Chapter Twelve: Soaring to the Sky of Joy

"Ouch, ouch, it hurts, it hurts, it hurts!"

Li Yao's first sensation was a splitting headache. The vivid centuries in the dream turned into countless streams of information, crashing like a mountain torrent in the depths of his mind, and finally colliding into the pineal body in his forehead!

His brow throbbed as if a spring bamboo shoot after the rain was about to break through the skull and emerge!

With it came an indescribable, strange feeling.

It was as if he had originally been a "person in a suit" wrapped in heavy shells, and each pain tore a gap in his "shell," greatly enhancing his five senses and allowing him to perceive the wonderfully real world.

In an instant, he counted 327 cracks on the ceiling, saw the hundreds of tiny characters engraved on the teacup three meters away, and remembered that it was a battlefield poem written by a military poet of the Federation 133 years ago. At the same time, the life of this military poet and the seven battles he experienced appeared in his mind, and he remembered the outcomes of the seven battles clearly.

By the way, he also heard the sound of body collisions coming from the room twenty meters to the right downstairs.

"What's going on? It's so... exhilarating!"

Li Yao blinked his eyes, and every blink made the world clearer. Countless colorful colors that he couldn't name hit his visual cells, making him dizzy but ecstatic.

Rubbing his brow hard with both hands, Li Yao tried to sort out his thoughts, but the information flow in his brain was like a tsunami and a flood that was out of control.

"58942 multiplied by 88743 equals 5230689906! The winning numbers of the 903rd Federal Cultivation Lottery issued on August 25th last year are 73, 89, 42, 74, 55, 16, and the prize is 13,547,328 yuan, with a net of 11,607,350.63 yuan after deducting a special tax of 14.32%! The territory of the Star Yao Federation is 3.714 million square kilometers, with a total population of 1.0455 billion, a standing army of 1.67478 million, and it has 13 'Yuan Shi Tian Zun' class super-large strategic crystal warships; 52 'Tong Tian Jiao Zhu' class heavy crystal cruisers..."

"I passed the intersection of Luofu Avenue and Qishan Road three years ago on May 30th. The temperature was between 13 and 21 degrees, with a level 2 northwest wind. There was a woman wearing a light green skirt eleven meters to my southwest, between the ages of twenty-six and twenty-nine. The wind blew up her skirt, and her underwear was pink with light purple patterns!"

"The one having a fierce battle downstairs should be Brother Zhao's family. They have hit seventy-two times in a minute, which is a 35.8% increase in frequency compared to Zhao's usual performance, and the woman's scream is at least 23.4% sharper than usual. If it's not because Brother Zhao has taken some secret medicine, he might be wearing something green on his head!"

"Is this a mistake? Why can I suddenly think of so many things and process so many chaotic thoughts, just like... a cultivator!"

Li Yao was startled by his own thoughts and recalled the dream he had just escaped, feeling a chill at the back of his head.

He squinted, pinched his thigh root hard, used the pain to concentrate his thoughts, calm his mind, and think about the causes and effects.

A moment later, hundreds of effective information jumped out of the huge information library in his brain, just like shining pearls, forming a complete clue chain.

"Crystal brain, start!"

Li Yao whispered, and a triangular crystal brain rose at the end of the bed, emitting a soft beam of light, which spread into a huge light curtain after a series of startup music.

Li Yao accessed the Web, opened a page called "Vast World Search," and entered the three characters "Bai Lian Zong" in the search box, then gently pressed the "Activate" rune.

The page was full of flowing light and colorful runes dancing all over the screen, forming several short paragraphs of text.

"Bai Lian Zong was a once-prosperous sect in the 'Honghuang Great World' of the 'Zhongzhou Domain' during the mid-classical cultivation era about 47,000 years ago. It was famous for its proficiency in refining and forging magical treasures, especially the thirty-sixth leader, Ou Yi Zi, known as the 'Master of Devices,' a renowned refining master in the region, mentioned in many ancient notes and books."

"About 46,000 years ago, Bai Lian Zong was destroyed in an inexplicable explosion, and the sect disappeared in just a few decades, completely perishing."

"According to some notes from contemporary cultivators unearthed so far, Ou Yi Zi claimed to have successfully refined a transmission array that could travel through time. However, during the first experiment, he inadvertently triggered a spiritual energy tidal wave explosion, resulting in a tragic end where he was reduced to dust and his soul dispersed."

"However, no traces of Bai Lian Zong have been found so far, and all information about Bai Lian Zong comes from ancient notes, which are indirect evidence. The real reasons for Ou Yi Zi's sudden death and the decline of Bai Lian Zong are still unknown."

"P.S.: In our 'Vast World Sect' latest game 'Ancient Cultivation World Sword Xian Biography,' there is an appearance of Bai Lian Zong. Players can play as a disciple of Bai Lian Zong, communicate directly with 'Master of Devices' Ou Yi Zi, and explore the most mysterious secrets of refining. Join now and receive a newcomer gift package. The first 10,000 players who download the divine thought will also receive an additional five sets of cool armor. What are you waiting for? Download the divine thought quickly and enter the game!"


Li Yao simply ignored the last piece of information and kept flipping through the previous paragraphs, reading them over and over again.

Gradually, his eyes brightened, and his mind was filled with rapid thoughts, countless ideas weaving into a complex and exquisite pattern.

"So it is, the Bai Lian Sect is a real ancient sect, and Ou Yezi is a master of refining artifacts with exceptional talent. He invented a 'time machine' capable of traveling through time 46,000 years ago and personally tested it, but it led to a catastrophic explosion that destroyed the Bai Lian Sect."

"Although the Bai Lian Sect was destroyed, Ou Yezi's experiment was a success; he really crossed the barrier of time and arrived in the era of cultivation 40,000 years later!"

"In this era, there are countless magical treasures that ancient cultivators could not even imagine. As a fanatical refiner, Ou Yezi was naturally overjoyed, especially with modern large-scale magical artifact systems like 'ultra-high-speed crystal rail trains.' How could he not study them thoroughly upon seeing them?"

"But he was killed by the train!"

"It is estimated that time travel is also very damaging to the bodies of cultivators. Ou Yezi must have been severely injured, and his cultivation level plummeted. Otherwise, with the formidable strength he demonstrated in his dreams, he might have really been able to crash the train into the bridge."

"Anyway, Ou Yezi's body was torn to pieces by the crystal rail train, but his immense soul was not so easy to dissipate. It just happened to meet me passing by under the bridge and poured into my body, trying to 'possess' me!"

"Right, at that time, I felt a cold wind raging inside my body, which must have been this old man with ill intentions. All the strange phenomena in the dream were him pretending to be a god. If I hadn't seen through it in time, the person lying in bed now would definitely think they were the genuine 'Ou Yezi'!"

"But, I am just a person with a low cultivation level, how could I resist Ou Yezi's powerful soul and make his possession fail?"

Li Yao's thoughts were lightning-fast, and after pondering for a moment, he recalled a discordant ripple that had appeared when he was about to enter the bridal chamber with the daughter of the Supreme Elder in his dream.

A sudden flash of inspiration in his mind found the reason.

"Haha, Ou Yezi, this old man, is really unlucky!"

"With his formidable soul cultivation, no matter who in the federation he tries to possess, even some low-level cultivators, would probably not encounter any trouble."

"But I am different. In the depths of my brain, there is a memory that does not belong to this world. In a sense, my body has been 'possessed' by 'Li Yao from Earth' once, which is equivalent to being vaccinated, and I have a natural resistance to possession."

"No matter how fierce the virus, it is powerless to those who have been vaccinated. Ou Yezi not only failed to possess me successfully but also left me with great benefits!"

No matter how slow Li Yao was, he realized that something extraordinary must have happened to him. At least his thinking was ten times more agile than before.

Not to mention, with just a little bit of information, he thought about the cause and effect in three minutes, which would have taken him three days and nights to figure out before.

"The teacher of the meditation class once said that the highest realm of meditation is to enter a state where 'time flows extremely slowly, and a second in the real world seems like a year in the spiritual world.' Cultivating in this state is very beneficial for improving the development of spiritual roots!"

"In the dream of Nanke, it seemed as if I had lived for hundreds of years, could it be that I had entered this mysterious state and was honed by Ou Yezi's powerful soul, unknowingly greatly improving the development of my spiritual roots?"

Li Yao had heard from his teacher that the improvement of the development of spiritual roots would instantly enhance memory, analytical calculation, thinking power, and perception.

Another more direct sign is that the "pineal body" at the center of the eyebrows would feel like a spring bamboo shoot about to emerge.

All these signs are exactly the same as the changes that have occurred in him!

"I've made it, I've made it, I don't know how much my spiritual root development has improved, whether I have the strength to beat those arrogant students in the key class into pigs' heads?"