The First Step- Agriculture

Today, on March 4th, Porus asked Thomas to recruit literate people. They will be assigned to conduct a population census, while the rest will be responsible for supervising the mines.

Winter was over, so Alvin asked William and Adam to make ploughs, which are farming tools used to plough lands. He gave them a model and asked them to make at least 30,000 of them. Since both a blacksmith and a carpenter were needed to make the ploughs, he asked them to share the work.

The Blacksmith guild already has 2500 junior and senior blacksmiths. The carpenters guild has more than 30 thousand members. So, it will be easy. In his design, there was a plough attached in the middle of two oxen.

Adam liked the design and heard that it's working, so his work is interesting. Then, he became even more interested in future works.

He gave Adam the power as the head of the Mines and Mineral Department. He will be responsible for ore and mineral deposits. He has the right to use ores for all government works and is also responsible for detailed mining reports.

Adam was happy with his position. Blacksmiths yearn for ores, as without them, they can't do anything. Now he has two responsibilities: one as the head of the Blacksmith Guild and the other as the head of the Mine Department.

Now he has turmeric and sugarcane seeds, so he wants to start cultivating them. Within 3 months, he will get more seeds once they grow.

He felt that being a king was easy, only giving orders. But now he understands that he has to think about overall development. He can't only think in one direction. The central region has 15 ore mines, including 3 iron mines, 2 aluminum mines, 3 silver mines, 2 rock salt mines, 4 coal mines, and 1 limestone mine.

Porus's head ached from knowing all these numbers and names. He always stayed alone and never joined a group. But now that he was King, he had to talk to so many people daily for hours.

He started facing so many challenges, first of all, the population. There are millions of people. At the beginning, it will be hard to provide work and food for millions of people. Next, he has so many mines and minerals, and they may increase once the remaining three zones are captured. There are still millions of tons of every type of ore stored in the storehouses. He doesn't know how to use all these ores. Next, agriculture will take 3 or 4 years to develop. He has lands but not crops. And construction is the only way to proceed Crops and construction are the only ways to provide work for many people at a time. For that, they need cement. So, first, they develop blacksmiths who will help with machinery in all industries.

He wants to find different types of food plants in the forest with the help of an aircraft. He can travel from one place to the forest in an hour. So, he decided to complete the search in the northwest direction. On March 5th, Adam delivered 500 ploughs. The next day, Adam decided to go to the forest.

.He walked and walked, but found nothing on the first day. He returned to the capital. The next day, he went early in the morning and reached sunrise. He started searching from where he had stopped the day before. He found wild garlic with a nice smell and large size. He also found a few cinnamon trees, totaling seven. He found black pepper and flower plants called dianthus (pink). These flower plants are beautiful. There are a total of 300 to 400 plants, which he stored on the aircraft. He continued walking forward and found wild banana trees, totaling 650 trees and 800 small plants.he uprooted them carefully.

He traveled 5 rounds from the forest to the capital. Banana trees were ready to be planted. Previously, he collected 300 trees, and now he has a total of 1200 trees. Adam has already delivered 500 ploughs. He recruited 5000 people and taught them how to plough the lands. They learned quickly, and with 500 ploughs, nearly 2000 acres were ploughed. He planted 1500 banana trees in 3 acres because they are not plants. They are being cultivated for plants, not for bananas.

And the next day, 11 acres of sugarcane were planted, and another 5 acres of turmeric were planted. Additionally, 300 palm trees were planted in 3 acres. Sunflower plants were also planted in one acre.

For garlic, he has to wait for it to dry. On 8th March, Porus found jackfruit, wildberries (strawberry, blackberry, gooseberry, raspberry, jamun), and avocado. He had so many trees. Porus felt happy as he transplanted the trees in a total of 100 acres. Now he has a wide variety of fruits and spices.

on 12 th March north west Direction was completed he reached skyhigh mountain in northwest side.he found sweet potatos and some types of beetroot plants ,different nuts ,custardapple trees and also found 2000 sugarcane plants and 600 oranges.300 grape plants .chives. he stopped his journey today he transplanted all these trees and plants.he cultived more than 600 acres around the capital.people never seen grenary in banished lands.not a single plant was grown in 100s of years but now he planted trees.People who are looking at the king's hard work feel sad, and when they look at trees and plants, their eyes become red. They never expected this day to come.

Porus wanted to cultivate church seeds, but he was not sure what they are useful for. Still, he sowed those seeds in 100 acres. If they are not edible, they will be used as cattle feed.

Everyone saw his hard work. In their hearts, the respect for the king has grown tremendously. They have never seen such a king abolish the slave system and provide food to everyone. The population census in the central region has been completed, with a total of 16 million people. The percentage of literate people is 60% and illiterate people is 40%. This was far better than the west region.

Orphans are only 10% of the population. Blacksmiths, carpenters, construction workers, and merchants were given this information, so they added them to their respective guilds.

Finally blacksmith became 6500 ,carpenters 80000 construction 200000,merchents 4500.