Early solvings and Connving plans

Tanya woke up the following morning with her head sleeping on the table in her room. As she lifted her head up she found she had barely slept solving the message all night. Once she was prepared for the day by the palace servants, she went to the army wing to finish of the official documents. She

Tanya was glad the encryption used was pretty much the same as the previous encryption.It made her work so much easier and decrypting it faster meant they now had more time to plan for the attack. They had two weeks in advance to prepare.

"Tanya you're here early he commented on how she'd arrived at the

"I'm done solving the message," Tanya told Hardik that morning .

"That was surprisingly fast," Hardik commented as he raised his eyebrows in suspicion. "Are you sure you solved it all just last night and this morning?"