An Unexpected Delivery

"What if someone arrests me while you're in the bathroom?" "I'd bail you out." "If you couldn't?" "I'd be locked up beside you."- Danielle Lori

Christian Allister

The moment I read her note, I press the intercom button, my voice firm and decisive. "Julia, I need a model of 'La Rose Noire' delivered within the next hour to the garage at Guardian's Crest, for the President's ."

There was a brief pause before her voice crackled back through the speaker, efficient and composed. "Yes, sir. Right away."

"One more thing," I continued, my tone softening slightly. "I need you to take a letter from me and place it in the car before it's delivered."

"Understood, sir," she responded promptly, a hint of curiosity in her voice.

With that, I released the button and turned to my desk, pulling out a sheet of my finest stationery and write a note for her. 
