38. Create

"Try extracting some water from your body!" Jack nudged his shoulder, being more thrilled than the other man himself.

Hunter was helpless with him, scanning their surroundings and seeing no threat or animal wanting to nibble at them, he complied.

Imaging how the lightly cool water felt, he had toyed with just now, his fingertips recalling the sensation of it following his lead, he unexpectedly succeeded on his first try.

"Are you feeling thirsty? Can you just absorb the water or can you create it?" Jack asked in fascination.

"Hmm, I'm not sure..." Hunter extracted more and more and with approximately 5 liters before them, and him feeling fine, it was clear that he could not just extract the water from his body. "Create...."

"You'll never go thirsty again in the apocalypse, gratulations!"

"We will never go thirsty again" Hunter corrected and let the water fly before Jack.

"Are you crazy, I'm not drinking this, it's as if I'm drinking some body fluids from you." Jack had just finished when Hunter's hand trembled and the water splashed on the youth, some of it landing in his mouth.

Hunter was really not at fault, he buried his head in embarrassment, 'who even thinks dirty around the clock.'

"Hey!" Jack whined and wiped the liquid away, he smacked his lips "It's really just water...Ok let's drink your stuff in the future." It would spare them some worries. Suddenly he thought of something "Does that mean we can shower? And wash clothes in the future??" Both of them looked at each other like they were struck by lightning.

"Oh my god." Hunter stood up and grabbed his hands. They both started to jump happily "Showers, my jogging suit! Hahaha" Jack was exhilarated.

Yes, Hunter thought, he could wash the red jogging suit now, and be responsible for Jack's clothes and hydration. Though he wouldn't do this for the others.... "Oh, what to do about the others?" He asked Jack.

"You decide if you want to provide them... oh." He paused looking at the endless stonewall and turning around to the forest behind them. "We can never climb that up again...."

Hunter was a bit happy to be alone with Jack now without distractions, he could live like this forever- but first they had to find a hideout- this time just for the two of them.

"What is this?" Jack asked, feeling the slight vibrating on the earth. He laid himself on the floor to listen. Looking warrily in the forest he said "Something is coming, something big..." Both exchanged a look.

"Let's climb a tree?" With the other's nod, Jack packed his axe in his backpack and they two ran to a tree near them with a massive trunk. Like a monkey Jack was about 15 meters up before settling on a thick branch, Hunter followed with the help of the mini pickaxe and the youth made space so that they could sit together.

Hunter had one hand holding the trunk and the pickaxe while the other was put on Jack's shoulder, making sure neither of them would fall.

As they waited the vibration got stronger, and soon they could hear something taking massive steps in their direction.

Jack took the Axe out and fixed the Backpack on his front side, to withstand attacks from the front.

A few minutes later they saw a big humanoid figure, it walked to the clearing before the stonewall and when stood in the moonlight, they could see what it looked like.

Hunter speedily changed his position, leaning with his back against the trunk, both legs dangling down, while pressing Jacks back on his own chest. Putting his hand on Jacks mouth and the other was ready to throw the pickaxe. A few minutes later they saw a big humanoid figure, it walked to the clearing before the stonewall and when stood in the moonlight, they could see what it looked like.

The thing was about 4 meters high, more than two times of a normal human, without hair and clothes it was clearly a man. On the back of his head was another face, the hands had double the fingers it should have, and the feet grew in opposite directions. It looked as if two men were melted together, trying to free themselves in opposite directions.

Both guys on the tree stared at this grotesque sight in horror.