Chapter 20: The Gymnast

"Interesting, among ordinary martial artists, he has top-notch endurance, ten times better than these weaklings in your training hall," Peng Hai also stood up, slowly moving his joints, with muscles like thousands of venomous snakes flowing under his skin as white as jade, extremely agile.

"Of course, he is a professional! You go to the fighting room to prepare first, don't forget to use the 'Face Tattooing Rune', don't let people discover your true identity," the bald tattooed man said, pushing the door and walking into the strength training room.

The strong man hitting the sandbag said to him, "Director Zhao, this gentleman is looking for you."

The bald tattooed man nodded, glanced at the spider pattern on Li Yao's face, and said with a smile, "Here? You know the price and everything, no problem, right?"

"I understand, no problem, let's trade directly," Li Yao said coldly, pretending to be an experienced old hand.

"That's good, follow me," the bald tattooed man led the way, passing through a corridor and taking Li Yao to a fighting room of about a hundred square meters.

The environment of the fighting room was quite simple, with thick straw mats hanging on the walls for cushioning, and the ground was rough cement, which was probably used for a long time, with pits and bumps, full of cracks crisscrossing.

The bald tattooed man took out a protective suit made of nine layers of cowhide and a full set of protective gear from the corner, indicating for Li Yao to wear it.

"Everyone here is in the circle, I don't need to say much, as long as you can hold on for three minutes, you can get ten thousand, but if you can't hold on for three minutes, then you won't get a penny - Brother Tian said that you have worked in many martial arts halls and are a gold medal sparring partner, these are the rules of the trade, no problem, right?"

"Three minutes? Gold medal sparring partner?" Li Yao blinked, realizing that the other party had mistaken him for someone else.

The patterns of the face tattooing runes are not random, with a total of more than 1,300 types of styles, and occasionally there will be two people with the same patterns on their faces, which is called "face collision."

This boss was probably waiting for another "gold medal sparring partner" with spider patterns on his face, but he mistook himself for the other party.

"I'm sorry -" Li Yao was about to explain subconsciously, and suddenly had a thought.

What did this bald uncle just say? If you can hold on for three minutes, you can get ten thousand? Is it so profitable to be a sparring partner?

Li Yao was a bit envious.

He struggled in the magical weapon tomb, working hard for a month to earn ten or eight thousand, although this time he made a big profit from Si Jiaxue and earned a hundred thousand, but such a fat sheep is not easy to meet, now as long as three minutes can earn another ten thousand, enough to buy more than a dozen enhancement potions, why not do it?

His body has just undergone a mutation, and compared with the past, the endurance has been greatly improved, which can be called thick-skinned and tough!

And the members who come to this level of training hall to exercise are mostly amateur level, maybe just got off work, and will go to buy groceries later, how much strength can they have?

Thinking this way, Li Yao looked across and almost laughed.

In the corner of the fighting room, there was a tall and thin man standing, with not much muscle on the upper body exposed, and the skin looked a bit pale, and this person also applied the "Face Tattooing Rune", the red and black patterns intertwined into a smiling clown.

The feeling of this person is very ordinary, very common, without any momentum of a master.

What made Li Yao laugh was that when he came in, this person was very seriously warming up, doing the most basic "Fifth Set of Fitness Gymnastics" in the Federation!

This set of fitness gymnastics was developed by the Federation's cultivation experts for ordinary people to exercise and relax, all citizens of the Federation have been learning since kindergarten, and it is not a martial art at all, it is just the simplest exercise of hands and feet, stretching muscles and bones.

Now, after many upgrades, it has developed into the "Ninth Set of Fitness Gymnastics" with complex movements and a bit of martial arts routines, and the very simple "Fifth Set of Fitness Gymnastics" is only used by primary school students as a break exercise.

It was clearly a break exercise for primary school students, but the smiling clown did it seriously and meticulously, stretching every movement to the limit, as if he was cultivating some earth-shattering divine skill.

"The ten thousand is like picking up white, if I don't pick it up, God will strike me with lightning!" Li Yao screamed in his heart.

The bald tattooed man put all the cowhide protective gear on him, frowning: "What's the problem?"

"Uh -" Li Yao pondered for a moment and asked, "Can I only take the hit? Can I fight back?"

The bald tattooed man was stunned, his expression seemed to laugh but not quite, as if he had heard the most humorous joke in the world, he took out a large number of iron plates and reinforced ceramic plates from a box in the corner and inserted them into the special pockets on the surface of the cowhide protective gear.

In this way, Li Yao had three layers of protection on his body - reinforced ceramic plates, iron plates, and nine layers of cowhide.

The bald tattooed man said, "As long as you are happy, you can fight back, but I suggest you try your best to block his attack first, okay, you play slowly, I will come in after three minutes, I hope -"

He stopped talking, looked at Li Yao with a look of "everything is self-evident," patted him on the shoulder not lightly, and left the fighting room, closing the door.

"Is this an amateur-level training hall, just three minutes of combat training, is it necessary to wear so tightly?" Li Yao tried to jump twice, and then waved a set of Wang Baquan, perceiving the impact of the protective gear on the body.

He found that this set of protective gear was very well made, although it weighed tens of pounds after adding iron plates and reinforced ceramic plates, it did not affect the limbs' activities, except for slightly reducing his speed, it did not affect the ability to attack and block.

And his opponent was still slowly warming up, just from the fourth section "Stretching Exercise" to the sixth section "Chest Expansion Exercise," if Li Yao remembered correctly, there were still five sections behind!

"Brother, you have been warming up since I came in, do you have to finish the whole set of fitness exercises? Do you need to be so serious?" Li Yao couldn't help but say.

The smiling clown was in the state of straddling the bow, with his chest open, and after hearing this, he did not continue the movement, and said slowly, "Do you need to warm up?"

"No, on the real battlefield, there is not so much time for you to warm up!" Li Yao said impatiently, struggling for survival in the magical weapon tomb, he always fought and ran as soon as he said it, Fei Long, wild wolf... Who would give him time to warm up?

The smiling clown tilted his head, let out a soft "Huh," seemingly unexpected that Li Yao could say such a reasonable thing, thought for a moment, nodded, and said, "You're right, ready, three minutes - start timing!"


Almost before the word "start" had reached Li Yao's ears, a piercing sound of breaking the wind penetrated his eardrum, the smiling clown was still more than ten meters away in the last moment, doing chest expansion exercises, and in the next moment, he disappeared completely!

Li Yao couldn't see the movement trajectory of the smiling clown at all, and only felt a prickly pain in his chest, as if there was an invisible hand that had penetrated the three layers of protection in an instant, directly inserted into the chest, and fiercely grabbed his heart!

"What the hell!"