The First Teammate

*A voice giving the description*

"In this world, there are no countries. But there are all kinds of people; some are leaders, some are police, and some people are too nice for this world. But in this world, if there is light, then there's darkness too."



*10 people on 10 thrones talking to each other

The leaders of the world


In a deep voice "We need new leaders to control this world, as we are getting old day by day. You all know what I am talking about. Right team." A man on one of the thrones said: *Leader 1: Chris Walmor (Speciality: Intelligence)*


"Yes, I think I have to agree with him." *Leader 2: Bond Master (Speciality: Manipulation)*


"If you two are saying this, then maybe we should do this." *Leader 3: Dhruv Sharma. (Speciality: Martial artist)*


"Huh! Are you sure?" *Leader 4: Jasmine. (Speciality: Seducer)*


"Yeah, I think we are old, you know?" *The youngest leader, 5th Leader: Tom Smith. (Speciality: Hacker.)*


"You think so?" * The oldest leader. *Leader 6: Arata. (Speciality: super strength).*


"Then maybe we should start the selection; I am already 988 years old; I have only 12 years to live." *The 7th leader is Tony. (Speciality: The strategist) *


"I think we should start it because maybe Tom is just 886 years old, but look at Arata; he is 997." *Leader 8: Lisa. (Speciality: can fix or make any device.)*


*The 9th leader nods his head* *Leader 9: Karen (Speciality: luckiest man)*


"If you are all up for this, then I think we shall start the selection." *10th leader: Brooklyn (The Boss)*

"So everyone is okay if we start selection." *Brooklyn*


[Any leader's face is not shown.]



*Everyone nods and says yes.*

*Brooklyn* "Then let's start with the selection." *to his butler*


Everyone smiles

"Finally, time to have fun." *jasmine*

"Are you all excited for the selection?"

"YEAH!!!!" *Everyone on the thrones cheers*



*Suddenly, the blackness comes*

*The blackness fades, and a person opens the eyes slowly in the room full of people; he gets up and sees all around the room.*

*Calmly he reads the room and finds out all the people present there are not normal at all; everybody was short-tempered and was ready to fight at any time.*

*Someone* Leo!

*Name: Victorino Leopoldo

   Age: 22   

   Gender:   Male

   Height:   180 cm (5 ft 9 in)

   Weight: 75 kg

Handedness: Right 

Blood type: A+ *


Leo: Aah! Chris I am happy to see a familiar face in here.

*Name: Quique Cristopher

   Age: 21

   Gender: Male   

   Height: 178 cm (5 ft 8 in). 

   Weight: 74kg

Handedness: Right

Blood type: AB-*


Chris: So? What are we doing now?

Leo: "Well, why don't we first talk?"

*A loud scream comes*


*Both rushes towards the sound; there was a big crowd.*

Leo and Chris: Excuse me, *and went in front.*

*A strong big man was covered in a lot of blood, and the body of another dead man was there without the head on the ground.*

*Another man was lying there in fear*

The big man: Ah! Aaah! See, what have you done? You disturbed every person in the room. You should get the punishment too. Right, everyone?

Everybody: Yeah, kill him! kill him!


*The big man grabs his head and crushes it, spilling the blood everywhere.*

*After watching all this Leo in his mind* (This is not a normal place. Everybody here is dangerous.)



*A sudden voice comes into the room that is loud enough that everybody can hear it.* "Hello everyone! We are the 10 leaders of the world."

*Everyone in the room was surprised and panicked*

The voice is continuous: "Don't panic, everybody. Right now, you all are in a special building. You are in the world's largest building, "the Surghali." In each room, there are a total of 10,000 people. You will not find the exit, so don't even try. I am here to announce something: The selection is about to start, and you all are the candidates for the next generation of world leaders. The total number of participants is 72,994,825. You all will fight each other in the outside world when we set you free, so no one will kill anyone here because the result of that will be death. There is a chip installed in your heart that will burst your heart when you break a rule.


So, now I am going to explain the rules to you:

1. The selection will start on March 1, 2036, and today is February 18, 2036, so there will be no killing until then; if you break the rule, you will die.

2. You cannot kill any innocent person; you can only kill people present here. We have fixed a lens in your eyes that will create a green outline on a normal person and a red outline on the person present in the building so that you can distinguish.

3. You can create teams or work alone; you can do as you wish, but at last, you have to join the team that survived the selection. The minimum number of members in a team is 2, and the maximum is 10.

4. If anybody tries to attack their own team, they will be killed.

5. If any member of the team dies, the leader can choose another member anytime, but if the leader dies, the people in the team have to decide their new leader within 24 hours, or else the entire team will be killed.

6. Only snipers can use guns in their teams, as this is their specialty, but no other member will be allowed to use the guns.

7.You have to kill at least one person within 72 hours, either with your team or alone, or you will die.

So everyone, choose your leaders; otherwise, you will be acknowledged as a solo player, but in the future. You can get into a team now; if you wish, you have 15 minutes. Have a nice day."


*Everybody was silent until*

*Somebody in the room* AAAHH!

*Leo and Chris look at the guy who was screaming; it was the big guy who killed those other 2 guys.*

The big guy: AAAAAAAAH!

*And the next moment, his chest exploded, his heart came out, and he died.*

Leo: So this is the punishment for breaking the rules.

Leo: Let's go there.

Chris: Mm, hmm...

*After going to a place where not many people were present*

Leo: So? What do you say, Chris? Should we make a team?

Chris: You know what? That's exactly what I was going to ask you.

Leo: So please be my lead...

Chris: Nope.

Leo: Let me complete my f**king sentence.

Chris: You were going to ask me if I would be the leader or not, right?

*Leo agrees*

Chris: Then it is a no. Or should I say a big NO. Nobody is a better leader than you. Only a few minutes are left, so hurry and choose to be a leader.

Leo: Okay, but how?

* A virtual system appears in front of Leo's eyes*

System: Do you choose to be a leadee? Yes/No

Leo: Hey, can you see this?

Chris: Yes. I can see your f**king face. Now stop wasting time; there are only a few minutes left.

Leo: Alright! I choose yes.

System: Confirmed! Please choose your first teammate.

Leo: Quique Cristopher.

System: confirmation from a teammate... sending the message to the teammates

*The same virtual system appears in front of Chris's eyes.*

Surprised Chris in his mind: "Woah!" What's this?)

Chris's system: Victorino Leopoldo wants to be your leader.

Do you accept? Yes/No

Chris: Yes!

Leo's system: Congratulations! You have a teammate now.



The voice comes back: "Time's up, guys! Congratulations to all leaders, teammates, and solo players! Now we will send you back to your places, and we will send the teammates to their leader's places. Thanks everyone."

*A sleeping gas starts to flow, and everybody in the room falls asleep*

*Leo wakes up in his house and sees Chris on the sofa, still sleeping.

*He kicks him and wakes him up.*

Leo: Morning!


*Leo takes out the milk from the fridge and gets his phone.* Sorry.

Chris: you bastard!   you…..

Leo: Oh no! Today is February 27.

Chris: What?