Miss Sharon.

" Hahahaha! What a fool, how dare you think that you can talk to my girlfriend without consequences, what a fool you are, I mean who do you think your father is huh?" A boy in black trouser and shirt while topping it off with a red jacket which gives him the vibe of the bad boy, he had blonde hair, green eyes and a very handsome face. Behind him was two boys, but they had average looks all that makes them a little different is their green hair. The trio looked like the peefper description of big high school bullies and that was exactly what they were, college bullies.

In front of the trio, was a thin frail looking boy who was lying on the ground with a swollen eye and some bruises on his arm. The guy had an above average face, with red hair, shimmering blue eyes that looked like a calm lake. He wore regular clothes but they had some stiches and patches all around the clothes.

" Drake, i- I didn't go to talk to her, she was the one who came to talk to me and it isn't the type of talk that you think, she just came to me to ask some topics about chemistry that she didn't understand, I wasn't the one who went to talk to her, she was the one who came to talk to me, not the other way around." The frail looking boy said to the bully in the middle.

" Are you crazy? Are you trying to tell me that my Jiji would leave her class to come and meet you just so she could ask you about some chemistry? Do you take me for a fool?" Drake said with increasing anger.

" Yeah! Do you you take our boss for a fool?" One of the boys behind Drake said in annoyance.

" Yeah! What he said." The other boy said as he pointed at the boy who first spoke.

" Shut up! Both of you should keep quiet!" Drake said in annoyance.

" We're sorry boss." The boys said simultaneously, but Drake didn't pay head to them any more, he just stared at the boy on the ground and said. " Now, you, my girlfriend Jia is the seventh on the F.A.S ranking, which means she is the seventh most smartest and famous person in our set, so why do you think that I would believe that she would come up to you to ask about some tootop in chemistry, when you are not even on the S.R board, so why would Jiji come to seek you for advice, you a worthless piece of trash that can't even enter the one hundred spot on the low class ranking, you a trashy fool, and you expect me to believe you, sorry but i'm not as stupid as I look." Drake said as he stared at the guy with eyes filled with disdain.

" Cough! Cough! I- i'm not lying, what I say is the truth, please you have to believe me." The frail looking boy said with difficulty.

" Shut up! I don't care what you say from here Dami, today, imi going to make sure you don't go near my Jiji ever again." Drake said as he lifted Dami off the ground and pinned him to the nearest wall then he called over his goons, and the started giving him series of punches and slaps.

" Why, why does it always have to be me? Why?" Dami thought as he began having a flag back even as Drake and his goons were beating him up.

Dami was at first your average normal guy, but when povery struck his family his parents were forced to do hard labour so as they could have some bread on their table. Dami had always love watching movies, wether action, adventure, fantasy, superhero, romance and so much more. Most of the time he was always glued to the TV, and didn't like doing anything else except when it comes to his parents and little sister.

He has had a pretty normal life until, when he entered college. The day he entered college he was hopeful of his bright future in the university. But then, one particular strange day, Dami was approached by the school bullies as they tried to ask for his money and make him do their assignments forcefully. But Dami didn't comply and immediaely went to report them to the principal. After reporting to the principal, the bullies were publicly humiliated at the assembly and since then, people started distancing themselves from Dami and they acted as if he was a piece of trash that doesn't deserve attention.

Since then he would be approached by the bullies and would always get beaten up to a pulp. And for some reason, now the principal didn't listen to him, he just acted like he didn't hear the reports about the bully problem, making more sprout out and most of them targeted Dami and since that day onwards, he would always have at least one beat down a day.


" Shit!" Dami exclaimed, as he wiped of the blood on his lips, and picked up his bag that was on the ground and immediaely ran off.

After running around the campus for about ten minutes, Dami stopped right in front of a two storey building that has a sign which says ' Administration block'.

While standing in front of the administration block, Dami had a somewhat solemn look on his face as he walked inside.

" Odukoya! You're late!" A stern looking woman with a very big bust, and her face was incredibly beautiful as she wore a white long sleeved shirt and a red skirt with red heels, she looked like the perfect replacement for old magazine models.

" I'm sorry miss Sharon, something held me up." Dami said as he lowered his head.

" I don't want to hear it, all I want to know right now is why were you not in physics class, mr Victor sent me the attendance of your class, why was your name not in it?!" Miss Sharon said in a loud voice which made the other students that were in the building all stare at them with curiosity.

" To my office, now!" Miss Sharon said as she began walking up the stairs, headed for her office and she was closely followed by Dami.

" Hey wasn't that Odukoya and the counsellor?" A student asked as he watched Dami follow miss Sharon up the stairs.

" Yeah, that was Odukoya and the counselor." Another student said.

" What are those two doing together and why was she yelling at him?" The first student asked again while facing the second student.

" Haven't you heard?" The second student said.

" Heard about what?" The first student asked again.

" About the rumors, you know, the rumors about the counselor favouring Odukoya, some even think she is interested in him." The second student said in a low voice.

" Are you serious? I hope we're still talking about the same counselor here, cause if we are then I no longer know who my counselor is anymore." The first student said.

" Why?" The second student asked.

 " Umm, well let me think, the counselor that I know is a ruthless demon that loves to destroy the balls of any man that tries to even touch her hair, the same counselor that stopped a car with those sexy heels of her's, the same counselor that humiliated Drake Snowman in front of the entire school and made sure that his father personally came to apologize for his son and still pay compensation and his father is literally like the most famous man in Lagos State, that's the counselor that imi familiar with." The first student said as he had an expression of fanatism and fear.

On the second floor of the administration block miss Sharon and Dami we're walking towards a door that had a sign that says, 'counselor.'

Entering the office, miss Sharon signalled for Dami to sit down on a chair across the desk, as she sat down on the chair across Dami.

" So, who did it to you this time, who would still dare to touch you after my warning at the assembly, who did this to you?!" Miss Sharon said as she looked at the bruises on Dami's body and his swollen eye as her face looked a little bit pained.

" It was no one, I just fell down the stairs." Dami said while trying to cover up the truth about his injuries.

" Why? Why do you do this to yourself, why do you always have to keep quiet about such a thing, all you're doing is making matters worst for yourself, just tell me who did this." Miss Sharon said in a worried tone.

" Look, I know you're worried about me, but I can take care of myself so, stop worrying so much about me." Dami said as he put his hand on miss Sharon's hand that was laying on the desk, trying to assure her that nothing was going to happen to him.

" Sigh! Alright then, I'll stop worrying so much anymore." Miss Sharon said as she forced a smile on her face.

" So, why didn't you send for me?" Dami asked.

" Okay, the reason why I sent for you is because I need your help to look for something for me." Miss Sharon said as her exppression became stern again.

" Look? Look for what exactly." Dami asked in a questioning tone.

" A ring, I need you to help me find a ring." Miss Sharon said as he r face hardened.

" A-a ring?" Dami ask while trying to confirm what he just heard.

" Yes, a ring." Miss Sharon said.

" Wait, if you're looking for a ring, then, a-a-are y-you engaged!!" Dami shouted.