Her Father's Betrayal

Nadir dashed into Alita's room, her breath coming in ragged gasps. She rushed to the bed where Alita was sleeping peacefully. "Awake, my princess," Nadir said urgently, tapping Alita on her arm.

Alita stirred, blinking as she registered the urgency on Nadir's face. "What is it, Nadir?" she asked, her voice still heavy with sleep.

"It is Maya, my princess," Nadir replied, her eyes wide with fear. "The king and some guards are with Maya as we speak. I think they are planning to do something bad to your mare, my princess."

Alita's heart skipped a beat. Her ears bulged out in fear, and she stood up from the bed in a single, swift motion. Without wasting another moment, she raced out of her room, Nadir trailing behind her, her mind racing with possibilities.

When they reached the stable grounds, Alita saw her father, King Aric, standing next to Maya, petting her head gently. Maya, her beloved mare, stood there, unaware of the looming danger.

King Aric looked up and saw Alita approaching. With a grand gesture, he said, "Let's welcome my beloved daughter, the princess of our kingdom. A round of applause for her."

The guards and attendants began clapping, but Alita narrowed her eyes, her gaze fixed on her father. "Step away from her," she commanded, her voice steady despite the fear swirling inside her. As she moved forward, one of her father's guards stepped in front of her, placing a sword at her throat.

Alita gulped back in surprise, feeling the cold steel against her skin. "Stand down, guard," she said, her voice firm. "This is between the king and me."

The guard refused to move, his grip on the sword unwavering. Alita's anger flared. "Have you no sense of recognition? Have you forgotten your place? Stand down, guard."

King Aric laughed, a cold, mirthless sound. "You have grown wings even when you are wingless," he said, his eyes gleaming with a mixture of pride and disdain. "You embarrassed me in the presence of the fairybugs. I am your father, but I am also the king, and everyone, including you, is under my rule."

Alita said, "I did not forget that, Father. I respect and adore you."

King Aric's face hardened. "No, you don't. If you did, you wouldn't have disrespected me in the presence of the fairybugs."

"Father, I did not disrespect you," Alita protested. "I only wish for you to stop trying to force Philippe on me. Philippe is not what he claims to be. He is two-faced. He behaves like he adores me only when you are present. In your absence, he is mean."

King Aric's eyes narrowed. "Is that so? Why do I feel like you are making up such stories to avoid marrying Philippe? Marrying Philippe is not a choice, my dear, but a duty."

Alita's voice trembled as she said, "I am not going to marry Philippe."

"It is high time you learn to know your own place, Alita. Kill the horse," King Aric commanded, his voice cold and unyielding.

"No!" Alita cried, moving forward, but the guard's sword was still placed at her neck. She could do nothing as her precious mare, Maya, was cut down by two guards. Her heart shattered as she saw the cruelty in her father's eyes.

King Aric's expression remained impassive. "You refuse to surrender, no? Get me the princess's favorite maid."

One of the guards grabbed Nadir by the arm. Nadir was crying, struggling against the guard's grip. The king's voice was merciless as he ordered, "Kill her."

The guard raised his sword, ready to strike. Alita's hands tightened into fists, tears threatened to fall from her eyes, but she held them back. "I shall marry Philippe," she said, her voice breaking. "Let her go."

King Aric smiled, a twisted, cruel smile. "Let the maid go," he ordered. Then, turning back to Alita, he added, "But don't think of running away, dear. If you do, I will kill Nadir, and I will kill every single person you have ever smiled at. I will torture you, and finally, I will kill you."

Alita's spirit felt crushed, but she stood tall. "You don't need to worry, Father. I will go through with everything. You have my word."

With a dismissive wave of his hand, King Aric signaled the guards to release Nadir. Alita watched as Nadir stumbled to her feet, her eyes wide with terror and relief. Alita's heart ached seeing her loyal maid and friend in such distress, but she knew she had no choice now. She had to protect her, even if it meant sacrificing her own happiness.

"Take her back to her chambers," King Aric commanded the guards. "And prepare for the engagement, my child. It will happen at dawn."

As the guards escorted Alita and Nadir back to the palace, Alita's mind raced. Her resolve hardened. She would not let her father break her spirit.

Back in her chambers, Alita sat on the edge of her bed, her heart heavy with sorrow. Nadir knelt beside her, tears streaming down her face. "My princess, I am so sorry," she whispered.

Alita placed a hand on Nadir's shoulder, trying to offer some comfort. "It's not your fault, Nadir. We will find a way out of this. I promise you."

Nadir nodded, her eyes filled with hope and fear. "What will you do, my princess?"

Alita's gaze hardened. "I will marry Philippe as the king had requested, that is the only way.