Phase - 1 Beggins

On July 1st, Irish and her subordinates, totaling 20,000 workers, started working on the road at .the sky-high mountains. William, Adam, Robert, Caleb, Clinton, Lucy, and John Cooper all came here to watch the road construction. They had heard about cement from His Highness many times, but it was the first time they were seeing it.

The first group of construction workers is subgrading the ground. It gives stability to the upper layers and ensures the durability of the road structure. The second group of construction workers is sub-basing on the subgraded ground with crushed stones and sand. The third group of workers is pouring the concrete slab made with a mixture of cement, aggregates, water, and variant calotropis pulp. It is the topmost layer and the main road. These concrete roads are unaffected by weather, temperature, and magic attacks due to their way of construction.

The road construction was happening very fast. They thought that it would take at least half a day, but in an hour, they had already completed more than 50 meters of road. They couldn't believe how fast it was. The construction was dried within an hour due to variant calotropis pulp. Porus felt even more wonderful. He thought these calotropis only had a magic absorbing effect, but now he found out that it easily absorbs the wetness of cement and dries the road even faster.

Porus ordered to pour water on the finished road so that it would absorb more water and become hard. As he expected, the road became even harder. Looking at this, everyone was surprised and walked on the finished road. They felt that their worldview had changed. It was smooth, black, thick, and beautiful. On the first day, they finished 15 kilometers of road. The next day, Irish subordinates divided into 14 groups and started working on different regions. Four groups will construct four highways, which are the main groups. And the remaining 10 groups will construct two-lane roads and single-lane roads in different regions. In this way, the road construction will be completed in 120 days, exactly 4 months. Their goal is to finish road transportation before November.

On July 3rd, Porus called Robert, Caleb, and Clinton and asked them to produce a big electric oven. He gave them the model and explained its working and the parts used. Once they heard that it would be used to cook food, they became energetic and decided to finish it as soon as possible. They have eaten so many delicacies from the palace, so they know how wonderful the food will be.

On July 6th, the planting of calotropis saplings in space was completed. Now, everyone was busy. He also decided to cultivate so that he can balance both aspects of life - development and power. Both are important. Without power, you can't protect the development of the country. Without development, it will be a waste, even if you have power.

He entered the space and started cultivating the secret skill of vine escape. He has been working hard on cultivating this skill whenever he has time, but always stops at the second stage. He still needs to learn two more stages in order to completely control the vines.

He continuously cultivated until July 17th. He finally completed the vine escape with perfection. The next power of this skill will depend on your power. If you are the Soul King, then no one will be able to stop you.

He went out of the space and walked around the palace, looking at the trees he had planted. They are now bearing fruits. He walked further and looked around. Everything was perfect, except for the absence of different flower plants. Currently, only jasmine and dianthus pink are present.

Once the road construction is over, he will travel around the earth to collect flower seeds and then sow them on the divider. It will be beautiful. Thinking about what he has to do, Porus becomes happy once again. He needs to meet the soldiers for cultivator training, so he went to the training ground. James is already waiting for his arrival. Once he saw Porus, he became very happy. After wishing him, he gave him a list of warrior soldiers and soul cultivators.In a total of 5000 soldiers, 3500 of them are chosen to be warriors. The remaining 1500 choose to be elementals.

Porus gave 3500 body strengthing pills and blood cleansing pills.and told him that next month who will reach top 300 will get marrow cleansing pills.and top 30 will get bone construction pills.

Once James heard this, he became so happy. His soldiers now have a chance to become future powerhouses. He distributed the pills to warrior soldiers and sent them to training by telling them his highness' words. Once they heard about the top 300, they became motivated.

Looking at the warrior soldiers getting so many resources, soul cultivators felt jealous and envious. Porus looked at 1500 soul cultivators and gave them 1500 soul tempering pills. He told them that after a month, whoever reaches soul apprentice first will get marrow cleansing pills. He also mentioned that he will check their affinity element and distribute cultivation manuals. Hearing this, everyone became so happy. They also received marrow cleansing pills, which motivated them.

It has been 18 days since the beginning of road construction, so he decided to check the progress. He went to the west region. The road was completed from Skyhigh Mountain to the middle of the Green Star Forest, totaling 250 kilometers. On the other sides, 1/4 of the highway was completed. Looking at this speed, Porus became so happy and he checked the two-lane roads, which were also half completed. He returned to his palace and looked around, and suddenly his interest went to books. He realized that he needed to translate books so that when schools opened, the books would be ready.

He started translating elementary school books from Earth. He also thought of asking Robert to make a typewriter, but it was still too early. He was already busy, so he stopped. He continuously translated books daily. On July 25th, he translated all the elementary books from 1st to 5th class. He decided to start schools after this winter.