Philippe Wants To Kill Me

Alita stared in amazement at her uninjured finger. "How did you do this? Even the best physicians cannot heal an injury this fast." She narrowed her eyes at Bowen in suspicion, "Are you a sorcerer? Or a mage?"

Bowen gave her a half-smile. "I am neither a sorcerer or a mage, I have healing compounds in my saliva and also in my blood, basically in every of my bodily liquid apart from my sweat."

Alita's curiosity deepened. "What about your injuries? Can't you heal them with your bodily liquids?"

Bowen shook his head. "Your injury was a light one. Mine is much more severe, it can't be healed just like that."

Alita glanced at his wound, guilt evident in her eyes. "I am very sorry."

"You wouldn't have known," Bowen said, his tone softening. He noticed the arrow on the floor and picked it up, examining it closely. "Is this not one of the royal arrows?"

The arrow bore a noticeable marking of the Purplesbane flower, a distinct emblem of the royal family.

Alita's face went pale. "My father was already with me before the incident, leaving Philippe, who is suspiciously absent." She gasped, the realization hitting her. "Do you think he wants to kill me?"

Bowen's eyes darkened. If Philippe was the same fool who had disrespected her earlier, he was an even bigger idiot for thinking he could harm the princess so easily. "We need to report this to your father."

Alita took the arrow from Bowen, her expression hardening. "My father should know what a two-faced bastard that man is. Effing fool!"

Bowen couldn't help but smile. He had never heard a princess swear before; they were usually so formal and polite.

Alita gasped and pressed a hand to her lips in embarrassment. "I'm sorry."

Bowen shook his head. "We should report this to your father now."

Alita looked at Bowen's injury. "What about your injury? We can't have you looking like this." She picked up a red cloth and tied it around the wound.

Bowen sucked in his breath, grateful he still had the strength to maintain his fairy form.

"All done," Alita said, flashing him a small smile. "Now we can go."

They stepped out of the tent and saw King Aric staring at the horizon, waiting for Lord Philippe. He had already sent some guards to search for him.

"Father," Alita called out.

King Aric turned to look at her and then at Bowen. Despite the cloth covering his injury, the king could see that it had worsened.

"Do you intend to kill him instead of healing him?" the king asked, frustration evident in his voice. "You have enlarged the injury. I knew I shouldn't have left you with him. You can't manage yourself, let alone another person. What am I going to do with you?"

Alita colored in embarrassment. "Forgive me, my king. I thought I was adding disinfectant. I did not know it was the animal vaporizer."

The king gasped and turned to Bowen. "How are you alive, young lad?" Without waiting for Bowen to respond, he turned his attention to Alita, "You could have killed him! What were you thinking?"

Alita was at a loss for words, unable to defend herself.

"Sorry to interrupt you, Your Majesty, but I believe the princess wanted to show you something I feel is of the utmost concern right now," Bowen interjected, trying to sound formal and humble, but it was harder than he had imagined.

The king looked at Bowen thoughtfully. According to royal etiquette, a guard must not interfere when the royals were having a conversation. He was going to deal with Bowen later but for now he had to listen to what his daughter had to tell him.

Finally, the king said, "What do you have to show me, Princess?"

Alita cleared her throat, her voice steady despite her nerves. "He has been acting suspiciously, and his absence now only confirms my fears. Father, I believe Philippe is trying to kill me."

King Aric's expression shifted from irritation to shock. "What do you mean, Alita?"

She showed him the arrow. "This is one of the royal arrows, marked with the Purplesbane flower. Philippe is the only one who was not accounted for before the incident."

The king examined the arrow closely in Alita's grip, his brow furrowing in thoughts. "Are you certain of this?"