Mithril Ore

Porus returned to his palace on September 28th. John had been waiting for him since he arrived here.

John told him about everything that had happened in White Peacock Nation and gave him the ore sample.

Porus immediately stood up and was shocked to find this ore. This was the legendary mithril. He had learned about mithril in the Lord of the Rings movies.

After coming here, he also read about it in books. In this world, this ore is used to make weapons. He told John that it was mithril ore, the lightest and toughest metal. It can be used to produce armor and weapons. And he is ready to purchase this ore with his family.

John became so happy upon hearing about this. He thanked Porus and gave him all the products.

Porus told him to return to the white peacock nation within a week.

Porus told him to wait for 6 months, and we will start producing our products. You can pack strawberries, sugarcane, and grapes for now. Do not disclose our fruits and vegetables to the outside world. John readily accepted and left.

Porus had breakfast and was about to enter his study when Robert came to give him some good news. The first piece of good news was that three cement factory machineries were ready. Once the factories were constructed, they would install everything. The other good news was that he had made a big oven and the glass production machinery was completed. They were now waiting for the factories to be constructed.

Porus gave the design of a brick kiln machine that will work with electricity. He asked him to construct it as soon as possible. Robert accepted his request and left. Porus started translating the remaining books he needs to complete translating all the books so that they can study on their own.

On October first, John went to White Peacock Nation with James, Jom, and Sam, along with two other soldiers. It was their first time traveling by aircraft, but they did not show any childishness. They are soul masters now. They have completely changed from being childish Jom and Sam to mature and manly Jom and Sam.

They looked like dignified cultivators. They reached the White Peacock Nation on 2nd October. Justin received them with a warm welcome.

John told his father the good news that the ore is mithril ore. Once they heard this, they got so excited, and their bodies were shaking with happiness. It is a costly ore.

Looking at his family's expressions, he told his father, "His Highness, is ready to purchase mithril ore at your price." He also warned that it would bring disaster if they told outsiders. If the church people find out about this, they will try to obtain the ore because light magicians have high compatibility with mithril weapons.

So he told you to sell him the fixed amount of ore and store remaining ore for future use for yourself or you can sell all the ore to him he can provide mithril weapons and armor once they are made.

Johnson readily accepted to sell all the ore to Porus because they knew what disaster it would bring once it got leaked out.

Justin and other family members readily accepted it. John asked him about aircraft. Justin showed him the aircraft in the backyard. There are a total of 6 aircraft: 4 are small, only two persons can travel on them, and the other two are big ones like the aircraft that John traveled on here.

Justin also said that Ryder's spirit treasure house manager showed interest in meeting the buyer, but John rejected his request.

James and the other soldiers left on aircraft to the banished lands. Only John remained here with a small aircraft for himself. His father also gave him the remaining 1.5 million money.

John told him to keep it as an ore deposit. They learned about the purchase price of raw mithril in the market, which is 10,000 gold for 10 kg. However, since they are dealing with ore, they cannot guess how much mithril will be extracted. Therefore, they decided to sell 100 kg for 10,000 gold coins. This means that for 1.5 million gold coins, they will provide 15,000 kg of ore.

He also collected 6 million tons of rubber fruit. Justin also gave him some memory crystals and bird feathers.

Justin was so happy. In just one month, he earned 1.5 million. Johnson was also happy. Elisa asked him about the products.

John looked at her and said, "Mom, we are fully busy now with road construction. It will be completed in three days, and then they will start the construction of the city wall, which will take 3 months. After that, phase 1 will be completed. In phase 2, there will be many industries, so you will have to wait for 6 months. The king told me to bring you fruits so that you can taste them.

John took out all colorful fruits: grapes, oranges, guava, strawberries, blueberries, raspberries, cherries, sugarcane, almonds, and a few more fruits.

Looking at the many types of colorful fruits, they felt marvelous and started tasting the fruits one by one. Every fruit was sweet and had a different taste, but they were all delicious. Justin fell in love with cherries and grapes; he loved them. Looking at the abundance of fruits, they started imagining the kingdom that produces so many fruits. It is definitely filled with fruit trees.

Just asked about the population of his country. In return, John told him it is 95 million.

Once they heard this number, they became silent. The White Peacock Nation has only 5 million people. Even the entire Divine Nation combined, they have 300 million, but not even a single kingdom has exceeded 6 million. Even the Divine Kingdom did not have more than 5 million people.

How can a single person handle 95 million people? Now they have shown great respect for Porus, who is building a kingdom for 95 million people.

Johnson felt an urge to go to that place and meet the king. They wanted to become the first allied nation for that country.

Elisa also decided to go and inform her father. Because of this king, they earned so much money and were also happy from the day the King entered their son's life.

They ate all the fruits and were surprised by how sweet the sugarcane was, even sweeter than their honey.

Looking at their expressions, John told them, "These are raw materials. Once our food products are finished, you will love them.