CH 8° Killing Marie

The weird sticky glue seemed to have corrosive properties, and as soon as the black glue coming from his wounds made contact with his body, its corrosive properties went to work, in the moment Aldrich's skin seemed to dissolve like wax in a furnace, melting away his very own skin with an eerie, acidic hiss.

The gruesome process began at the top, his scalp and face quickly surrendered as his skin slid away like a macabre mask. Exposed and gleaming, his bones and his skull stared out from beneath, but it didn't stop there, the meltdown continued,

At this point Aldrich lost his sense of self, consumed by the primal urge to cling unto something, he burst forth with frenzied strength: Marie.

His grasp closed around the poor woman's face like a vice, he stared at her with his empty eye socket, the hollowed space seemed to spasm, seemingly screaming in silent terror.

Before she could even process what was happening, a searing pain exploded through her skull as Aldrich tightened his grip, pressing her head against the wall with a force that left her vision reeling.

At this point the acidic black glue that was coming from his wound was creating other wounds, generating black glue, bones were now visible beneath every corner of his body with pieces of flesh hanging loosely, the glue seemed to have a life on its own, penetrating it's dark acidic tendrils through his flesh, exposing his skeletal frameworks beneath.

The air was heavy with the stench of decay and desolation, it was as if Aldrich's essence was being siphoned away.

Marie's became welled up in tears as her world flashed through her eyes, struggling and thrashing with every ounce of her strength, but Aldritch's grip was firm, in the last ditch effort her right hand managed to strike a button, and a section of the ceramic wall slid open with a hiss.

As the wall cracked up Marie's scream reached a blood-curdling pitch.

She was followed by a sickening Pop! Marie's head burst like a ripe watermelon, her head shattarted with the unusual strength of Aldrtch's grip, and her brain matter splattered on the ceramic wall.

The sound of her head imploding was akin to a gruesome explosion, a horror that seemed to echo through space, the once pristine wall was now a grisly canvas, painted with a vibrating hue of Marie's lifeforce, extinguished in an instant.

As Marie's lifeforce ebbed away, her blood and innards seemed to awaken a dark and primal urge within Aldrich, with feral instinct he grabbed the remnants of her shattered head, he lifted it to his lips as if drawn to the crimson nectar.

He drank from it, his thirst seemed unquenchable, following which his hunger seemed to escalate to a grotesque new level, then with a savagery that seemed from nowhere he began to devourer her flesh like his life depended on it, he tore his way into her body with a swiftness that defies human comprehension.

The scene was nightmarish, a horror beyond words, as the scene of Aldrich's transformation into a monstrous entity seemed to unfold before the ceramic walls.

As Aldrich consumed more of Marie's remains, his body began to absorb the flesh and blood with an unnatural hunger. His flesh started to regenerate, growing back with an eerie speed, but the black glue refused to relent. It continued to melt his flesh at an alarming rate, faster than his body could create new tissue. A grotesque battle ensued, with flesh and black glue.

The glue seemed to have a life of its own, determined to consume Aldrich's very essence, while his body fought to reclaim its lost territory.

Just then a bulky man adorned in a black uniform walled into this sight.


Helix Foundation hours ago

As the sun was paving was for the moon to take its place in the night sky, a white mascara pulled in, on one of the numerous underground parking lots of the Helix Foundation, out came a beautiful woman seemingly in her early thirties, she was very quickly flanked by two security guards adorned in black informs, with electric taser handing loosely on one side their belt and a hand pestle on the other, "DR. Marie, shouldn't you at home, it is closing hours after all" one of the men asked while flashing a bright smile.

Marrie is popular among the many staff in the Foundation, especially amongst the men, not only is he beautiful she is also a scientist working hand in hand with the legendary Aldritch Reigns.

"Hi, I'm working late with Dr. Reigns tonight, we will most likely be here all night," she said before turning to leave.

As the men watch Dr. Marie leave, they can't help but admire her from her backside, Marie was every man's dream,

"stop ogling her," his colleague said with looks of piety, "Women like those are way out of our league, don't forget you have first watch"

"were are you going"

"To rest, of course, where else?" the man said in a tone that made his colleague sound like an idiot for asking such a question.

Their night preceded smoothly like every other night, their only job was to guard this floor, the other floors also had men stationed there and they communicated with one another through walkie-talkies.

Like every other night they've worked here nothing happened and they didn't mind it was better this way, as long as they got paid.

Suddenly one of the bulky men named Jeff stood up, and pleased with Rado in his mouth, "I'm going for a work: over" he said and waited for a response.

Very quickly he got it, "Roger that, might as well cover the west wing while you're at it: over"

"Over and out"