when he heard Meng Jiang's loud voice, like a pig being slaughtered, crying out: "Wow, two 691 points! Si Jia Xue and He Lian Lie, these two guys are the top scorers of this mock exam again!"

This mock exam was held simultaneously by the entire senior high school grade. On the light curtain at the front of the classroom, the information of the top ten students in the school quickly appeared.

The ones tied for first place were a beautiful girl as cold as snow and a tall, imposing young man with intimidating eyes.

Their scores did not impress Li Yao, but the spiritual root development rate following the scores made him envious.

Si Jia Xue, spiritual root development rate 71%; He Lian Lie, spiritual root development rate 72%!

Meng Jiang still made a fuss: "Tsk tsk tsk, they are worthy of being the stars of our Chi Xiao No. 2 Middle School, the school flowers and grasses, the elite among dozens of elites in the key class! Look, these two guys are not only handsome and beautiful, but also come from wealthy families. It is said that there have been several cultivators in the family. They have good grades and high spiritual root development rates. They are the secret weapons of our school to attack the college entrance examination this time! It is said that they are very likely to be admitted to the Nine Elite United Schools. The school specially invited the Demon Blade Peng Hai to train them, and there is also a meaning that they hope they can attack the top scholar of the college entrance examination in Fugou City, at least in the top ten of the city!"

As he talked, Meng Jiang sighed dramatically: "Ah, compared to others, we have to throw it away. People compare people to death. We are all high school students, and now we are all in the same school, but after the college entrance examination, they may soar into the sky, step into the circle of cultivators, and live a life of extravagance and decadence. But we poor guys can only be workers and salaried workers for a lifetime. It's really chilling to think about it!"

After talking for a while, there was no response. Meng Jiang turned his head and saw Li Yao staring at Si Jia Xue's photo with a deep look in his eyes, not knowing what he was thinking about. He quickly knocked on his best friend's head: "Hey, you guy won't like Si Jia Xue, will you? I kindly remind you, this woman is something we can't touch. She and He Lian Lie are from the same world. It is said that the two big families have the meaning of marriage alliance. He Lian Lie is also determined to get her - don't look at this guy who is tall and strong, but his heart is the smallest. He never sees others close to Si Jia Xue. Last time a transfer student just arrived and didn't know the depth. He said he wanted to pursue Si Jia Xue, and as a result, he broke three bones in the 'Martial Arts Class' by He Lian Lie. As for us, He Lian Lie sneezed, and we were all internally injured and vomiting blood!"


Li Yao withdrew his gaze, seemingly making some kind of determination, "He Lian Lie is not mentioned first, let's talk about this Si Jia Xue, who always puts on a cold dead face, and is likely to be sexually cold. How could I like this type?"


The school's most resources are inclined towards the key class and parallel class, and the management of the ordinary class is very loose. After the mock exam is over, the students of the ordinary class carry out special training according to their own shortcomings. The day passed quickly, and it was four o'clock in the afternoon, and it was time to leave school.

"Let's go together later. I just found a pancake stall. The boss's third uncle is a fire-making servant of the 'Fire God Sect'. The boss has also learned a 'Fire Cloud Palm' indirectly. The 'Red Flame Big Handprint Egg Cake' made by him is definitely first-class. I'll treat you today, how about it?" Meng Jiang patted his chest heroically.

"No, I have something to do today, or I'll treat you tomorrow!" Without waiting for his best friend to answer, Li Yao quickly left the classroom.

He looked around furtively, took a big half circle around the campus, passed through two canteens, stopped in a small forest behind the campus for a few minutes, and then came back, sneaking into a utility room on the first floor of the old teaching building.

Gently closing the door, he smelled a faint fragrance, like a valley orchid.

A pair of cold and beautiful eyes, like a clear spring, were staring at him impatiently in the dark, with a sharp nose tip and tightly pursed thin lips below the eyes.

If Meng Jiang were here, he would definitely make a characteristic cry of a pig being slaughtered: "Damn it, you little demon, you really hooked up with the 'Goddess of No. 2 Middle School' Si Jia Xue! You, you are really bold in color!"