Chapter 41: An open Discussion about the Space

Then Professor Shastri started his lecture on his subject since he was basically a science teacher and today he was teaching about characteristics of space.

Professor Shastri said: "Today we are going to study about space and its Characteristics."

Professor Shastri began his class with a question: "Can any of you tell me what space is?"

Almost all the students raised their hands and professor Shastri selected a random girl to get the answer.

The student got up and answered: "Sir when we fly out of earth then we are in space."

Professor Shastri said: "Good answer anybody else wants to answer this question?"

Again most of the hands were raised in the class and this time the Professor selected a Boy.

The student got up and answered: "Space is the area which is outside the earth and there are various planets, asteroids and comets in space which are a part of it."

Professor Shastri said: "Good answer now let me try to answer this question?"

Professor Shastri further explained: "Space is basically an empty place where almost no matter exists. I believe all of you know that there are three types of matter which are solid, liquid and gas."

At this point of time a student from Rahul's group raised his hand: "Yes if you have any doubt please ask."

The student said: "Sir I have heard there is a fourth kind of matter which has been found which is called Plasma."

Professor Shastri said: "Yes you are right and not only Plasma many other types and states of matter has been discovered however on that research is still ongoing and it has not been included in our syllabus so for now we will only stick to three types of matter which are solid, liquid and gas also lets not deviate from the main topic which is space."

Professor Shastri continued: "So I was saying space is basically an empty place where almost no matter exists and where the pressure is very low. If you are in space you will not be able to listen to any sounds because sound needs matter to travel and in space you will not find any kind of matter such as solid, liquid or gas in other words in space sound doesn't carry since there aren't molecules close enough together to transmit sound between them. Outer space is thought to begin at 100 km from sea level which is known as the Karman line."

Professor Shastri continued with his lecture for the rest of the period and at the end of the class he informed the class about the sports meets which was going to happen that night which was an inter college competition.

Professor Shastri announced: "Class now listen carefully. I am going to share some important information with you guys. This is regarding the state level sports meets which are going to happen the day after tomorrow. Those who are interested in applying for various sports competitions can register their names now in the reception area. Thank you and bye class."

Once Professor Shastri left everyone was excited about the event since this sports meets competition was held once in a year and various students from different colleges used to participate since this was a state level competition and the more important thing was that this year the sports meet competition was hosted by their own college which was Grand Cultural University (GCU).

Gaurav who was sitting next to Bharat said: "Hey Bharat I think you do not have any idea about this sports meets event since you are coming from a different town so let me give you all the information on this."

Bharat said: "But I know about this event since as soon as I entered the college campus Rahul and his friends stopped me and challenged me for the sprint competition which I suppose is a part of this Sports Meets competition."

Gaurav was flabbergasted after listening to Bharat that he had already been challenged by Rahul to compete in the sprint competition and since he already knew how things were in this college so he was aware that Rahul was the third fastest runner in this college and had also won state level competition for the college to earn gold medals so he got concerned for his new friend.

Gaurav said: "Take my advice, brother, and refuse any challenges from Rahul and his group of friends because they just know how to accuse others of false actions which they haven't done and torment them, so they may be trying to frame you for something."

Bharat said: "However I have already accepted the challenge."

Gaurav was astonished: "What have you done? This is a trap, do not fall for it. You can still pull out of the challenge since you have not registered in the Sports Meets competition yet or you can just go to Rahul and apologize to him and at that time withdraw because if you join and then lose to that Rahul he is going to make your life miserable"

Bharat said: "I did not know this however I have already made my commitment to Rahul that I will be taking part in the sprint competition and compete with him along with others so I cannot back out now however whoever loses the match between him and myself has to run naked once in the college campus."

Gaurav did not know how to save his friend from this situation so he said: "You have gotten yourself into big trouble. I would still suggest that you should just apologize and back out, however if you have to do this then be very careful of that Rahul since he can make your life miserable."

Gaurav further said: "Also this competition is a state level competition in which many champion players would come from other colleges. Any ways let me tell you that I have also taken part in the swimming competition so wish me luck."

Bharat said: "All the best Gaurav."

At that point of time Rahul came to Bharat and mentioned about their bet intimidatingly: "You remember our bet right as we have made the deal to take part in the sprint competition in tonight's sports meets."

Rahul thought that Bharat would back out from the competition now since he now knows about the bad influence of his group on other students.

Bharat said fearlessly: "I will not break my promise and I will register now for the sports meets sprint competition." With that he went to the reception area to register for the sports meets.