CH 1° Aldrich

Twenty years ago...

"Leave him alone!!!"

Gales of laughter filled the air as a group of young teens gathered around another of their peers, very quickly the giggles turned to the sounds of Punch and kick.

The teenager struck violently without pity nor remorse, Making strange smiley faces as they rained fury on their fellow schoolmate.

A massive crowd of students soon fills the schoolyard, all dressed in the same manner of school uniform.

All the students stood watch, some with looks of pity while others just enjoyed the show.

But one thing was clear from the looks on their faces, this wasn't the first time something like this was happening.

"I said leave him alone"

A tiny voice belonging to a little girl uttered in rage, this made the boys halted their tracks, but only for a moment before another round kicks fell on their victim.

A little girl not older than 14 rushes into the crowd of boys, despite her small stature, she assumes a fearless position, ready to defend her friend.

However, before the situation could progress further.

"what is going on here"

An adult voice suddenly sounded, breaking the stalemate, "Tom, Mike, principles office now!."

The teacher commanded before moving on, without even casting a single glance at Aldrich, who at this point was covered in bruises, blood trickling down his nose as the white part of his eyes now marred by a deep crimson hue.

Behind the teacher one of the bullies Tom made a mincing throat-cutting gesture toward Aldrich with their thumb, before quickly departing.

the crowd quickly dispersed, leaving the battared up Aldrich and the little girl in the lobby.

"Here" the girl picked up his crutches, with trembling hands, Aldrich collected them and stabilized himself.

"thanks Eve"

Aldrich muttered with a painful smile, this has been his life ever since he came to this school, he had been a subject of constant bullying, Eve always seemed to come to his rescue, sometimes getting beaten up in the process.


Although Aldrich was mostly older than these kids, his frail body didn't do him much good.

At a young age, he had been diagnosed with a strange blood disease that threatened to claim his life with every breath he took.

The nature of this disease has never been heard of nor seen before in human history, so potent was this malignancy that it required him to change his blood through blood transfusion almost three times a day.

The constant blood transfusions made him always appear sick and pale, his skin looking like that of a ghost, the worse was having to rely on crutches to navigate his daily life.

The kids at his new school took advantage of this to bully him constantly, and like most schools, the teacher often turned a blind eye, even when these cases of bully turned fatal.

Aldrich's parents were rich to say the least, having lost his mother as a result of his birth, his father blamed him for his mother's death for some reason, even so, the man still finds no trouble throwing away a few thousand dollars a day for his son.

At one point Aldrich even found himself thinking that it was out of love that his father spent so much money on him, but his perception was soon crushed when his the man decided to ship him off to boarding school, he realized his father never loved him, he never cared, to the man he was just some nuisance to be rid of.

This predicament made Aldrich's mind mature too early for kids his age.

The realization that he could only rely on himself if he wanted a better life.

Aldrich was smarter than most, at the age of 20 he already had a Dubble PhD in bioengineering and physics, and at age 35 he already won three Nobel prizes, finding cures to some of the most deadly diseases that had plagued mankind.

Even after all these marvelous achievements, he still couldn't find a cure for his disease, at some point in his life curing his disease wasn't just a life goal to him, it became an obsession.

The endeavor turned the sweet kid that could have been, into the version the world even the entire universe would come to know and Dredd.


"To be continued."

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