Failed decryption

What sparked the rumors was an incident that occurred nearly five years ago. A kingdom in the far north of Kajar had a civil war and rumor had it that the Asyire Empire played a role in manipulating the people in the country until the civil war occurred. After the war and there was destruction to many of the kingdom's infrastructure and resources the kingdom needed help getting back on their feet.



 Suspiciously, the Asyire empire was the first to offer help and give them loans. The agreement they formed would mean that Asyire would have plenty of access to the kingdom's minerals and other resources to pay back the loan. Thus, Asyire avoided war completely and got what they wanted out of it.


 It is said that the Asyire empire wanted to avoid war and losing their men needlessly. A decade ago they used to aggressively wage wars in expansions of their empire but then they suddenly stopped. At first other nations thought they would But in reality, they had instead developed a new method to obtain what they wanted. A smart way to keep their hands clean while getting others to do their dirty work for them. Crown Prince Zayer is said to have been the one who instigated the civil war.

It's said he was a genius and it was due to him that the Asyire Empire established a very effective espionage and intelligence department. It's speculated they have very good moles and spies in every kingdom across the continent gathering intelligence for Asyire. But most notably what every kingdom was terrified and aware of was Asyire had developed an advanced method of sending and receiving secret encrypted documents that were impossible for other kingdoms to decrypt.


The atmosphere in the meeting room became tense as the 5 men feared Asyire could possibly be targeting them.

Malek was happy about his decision to have the Tanya be her chosen partner to entertain the prince when he arrived at the palace. Malek wouldn't want his precious Celeste to be intimidated or hurt by the crass and scary prince.


As he handed the letter back to Hardik. "I want this letter given back to the cryptographers," Ramer ordered maybe they

"Yes, Your Majesty," Hardik replied.


"What do you suggest we do about this situation?" The emperor asked the crown Prince who seemed out of it and was in a world of his own.


Malek suddenly looked at his father surprised by the sudden question.


"I'm not sure your Majesty," he answered.


"So you have time to change your Crown princess but you don't have time to do your actual duty?" he criticised the prince.


"But I don't know any more than you do," Malek tried to defend himself why was he bringing up Tanya? He thought to himself.


"It's not about having the answers but trying to show some interest and engagement in the situation. These are our citizens being affected. How can you help them?"


He did care he just didn't, Malek thought to himself.


"When will you step up and start showing you are an Emperor? I'm only getting older if I died tomorrow what would you do? I let you do what you want you can change your Crown Princess if you want but you have to be at the very least at least she does her job well. "


Why was he yelling at him in front of others it was embarrassing. Malek thought to himself. Malek balled his hands into fists at his father was always so critical of him whatever he did was never good enough for him. This wasn't the first time he talked about Tanya to him, He always had a way of mentioning her. Malek found it so annoying how he compared them to each other.


"Then why did you allow me to change her place since you like her so much?" Malek asked him.

Everyone else in the room awkwardly watched as the Father and son went at it.


"I chose her because I thought she would make a brilliant empress and I still do. However, she is not my partner she is yours. I will allow you to make your own choices. To test your ability of discernment which I'm starting to see you don't have,"


It's normal for an Emperor to have lovers. But the Empress is a very important position to be given


Malek internally rolled his eyes. It's not as if Celeste can't learn. Whilst Celeste is getting used to the nobility system and learning her Crown Princes duties. He would make use of Tanya in the meantime. He could make use of her since she was still his lover after all and she was obsessed with him. She would do anything for him. As annoying as she was, she had her uses.

As Malek and the Emperor glared at each other Hardik then spoke up.

"I suggest we tighten the security in the empire in case any other attacks occur. We


"Excellent," the emperor said as he looked at Hardik. "Which is what I wanted you to say," he said as he glared at Malek once more. Malek tried to keep from talking back to him.


"I want this carried out now," Emperor Ramer ordered.


"Yes Your Majesty," All four men responded.


"Hardik," the Emperor called out to him. "Your mother sends her greetings."


Hardik flinched at the mention of her name. "Does she?" He asked as if excited by this.


"You should see her sometime."


"I should thank you, Your Majesty." Malek awkwardly answered.


"You're all dismissed," the Emperor said.


All four men bowed and made to leave the room. The Crown Prince stood up to leave the room as well


"Crown Prince," Ramer called out to him.

Malek flinched and stopped in his tracks. "A word, please." The emperor continued.

The other men exited the room leaving Ramer and Malek alone. Malek let out a tired exhale and went toward him before kneeling in front of him


"Yes, Your Majesty," The prince said waiting for the emperor's next words.


 "Remember out of everyone it's extremely important that you present yourself very well in front of Prince Zayer since you are next in line for the throne. Show weakness and he'll easily know he can overpower you. Am I understood?"

"Yes, Your Majesty."