Chapter Ten: The Intrusion of a Phantom Spirit

The ultra-high-speed crystal rail train rushed past with a "pop," like an egg shattering. The mysterious old man was hit head-on, and in a thousandth of a second, he was torn apart. Under the impact of the surging spiritual energy, his limbs were instantly vaporized, and even the most basic cells were annihilated, leaving nothing behind!

Li Yao only saw a flash of red before the mysterious old man completely disappeared!

He sighed helplessly in his heart.

Growing up in the treacherous and terrifying environment of the treasure grave, death was a common occurrence. Moreover, he had experienced death countless times in his dreams, so he didn't have the extreme fear and discomfort that most people have towards death.

However, after all, it was a vibrant life that disappeared in such a tragic way right in front of him, which made him feel a bit strange.

"This old man must have been a cultivator who lost his mind and went crazy, which led him to do such strange things," Li Yao thought to himself.

The crystal rail train was not disturbed by this minor accident and continued to speed away, disappearing from sight in no time.

Li Yao knew, however, that the guards on the train must have reported the incident to the local police department, and even the military, and a large number of police and military personnel would arrive soon.

As a scavenger in the treasure grave, his actions could be said to be on the edge of the law, and he had always been averse to dealing with the police and military. Li Yao didn't want to get into trouble, so he tightened his clothes, quickened his pace, and crossed the culvert.

He didn't know that on a level he couldn't see, on the crystal rail bridge, where the mysterious old man had just stood, a transparent crystal figure identical to the old man appeared, looking around in confusion, and finally locked onto him, who was full of vitality.

The transparent crystal figure suddenly shattered, turning into countless invisible crystal fragments, reflecting the bright moonlight, like tens of thousands of colorful butterflies, flying wings, silently merging into Li Yao's body!

"I'm so cold!"

Li Yao felt a bone-chilling wind, as if something was whispering in his ear, telling in a very ancient and mysterious language, the unspeakable horror, which made him shiver involuntarily.

It was too strange, it was really too strange, he was somewhat creepy, tightened his school uniform, and simply started to jog.

In principle, once a person starts running, the limbs are activated, and the body should heat up, but no matter how Li Yao ran, even to the limit of vomiting, that freezing chill always followed him like a shadow, like a bone-eating maggot, inch by inch, devouring him!

When he stumbled into the house, he was already frozen into an ice lump, but from the outside, he looked flushed, sweating profusely, with white fog surrounding him, steaming hot, which was inexplicably weird!

"Xiaohei, Xiaohei, I seem to be sick, help me to bed quickly, and find some antipyretic medicine from the medicine box with spiritual symbols!" Li Yao mumbled, but his eyes were getting darker and darker, and his eyelids were fighting each other. Before the black-winged sword could fly over, his legs softened, and he collapsed to the ground, snoring and completely asleep.

It seemed as if he had fallen into a deep swamp, and his five senses were completely deprived. He was struggling in absolute darkness, struggling endlessly.

Finally, when he was about to go crazy and pray to the countless gods and Buddhas in the nine heavens and ten earths to simply end his life, his body suddenly relaxed, and the darkness receded like a tide. He breathed fresh air again - a hundred times fresher than he had ever breathed before!

"Where is this?" Li Yao looked around in confusion.

Subconsciously, he knew he was trapped in a dangerous "nightmare," but different from his past "strange dreams," this was a dream with a strong classical style.

He was standing on an incredibly vast parade ground, surrounded by countless towering huge weapons and magical treasure statues, and the huge parade ground, covering more than a hundred acres, was actually spread out on a floating mountain head.

Below, there is a boundless black ocean with huge waves rolling!

The smell of sweat and masculine blood rushed into his nostrils, almost suffocating Li Yao. Around him stood thousands of strong men with well-developed limbs, bulging muscles, and fleshy faces. Each strong man carried a huge hammer that seemed to weigh a thousand pounds on his shoulder, practicing hard.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Thousands of huge hammers smashed into the ground together, causing the entire floating mountain to tremble slightly.

Then, Li Yao was surprised to find that he had also transformed into a burly man nine feet tall, with a completely changed appearance. He touched his chin and found it rough with stubble, like steel needles!

He was also holding a huge iron hammer, the grip's wrapping rope wet with the blood from his chafed palm!

In front of the large parade ground, a "giant spirit" larger than all the huge men, not at all like a human, glared with eyes like copper bells and bellowed like thunder: "You 3,527 pieces of trash have officially joined the 'Hundred Refinements Sect' and become the sect's low-level laborers. This is a blessing for your ancestors and a fortune cultivated in three lives! Our Hundred Refinements Sect is the strongest refining sect in the 'Vast Wilderness World'. The sect's rules are strict, and even a low-level laborer must train desperately!"

"As a low-level laborer, you have to carry three thousand catties of water every day, cut down fifty trees, and hunt at least ten 'spine thorn sharks' in the 'Bottomless Sea' below, which will be your food!"

"But the most important thing is to practice our Hundred Refinements Sect's basic skill, the 'One Hundred and Eight Handstyles of the Random Wind Hammer Method'! Listen carefully, you pieces of trash, you must swing the hammer ten thousand times every day, not a single time less. When you can smash a one-foot-deep hole in the floor made of 'gold essence stone' in front of you, you will be promoted to 'ironworking laborer' and cultivate more advanced skills!"

"Train! Train! Train with all your might! Ouyi Ming, what are you standing there foolishly for, why aren't you training?"

Before Li Yao could figure out what was going on, he found that all the strong men were looking at him with great pity. Suddenly, a fierce whirlwind rushed towards him. The giant spirit, who was a hundred feet away, appeared in front of him in the blink of an eye, towering over him and staring fiercely.

"Ouyi Ming, the one who was talking nonsense at dinner yesterday, saying that he must become the 'Head of the Hundred Refinements Sect' in the future, was you, right? Why, do you think the 'Random Wind Hammer Method' is too low-level and not suitable for you, the 'future head of the sect' to cultivate? Well, today I will let you see the power of the One Hundred and Eight Handstyles of the Random Wind Hammer Method, kill!"

The giant spirit spread his hands, and black air condensed in his hands, transforming into a huge hammer larger than Li Yao's head. He danced it fiercely and smashed it towards Li Yao's head. Before Li Yao could react, he felt as if he had grown wings on his ribs, rising into the air, and his head seemed to have become ten times larger, crying out in his heart: "What the hell is going on here!"