The Daimyo of the Land of Fire was a middle-aged man of average appearance and build. He wore a peculiar hat resembling a fan, with three flames decorating it—symbols of his status as the Daimyo of the Land of Fire.

"Are you Uchiha Sasuke? You've grown so much in just a few years. I remember when you were born, you were so small and thin. You weren't as handsome as you are now," the Daimyo said with a smile, his tone warm and friendly as he fanned himself.

"Thank you for your compliment, sir," Sasuke replied, bowing slightly in respect.

The Daimyo continued, "By the way, where is your father? Why have you come here alone? Fugaku hasn't visited me in years. That's rather rude of him."

A trace of dissatisfaction showed on the Daimyo's face. It was not unusual for the Uchiha to interact with the Daimyo, considering they were one of the two founding clans of Konoha. With the Senju clan gone, the Uchiha's status had only grown more prominent.

"My father has passed away," Sasuke said, his voice calm and measured.

The Daimyo's fan paused mid-movement, and his face showed brief surprise before he sighed.

"I see. I didn't expect Fugaku to pass away so young. What about you, Sasuke? Are you now the leader of the Uchiha clan?" he asked, with a hint of sadness.

Sasuke's expression remained composed. "Actually, there is no Uchiha clan anymore."

Hearing this, the Daimyo lowered his fan entirely, surprise clear on his face. "No Uchiha clan? What do you mean by that?"

"Just over ten days ago..." Sasuke explained the massacre of the Uchiha clan with a steady voice, recounting the events of that tragic night as he had experienced them.

The Daimyo's expression shifted several times as he listened. By the time Sasuke finished, the Daimyo's face was calm once more.

"I never imagined such a thing could happen. The Hokage has certainly been negligent in his duties," the Daimyo concluded, shaking his head.

"Hokage-sama has many responsibilities, and I understand that," Sasuke replied, nodding in agreement.

The Daimyo looked at Sasuke with curiosity. "You don't seem saddened by all this."

"I've already grieved," Sasuke said, his tone resolute. "Since I'm still alive, I need to look forward. I believe my parents would want me to move on."

The Daimyo seemed pleased by Sasuke's maturity. "I'm glad to hear that. So, Sasuke, why did you come to see me today? Surely it wasn't just to inform me of your family's fate?"

Sasuke straightened up. "Of course not, sir. There are two main reasons I've come. First, I've applied to the Hokage to withdraw from the Ninja Academy. From this point forward, the Uchiha clan will be withdrawing from the ninja world entirely."

The Daimyo's eyes widened slightly. "Withdraw from the ninja world?"

"Yes," Sasuke confirmed, his voice firm. "Starting with my generation, the Uchiha will no longer operate as ninjas. I came today to request your support in this matter." He then produced an envelope and slid it across the table toward the Daimyo.

The Daimyo opened the envelope, glancing over its contents, his eyebrows raising in surprise. "And what do you hope to gain from this?"

"I seek the title of nobility," Sasuke declared, his voice unwavering.

"And what is the second matter?" the Daimyo asked, still processing Sasuke's bold request.

"The second matter is this: as the head of the Uchiha clan, I formally request your daughter, Madoka Chika's, hand in marriage." Sasuke handed the Daimyo another envelope.

Madoka Chika was the Daimyo's daughter, the true princess of the Land of Fire. Though the Daimyo had several children, his eldest son, Enshikyu, was poised to inherit the throne. Madoka Chika was his youngest daughter, only a year younger than Sasuke himself.

The Daimyo's expression grew serious. "Chika is the princess of the Land of Fire, Sasuke. Do you understand the weight of what you're asking?"

"Of course, sir," Sasuke said confidently. "I am an Uchiha. The blood of one of the greatest clans flows through my veins. My Sharingan is proof of that."

As he spoke, Sasuke activated his Sharingan, his normally dark eyes turning crimson, with two tomoe swirling slowly within them.

The Daimyo studied Sasuke for a moment, his eyes lingering on the boy's powerful dojutsu. After a pause, the Daimyo smiled. "But Madoka is still very young..."

"We can be engaged first," Sasuke proposed, calm but determined.

The Daimyo chuckled softly and said, "Alright, I agree. Stay in the city for the next few days, and we'll make the arrangements."

Sasuke bowed respectfully. "Thank you, sir."

With that, Sasuke had accomplished his goal. Becoming a noble was no simple task, even for a clan as prestigious as the Uchiha. In this world, no matter how powerful or renowned a ninja was, ascending to nobility required the recognition of the Daimyo.

After two days, the Daimyo convened with his ministers and publicly announced the engagement between Sasuke and Princess Madoka Chika. He also officially granted Sasuke the title of nobility. From that day on, the Uchiha clan officially left the ninja world and became part of the aristocracy.

This news spread rapidly through the ninja world, stirred by none other than Sasuke himself.

(End of Chapter)