Chapter Sixteen: A Sea Cucumber

"Hu -"

He Lianlie's momentum is astonishing, like a high-speed crystal rail train that is as fast as lightning. Before he arrives, the fierce wind that makes people unable to open their eyes has already hit Li Yao's face fiercely.

Li Yao's eyeballs are like needles, a cool feeling rushes from the tail vertebra to the heart, and it seems that a "switch" in the deep brain area suddenly turns on. The five senses that were extremely sharp when he just woke up from the dream of Nanke are once again present.

In just 0.1 seconds, he clearly saw the three rich young men nearby with their mouths open, saw every leaf and flower on each plant in the small garden, smelled the fragrance of dozens of dishes being cooked in the kitchen, and even saw a mosquito flying slowly a few meters away.

At the same time, he also saw a dark sea cucumber lying on the ground between himself and He Lianlie, which he had accidentally dropped on the ground just now.

A large number of numbers exploded in the depths of his brain, exploded, and exploded, forming a series of wonderful formulas, condensing into a stream of information such as countless torque, lever arm, direction of force, and trajectory of motion.

After the end of this 0.1 second, Li Yao blinked, and before his mind could react, his body took the lead and subconsciously took a small step to the left.

His move, He Lianlie immediately followed, the body slightly swayed, and the attack route also moved 0.1 meters, so when his right leg fell heavily, it just stepped on the slippery sea cucumber, and the whole person lost balance!

If facing other opponents, He Lianlie would not be so careless, but in his eyes, Li Yao is just a trivial garbage. In his anger, he did not guard against it and slipped out directly.

Li Yao slightly turned his body, and He Lianlie slipped past him by the distance of a hair, and Li Yao could even see the expression of He Lianlie's shock and the big eyeballs that almost burst out of the eye socket, and after slipping three meters, He Lianlie knocked over a large dining table full of food, and "clang", three or four large pots of food fell on his head.

The thick soup of sea cucumber, the rich taste of scallops, the extremely delicious pearl fish balls... none of them were wasted, all appeared on He Lianlie's hair, face, shoulders, and the expensive hand-made luxury clothes, looking at it, He Lianlie had just taken a bath in the bucket of slops.

Silence, terrifying silence, as silent as a graveyard!

He Lianlie was dumbfounded, every nerve on his face was frozen, twisted into a slightly confused, ashamed, angry, and crazy strange expression.

Li Yao blinked, watching a sea cucumber slowly slide down from He Lianlie's "sword eyebrows and star eyes".

"This, this is a big fuss, where did this kid come from? It's too chaotic!" Not far away, Zheng Dongming twitched violently like a sheep epilepsy, and his fat face was already flushed with uncontrollable laughter.

He pulled the two rich young men, quietly stepped back a few steps, and then couldn't help laughing: "I didn't expect to watch men eat, it's more interesting than watching women take off their clothes, you say, isn't this a entertainment program arranged by He Lian for my birthday?"

A rich young man hesitated: "No, I think He Lian seems to have some cleanliness, Zheng Shao, look, He Lian's expression is almost about to cry, should we go up and help?"

"Of course not, such a wonderful program, it's a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, of course, we should watch it to the end!" Zheng said unscrupulously, and after a pause, he said with a smile, "But I think this kid has a character, Xiao Luo, quickly use the Linghe letter, let your family's private hospital, quickly send the highest-grade first aid shuttle - I think He Lian is about to explode!"

Sure enough, He Lianlie woke up from the initial shock and was like a volcano that had just awakened from a dormant state, with hot magma about to come out, and the strong air around him was almost condensed into a visible substance, and the temperature within a radius of half a meter increased several degrees!

"Click click", a series of firecracker-like bursts came from his body, which was terrifying.

Li Yao's brain was running at full speed, and countless fragments of memories were spinning wildly in the depths of his brain, each reflecting a scene of fierce fighting.

On the surface, he was completely intimidated by He Lianlie's fierce aura, and he was stunned.

But under the appearance of being stunned, every muscle fiber of his body slowly tightened, like a spring compressed to the extreme, gathering strong energy.

His hands were held loosely and naturally hanging on both sides of the body, as if holding two thousand-pound hammers, slightly swaying, ready to go.

Just as the air was torn and the moment was critical -

Suddenly, a chubby hand was placed on He Lianlie's left shoulder, a middle-aged fat man weighing more than 200 jin, dressed in a manager's uniform, appeared silently behind him, and said with a smile: "He Lian Shao, you are drunk."

He Lianlie's pupils suddenly contracted, and the tangible hostility turned 180 degrees, and it was not hidden from the fat man.

This fat manager, who does not seem to have cultivated any martial arts, does not care about He Lianlie's hostility, as if the spring breeze is blowing on his face.

He said slowly: "Any guest who comes to Yinhu Xiaojing to dine is our parents, and will definitely get first-class service, which is the purpose that we have always adhered to for decades in Yinhu Xiaojing, who doesn't know in the 'Shangdong District'? If He Lian Shao is not drunk, how can he fight in front of me against my parents?"

"You threaten me?" He Lianlie said, each word, with a cold tone.

The fat manager smiled slightly, and the flesh on his face trembled, looking a bit sneaky: "I dare not threaten He Lian Shao even if I have the courage of a bear and a leopard, but I just want to remind you that behind He Lian Shao, on the third corridor, at table 22, is a reporter from the 'Fugao City Entertainment Daily'."

"A reporter?" He Lianlie's face became very ugly, and he looked down at the mess on his body. If this appearance was photographed by the reporter of the entertainment newspaper, within half an hour, he would definitely become the "most famous" rich second generation in Fugao City, and this kind of "fame" is definitely not the one he wants.

He stared at Li Yao fiercely, clenched his teeth, said nothing, and left Yinhu Xiaojing without looking back.

The fat manager then turned his head and looked at Li Yao quietly.

Li Yao's calmness, which was completely contrary to his appearance, surprised him slightly. After a moment of surprise, the fat manager apologized sincerely: "This distinguished guest, I'm really sorry that due to our work negligence, you were disturbed during your meal at Yinhu Xiaojing. To compensate for your loss, today's meal is free, it's our treat, I hope today's little episode will not affect your impression of Yinhu Xiaojing, and also welcome you to continue to support our store."

A restaurant that can stand for decades in the 'Shangdong District' has its own deep foundation and transcendent pattern. The operators will not be a bit negligent because of the guest's clothes and identity, and everything is based on the most extreme service concept, which can create a reputation that is not easily obtained.

Li Yao was stunned and was about to nod when a burst of wine fragrance came, and a cat-eyed young man with oily hair and a smiling face appeared in front of him.

"Hello, my name is Zheng Dongming, you can call me Zheng Shao, or you can call me Dadong, but don't call me Xiaoming. I saw everything that just happened, I think you are a rare person, a dragon among people, the best in the best, how about making friends?"

Under Li Yao's somewhat vigilant eyes, Zheng Dongming calmly extended his hand, with a business card decorated with gorgeous spirit patterns between his fingers, "Don't be nervous, I have no other meaning, I just want to introduce a very professional insurance salesman to you, I suggest you take out all your savings now, and buy the highest amount of personal accidental injury insurance immediately, because -"

After a pause, Zheng Shao's face was filled with a very strange smile, and he said sinisterly, "Believe me, you will use it tomorrow."