Return to the Palace

Bowen approached the grand entrance of the palace. As he stepped into the area, his heart ached to see Alita.

Just as he was about to proceed further, a figure came out from the shadows of a column. Collias, with his hawk-like eyes and a scowl on his face blocked Bowen's path.

"Well, well, well! Look who we have here," Collias sneered, his voice dripping with sarcasm.

Bowen met Collias's gaze evenly, recognizing the disdain in the other male's eyes. Yet, he refused to let Collias see any hesitation.

Instead, Bowen mustered a smile."Yes, I am here," Bowen replied smoothly. "Alive and ready to take on my duties."

Collias's lip curled in a slight snarl, but before he could retort, the sound of approaching footsteps diverted their attention. Periwinkle emerged from his quarters, his face lighting up with genuine delight upon seeing Bowen.

"Bowen, my boy!" Periwinkle exclaimed, his voice warm and welcoming. "It is so good to see you. Did you know I went to the temple to pray for you?"

Bowen's smile softened as he acknowledged Periwinkle. The hypnotic spell Bowen had cast on Periwinkle had clearly not faded, it made Bowen relieved.

"I am honored, sir," Bowen said.

Periwinkle beamed at him, his eyes twinkling with fatherly pride. "You are in good shape, I presume?"

"Yes, sir," Bowen replied with a respectful nod.

"Excellent. Change and report to the princess; she must be looking forward to your arrival."

Bowen's smile broadened, the thought of the princess bringing a flutter of excitement to his chest. The princess! He couldn't wait to see her beautiful face, to bask in the warmth of her presence.

In his chambers, Bowen quickly changed into his formal attire.

Bowen moved through the corridors of the palace, seeking the princess's chambers. He stopped a maid who directed him further down the hall, where the double doors of Princess Alita's room stood closed. Steeling himself, he knocked gently, then entered upon hearing a soft invitation.

Princess Alita lay upon her bed, her engagement with Philippe having rendered her a recluse for the past week. Her once-bright eyes now seemed dulled by sorrow, her delicate features drawn in a perpetual frown.

Bowen bowed deeply. "My princess."

Alita turned her gaze toward him, her expression lifting slightly with recognition. "Ah! It is you. It has just been a week, and you are back in the palace. Are you sure you are healed?"

"Yes," Bowen replied, straightening. "I was already well, but I had to stay back to settle some issues."

Alita's brow furrowed. "Issues like what?"

"I lost a close friend," Bowen said, his voice lowering. "Rektar was his name."

Alita's eyes softened. "That is so sad. I am sure he was a good person."

Bowen nodded. "He was a loyal friend. Fortunately, the culprit was captured and punished accordingly."

Alita gasped, her hand flying to her mouth. "He was murdered?"

Bowen silently cursed her innocence, masking his true thoughts with a mournful expression. "Yes, he was murdered." He watched her face grow stricken and added softly, "It is fine. His death has been avenged, and he was laid to rest two days ago."

Alita sighed, her sadness deepening. "It must have been hard on you."

Bowen shook his head slightly. "No, it is worse for his beloved and their offspring."

Alita's eyes sharpened. "Beloved? What is that?"

Bowen took a deep breath, forcing a gentle smile. "I meant his mate."

Alita's brow furrowed in confusion. "He must have been so young, seeing that he was your close friend."

Bowen almost laughed aloud at her innocence. Rektar had been over three hundred years old, much older than her father. How charmingly oblivious she was to the world beyond the palace walls. Bowen nodded solemnly. "Yes, he was quite young."

Alita's face softened with sympathy. "It must be hard losing someone so close."

"It is," Bowen agreed. "So, is there any place you wish to go or visit?"

Alita frowned and turned her gaze away. "I want to sleep."

Bowen's smile widened, but his eyes remained calculating. "Perhaps a visit to the gardens would lift your spirits?"

Her frown deepened. "Maybe you should go away."

Undeterred, Bowen took a step closer. "What if I read for you? Many people have complimented me on my reading voice."

Alita looked at him, her curiosity piqued. "You can read?"

The question caught Bowen off guard. He had expected resistance, but not this. Recovering quickly, he replied, "Rektar taught me how to read."

Alita sighed wistfully. "He sounds like an angel."

Bowen had to stifle a snort. Rektar, an angel? The very idea was absurd. The man had been a demon in every sense, his life marked by bloodshed and vengeance. "Yes, he was a good teacher," Bowen said, his voice steady.

Bowen stood by the bookshelf, his eyes scanning the various titles. "Which book would you like me to read, princess?"

Alita, resting comfortably among her pillows lazily gestured toward the shelf. "Pick any one, Bowen. It doesn't matter."

He selected a book at random and began reading. His voice, rich and smooth filled the room, the words rolling off his tongue like a gentle stream.

Bowen glanced at Alita and noticed her eyes fluttering closed, her tense posture easing with each passing moment.

"Sit," Alita murmured, pointing to the empty chair beside her bed. "No need to stand."

Bowen nodded and settled into the chair, continuing to read. His voice washed over Alita and she found herself relaxing further, the stress of the past week slowly ebbing away. The story he read was a historical romance filled with knights, maids and courtly duties.

As Bowen read, his eyes caught on a particularly passionate passage. "And Annabelle reached up and kissed Lord Richmond hard on his red lips."

Alita's eyes snapped open in surprise, her gaze locking onto Bowen. Her cheeks flushed with a rosy hue, and she stared at him, her expression a mix of shock and curiosity.

Bowen tsked softly, shaking his head in mock disapproval. "How can a maid be so bold as to kiss her master on his lips? Does the maid expect her master to lie with her?"

Alita's blush deepened, her eyes wide with embarrassment. "Drop that one and read another book," she said quickly, trying to regain her composure.

Bowen smiled secretly, enjoying her reaction. "As the princess wishes," he said smoothly, closing the book and returning it to the shelf.

Bowen reached for the next book closest to him, flipping it open with a practiced ease. He began to read, his voice once again filling the room. As he read, he noticed Alita's eyelids growing heavy, her body relaxing into the soft embrace of her pillows.

Just as he sensed she was about to drift off, Bowen's voice took on a more intense tone. "My lord, I am coming hard, please harder, harder," the maid cried.

Alita's eyes flew open, her face a mask of shock and disbelief. She stared at Bowen, her cheeks flushing a deep shade of crimson.

Undeterred, Bowen continued, "And he raised her legs higher to give her a deeper penetration, and her eyes bulged out in pleasure as she..."

"That is enough!" Alita exclaimed, her voice higher than usual. A deep, purple blush spread across her face, her embarrassment palpable.

Alita shifted uncomfortably, fanning herself with her hand. "I think I need to get some fresh air. Are you not feeling the hotness in this place?"

Bowen hid a smirk, maintaining a composed demeanor. "I don't feel anything. Allow me to finish the book, my princess."

"No," Alita insisted, her voice tinged with desperation. "We should go out and get some fresh air and also drink some pollen juice. This room is too hot."

Bowen closed the book and stood up, bowing slightly. "As you wish, princess."

As they were about to leave, Alita turned to Bowen, her expression serious. "Don't ever tell anyone what happened in this room."

Bowen raised an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Tell anyone that Annabelle kissed Lord Richmond on his lips or that the maid told the lord to take her harder than she ever imagined or that..."

Alita's eyes widened in panic as she clasped a hand over Bowen's lips. "Shh! That is enough. Don't tell anyone."

Bowen nodded, his eyes twinkling with amusement. "My lips are sealed."

Satisfied, Alita removed her hand and led the way to the garden, Bowen following closely behind.