New Year Gifts - 1

Then he took purple wine. It was so cool, delicate, sweet, and rich. Once you drink it, you will never forget these sensations. He gave purple wine a rating of 10/10, red wine 9.5/10, and blue wine 8/10. Its taste is beautiful, but he doesn't like its heating sensation. He prefers cool drinks

He decided to announce this new year as a national holiday and festival. In this new year, he decided to give a dry fruit pack that contains 8 types of dry fruits, a bread bag that contains 5 types of soft bread with spirit honey flavor, dry fruits mixed bread, berries flavor, pineapple flavor, and vanilla flavor, and a two-month bonus.

He also decided to send gifts to his alliance kings. He made 5 glass containers and 10 wine glasses, with each wine having 30 bottles (90 bottles). He also included a packet of dried fruits, which contains one kg of almonds, cashew nuts, pistachios, raisins, dried berries, dried figs, walnuts, and chestnuts. Additionally, he included a biscuit packet and a big bread bag, which contains 50 of each type of bread. He also added a few notebooks and pens. potato chips packet. The packet contains 1 kilo of potato chips with salty and spicy flavors. If we only send sweets, they may not like them, so we added potato chips.This will be great.This package will be sent to ministers, as well as the alliance kings of the White Peacock Nation and the West Sun Nation. Additionally, he has decided to send the Spirit Treasure House manager, who gave him a 14 million discount.

The next day, Porus declared a new year's day festival. He also announced that there would be a bonus and a holiday every new year. Posters were pasted all over the kingdom. Additionally, he explained why we should celebrate New Year's Day. He mentioned that local fruit markets would open during this new year festival, and grocery shops would also open in every town and city, available daily. Upon hearing this, everyone became happy.

People still don't know what they are going to sell, but once they know, they will be shocked. He was selling salt, rice, wheat flour, corn flour, biscuits, bread, vegetable oil, chili powder, spices, and eggs next to the grocery shop. Beside the chicken shop, you can buy chicken. Besides the chicken shop, there are fruit stalls and a vegetable stall.

The west wall has been completed, and the main city walls of the other four regions have also been completed. Only the capital city wall is currently under construction, and it will be finished in 10 days.

Looking at the long and high west wall, everyone feels protected. For the first time, they feel very secure. People from all regions have started coming to the west city to watch the west wall. They feel very happy watching it and are also pleased with the roads.

Looking at everyone, one was coming to watch the west wall. He decided to make it attractive, so he decided to stick glasses at the west gate. It will look good and high class. On December 18th, the capital city wall was also completed. Due to the successful completion of phase 1, he arranged a party but did not introduce wine. It will be a New Year surprise.

The party congratulated Iris and her subordinates. He declared that Phase 2 will be made after the new year, and Phase 2 will begin after one month of training.

And then he gave holidays for everyone until December 31st. They have to come to the December 31st party.

Suddenly, he thought of soldiers. Without them, it will be hard. So, for 5996 soldiers, he emptied another 6 barrels and filled each wine bottle. Each soldier will get 3 bottles, a bag of dry fruits, a bag of bread, a bag of chips, 3 notebooks, and 3 pens.

As for the senior 996 soldiers, 4 died in the Sage David attack. He will give 10 gold coins and the remaining soldiers will receive the same. On December 21st, Porus sent John with gifts to the White Peacock Nation, the West Sun Nation, and the Spirit Treasure House manager.

John became very excited. He didn't know what was inside the bags and boxes, but they would definitely be valuable. He reached the White Peacock Nation on December 22nd. Looking at John's return, Justin thought that he came for winter lilies, so he ordered his soldiers to pick up the lilies.

John asked all the family members to come. All of them looked at him confused. Johnson also didn't know what he was going to say, so he was a little tense. Looking at John's expression, he was serious, so everyone felt that something was wrong. Just also felt that.

Once everyone came, John looked at them and said, "His Highness King Porus wishes King Justin a happy new year." I wish you and your family members a happy new year in advance. I wish this new year will bring our cooperation to new heights. In order to show my sincerity, I have sent you New Year gifts. I hope this will become a tradition in the future. And once again, happy new year.

After hearing this, everyone fell silent. They had never had any celebration. Hearing his heartfelt wishes, they all felt something in their hearts.

John took out a big box from the storage ring and found many packets. Looking at such a big box and so many gifts, they felt emotional. John never expected Porus to send so many gifts.

Justin became excited, and his hands were shaking as he opened the first big packet. It turned out to be a packet of dried fruits.

John explained to father that these are dried fruits, which are very beneficial to health. In order to maintain good health, His Highness sent eight types of dried fruits.

They never seen dry fruits. Justin smiled and take another big packet. He opened it and inside there are breads. Looking at them, John said, "Father, there are breads made in our bakery. They are very delicious and sweet." They tasted a little bit of all 5 types of breads and loved it. Justin opened the next packet and they were biscuits. So they tasted them and were surprised. They were crisp and sweet.

Justin opened the next packet, which contained potato chips. John had never seen them before, so he took a few and started eating. Upon seeing this, Elsa became angry. She grabbed the chip packet from Justin's hand, and everyone tasted them. The chips were spicy and salty, with a very different taste that they had never experienced before. However, they loved the spiciness. Everyone became excited as there were still many gifts left. Excitedly, Justin opened the next packet, which contained 50 notebooks and 50 pens. John smiled and said, "These are the notebooks and pens.