Assumptions and prejudices

Tanya had lunch with Hardik and told him she was going to do some research before going back to the army wing. He agreed and they split up.

She had to look at this from a different angle if she wanted to solve this. She went to the scribing department to find out if there's anything they'd heard that might help. However, none of the scribes had decoded the letter yet nor had they had any idea of what encryption was being used.

By the time evening came Tanya still had made little to no progress. The pressure and anxiet was eating at her as sh feared they were running out of time. That evening she planned to stay up again but considered what had happened the previous night.


She went to the window of her bedroom. "Miguel are you there?" she asked sticking her head out.

A moment passed and she didn't hear anything. She almost thought no one was there. The sound of moving steps suddenly was heard. A figure appeared before jumping down from the roof.