CHAPTER:9 Return

The convoy stopped outside the gates of Konoha.

Members of the Flying Thunder God team were chatting with Kakashi. They had grown up together and shared a good relationship.

Sasuke glanced at them but quickly looked away, focusing on the maid helping Madoka Chika tidy up her appearance. As a princess, Chika required maids when traveling, and the chief maid was in her carriage, while others were in the second.

There wasn't a need for a complete change of clothes or makeup; Chika was still young, so minimal adjustments—smoothing wrinkles and fixing her hair—were sufficient.

The guards, too, took this time to rest. Their journey had been long and dusty, and they looked a little haggard. However, as they represented the daimyo's honor, they needed to appear respectable when entering Konoha.

After a half-hour break, the convoy resumed its journey. Soldiers lined up on both sides of the convoy, guarding it. The four guardian ninjas stood at the corners of the lead carriage, serving as the first line of defense. The second line of defense was Kakashi's team, hiding in the carriages.

As the convoy entered Konoha, it caused quite a stir. Villagers gathered on both sides of the road, watching in fascination.

"Is that the princess's convoy?"

"Wow, look at that luxurious carriage!"

"Where's the Uchiha child? Why haven't we seen him yet?"

"He must be inside the carriage."

"Is that okay?"

"Why not? He's the princess's fiancé, and he's only seven. He's just a kid—what harm could there be?"

"True, true."

"It's a pity we can't see the princess. I heard she's very cute."

"Do you think you'd actually get to see her? Don't be ridiculous."

"Wait, doesn't that bearded guy look familiar?"

"Yeah, isn't he the Third Hokage's son? What's his name again?"

"Asuma! It's Asuma!"

"Yes, yes! That's him!"

"Hey, stop shouting! You might disturb the princess!"

"Where's the police force? Why aren't they managing the crowd? It's embarrassing for Konoha!"

The noise was clear inside the carriage. Kakashi glanced at Madoka Chika and gave her an apologetic smile, knowing full well who had yelled Asuma's name.

Asuma, in turn, had turned red from embarrassment and looked like he wanted to disappear.

Chika, however, wasn't paying attention to Kakashi. She was tugging on Sasuke's sleeve, peeking through the curtain. Sasuke gently patted her hand, reassuring her.

Despite the villagers' excitement, their curiosity was harmless. Royalty, nobles, and daimyo were distant concepts to them. They only interacted with ninjas regularly, so seeing someone from the Fire Daimyo's family was bound to create a buzz.

The convoy soon reached the Uchiha clan's district. At this point, Kakashi's team needed to report back to the Hokage, so they parted ways with Sasuke, who understood and bid them farewell.

Once they entered the Uchiha district, Chika finally found the courage to peek outside.

"How about we go for a walk?" Sasuke suggested.

"Yes, yes!" Chika clapped her hands in excitement, eager to stretch her legs after being cooped up in the carriage.

Sasuke exited first and helped Chika down. Once she was on the ground, he waved to the four guardian ninjas.

"We're inside Konoha now. We don't need protection at the moment. You four can take a break if you'd like."

Though Sasuke addressed all four, his eyes lingered on Asuma.

"Ahaha, well, if you insist… I haven't been home in years. I could use a break," Asuma said, scratching his head, still embarrassed by the earlier commotion.

Chiriku, a fellow guardian ninja from the Fire Temple, also expressed interest in exploring Konoha after years away. Another ninja, Beigen, one of the "Four Thunderbolts" of the Twelve Ninja Guardians, accompanied them.

Only Hatsuka, the lone female guardian ninja, remained. Her duty was to stay close to the princess, and her serious demeanor made her less inclined to wander.

Sasuke said nothing more, taking Chika's hand and walking with her through the Uchiha district.

The clan's district was well-designed—wide roads, neatly aligned houses, and Uchiha emblems visible throughout. It wasn't as luxurious as the daimyo's palace, but in terms of ninja clan estates, it was unmatched.

However, the district was eerily quiet now, devoid of life.

"Brother Sasuke, I heard people say that… your clan…"

Chika trailed off, unsure how to continue.

Sasuke finished her sentence for her. "They all died, just a few days ago."

Chika looked up at him with concern. "I'm sorry, Brother Sasuke. I shouldn't have brought it up."

Sasuke smiled gently. "It's okay. It wasn't your fault, and I've already come to terms with it."

Chika nodded, but her face flushed slightly, touched by his calm demeanor.

After walking for a short while, they arrived at Sasuke's home.

"Come on, Chika, let's go inside," Sasuke said, smiling warmly.

"Okay!" Chika responded enthusiastically, following him.

The rest of the group stayed outside, taking up residence in the surrounding empty houses. Since the Uchiha clan's homes were vacant, there was no shortage of places to stay.

The convoy's carriages were unloaded into a nearby yard, where the goods would be sorted later. The maids followed Hatsuka inside to assist the princess.

Some maids started cleaning, while others prepared water for baths. Hatsuka, as usual, inspected the house for hidden traps.

Sasuke, meanwhile, gave Chika a tour of his home, sharing memories from his childhood that made her giggle.

Dinner was prepared by the maids, and the meal was delicious. Afterward, the little princess began to feel sleepy. After taking a bath, she changed into her pajamas and prepared for bed.

Sasuke was about to wash up when a knock sounded at the door.

He opened it to find the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, standing outside.

The Hokage had removed his official robes and wore casual clothes, holding his pipe. He looked just like any other elderly villager enjoying a peaceful evening.

(End of this chapter).