32. Taller

"Stop this, now." Loki said. "Nobody is going to force a kid out." He gave Lenny a pointed look. "You know we have to protect those who can't protect themself." He glanced at Emily and Lenny understood what he meant. "It didn't mean that. You are right, forget it"

"Let's make it like this, give us one day, we look for something suitable, if we don't find it then we come back anyway until then. And you can go without us wherever." Hunter suggested. 

"Let's do it like this." The old man nodded.

They talked about where to go. They had no orientation because they saw neither the sun nor moon through the sand in the air. Their general waking point was appointed as 'north'. Now they were in the South. Northwest was the Hospital, and Northeast was were Emily was found and where the boys were slaughtered. Though East should be safe because the Alien Guy shouldn't walk around only in that area and was there already, they didn't want to risk anything and going even close to Northeast, thus east was out of question. They decided going down further south. It was as far away from the Alien Guy as possible and it was new territory after just one km. Besides, they described that the buildings there weren't any worse than they were here, so no new findings, but no worse findings either.

They really hadn't felt secure enough to go wider, but Jack and Hunter were different.

Jack and Hunter packed Backpacks with water, packet bread, wet wipes, dry shampoo, and took the axe. Momo cried but got a coin for training magic tricks that Jack taught him at the last second before they were going. Everyone said goodbye as if they wouldn't see each other again, Lilly was in tears and hugged Jack, she didn't have the courage to hug Hunter after he gave her a look. Casper hugged Jack too and shoved him something in the pocket "Just in case..." He smiled. Jack touched the thing in his pocket and his lips twitched, 'What the hell am I doing with a condom when going on a scouting mission with another man?"

Sean snorted and got up to get in his room. Emily was banned from saying goodbye by Lenny and was upstairs, for fear this time a marriage proposal from her. Amanda nodded at them, and Hunter whispered to her ear "Stay away from rooms that don't belong to you." She shuddered and ran upstairs.

Dale gave them a victory sign and nodded.

The old man patted their shoulders and Martha bowed to them lightly and that made everything a bit awkward. "What? I can't hug them too, can I?" She said in the room, amusing them.

Nick said to Hunter quietly "I'll clean the red jogging suit for the time when you are back." and earned himself a happy 'ok' sign. Hunter had no idea what to do so he had asked Nick when he met him at night on the way to the latrine, the doorguy surprisingly knew a few household tricks. 

"See ya later." Said Jack and took Hunter's wrist to finally go. After they left the building he let go. 

He took a deep breath. "Finally." 

"Thought you like them" Hunter smiled at him.

"Yeah but I'm itching to find out what's going on outside." He said, wiggling his fingers. 

"What is that disturbing hand gesture you are making?" Hunter frowned in disgust, they were already going south, not seeing more than two meters ahead.

"It is the public sign for itching, itching!" Jack repeated.

Hunter laughed at that "I have a few years more in my memory and believe me, nobody does that, except those wanting a beating."

"Wanna know what a sisyphus work is?"

"Oh please tell me."

"Beat an immortal" He laughed theatralicy.

"I'm thinking of giving it a try." Hunter pushed Jack's head away.

"Get yourself an ability first, or I'm feeling like beating a grade schooler."

"Ha! I'm not only taller, I'm older too, I would beat the crap out of you."

"Oi, your mentality is younger than me, and taller my ass, it's like 4 cm, and I'm still growing."

"Yeah, then your mentality is newborn with no memory."

"What the fuck. Ahahaha" Jack cracked up.