The Change

Porus was so happy that in his first fight, he became rich. With this money, he wanted to develop these lands. Yes, in his opinion, his father's way of doing things is not correct. Instead of depending on others, why not do what we are great at?

To travel through the sky-high mountains, it will take at least 6 or 7 months. That's why no merchant will come to this place. If a route has been built to the outside world, then they will have so many choices to get rid of this food crisis. They have everything - minerals, ores - they only lack food and an environment for cultivation.

He has future knowledge but doesn't have any experience. He doesn't know if his decisions will be perfect. If his plan failed this time, then all his guards would have been dead now. Consequently, they lost trust in him. Therefore, he has to think before doing anything.

In this world, he only knows his father and his uncle Thomas. He hasn't even seen his brother. So, he has to make friends. But first, he needs to build a route and gain the power to control all the banished land. He needs to get rid of those opposition parties and also gain the trust of the people. Without the support of the people, he cannot do anything.

Next morning, he toured the entire city. He saw numerous thatched houses and many people living under trees or in tents. The snow was falling, but they were enduring the cold. However, his father only cared about the fact that food was the main issue. Many people were dying from the cold and living on the streets, under stress.

Now he understands why people don't like his father because he never came to see their conditions. He blindly believed in these local tyrants. Now the west region is under my control. I have to change these people.

The church has many houses for their guests and higher-ups. There are a total of 100 houses, and each house can accommodate 6 families temporarily. Once winter is over, he will find a way to construct new houses. The deceased subordinate's houses are suitable for his guards.

He walked all the streets. So many people saw him. Their interest was piqued and they wanted to know who this young man would be. Jom is one of them; he is a 16 Year-old orphan. He asked his friend, Sam, "Who is that fellow? Why is he walking all over the city? He doesn't have work.

Sam is also confused and said, maybe he has eaten so much that he is walking to aid digestion. These rich fellows are strange.

Jom became envious of him. Maybe my life is like that. I was followed by so many guards. I give orders and they do it. What a life.

Sam becomes angry and said, all you do is dream if you can't find work their will be no food. So, first, find work to do. I heard that there is work in the mines. Can we go?

jom irritated by his words. I don't want to work in mines. I want to work in cattle rearing," he said and left. Sam also followed him.

Porus walked all over the city and learned about the conditions of people living here. There are so many poor people who are slaves under the church and subordinate king families. They work in mines, cattle rearing, carrying feces buckets, and delivering water from rivers.the city was covered In bad smell of was thrown beside mud road.

The next day, Porous ordered Thomas to issue a notice stating that from today onwards, there will be no slaves. Instead, they will be referred to as people who can work and earn their own food. For those who do not have shelters, they can stay in church houses during the winter. The king will provide food for those who are old, children, or disabled and people who are unable to work. This will take place at the City Square area.

The next day, the guards pasted notices in all the places where the crowd gathered. Early in the morning, people started gathering outside to do their work. They all surrounded a wall and looked at the poster, but no one knew how to read. At that moment, Jom went there to see why so many had gathered.

Jom entered the crowd and looked at the notice. One old man looked at Jom and said, "Hey Jom, you know how to read, right? Can you read what was written on the wall?

Jom looked at the notice and started reading it. As per the orders of the new king, Sir Porus, there will be no slaves from today onwards. Everyone can work and earn their food. For those who are old, children, and disabled and people unable to work, the king will provide daily food. Additionally, those who are living on the roadside and in thatched huts can stay in church houses during this winter. Your king, Sir Porus.

Jom was shocked after reading it. All the people surrounding him were shocked. Some people's eyes became red. They had never seen such a good thing in their lives. Also, some people were shocked to find out that they had a new king called Sir Porus. They would never forget this name. Jom's eyes became red. His parents were slaves and they died due to a mine fall. But no one cared about them. If this king had come two years earlier, his parents would have been safe and could have lived with him.still he was happy for Sam now his parents are no longer slaves.

This notice was issued not only in this city but also in two other cities, 27 towns, and all villages in the west region. Only in one day did they all come to know about their new king, Sir Porus.

Porus won their hearts with this single notice. He ordered Thomas to start making porridge and distribute it to the old, young, and disabled people daily. He also ordered him to celebrate their first victory and prepare chicken and sheep meat dishes for the soldiers to celebrate.